New blogger on board


Hi there,

I’m Franziska Kunz and I’ve been a part of the Handelskraft team as a new blogger since April 2018. Together with Oli, Sara, and Nico, I explore digital trends to keep our content creation pipeline on track.

(8 vote(s), average: 4.50 out of 5)

Handelskraft Conference 2018: Mobilise. Digitise. Profit!

Source: dotSource
Credit: dotSource
The future of business is undoubtedly digital. At the Handelskraft Conference on the 20th of February 2018 in Munich, we want to mobilise retail, talk about real business and tell real stories about the digital reality and its challenges – with trends, best practices and new impulses.
Retailers and manufacturers must break new ground to assert themselves against the competition in the market: Business models must be adapted, strategies rethought, and technical platforms developed further.
No digital project has to follow a straight and narrow path – most of them are more reminiscent of an adventurous off-road track. In order to reach the checkpoints, you need the right equipment and knowledge. This is what we want to offer our participants at the Handelskraft Conference.
Furthermore, live simultaneous English translation will be available for our international guests for the first time!

(5 vote(s), average: 4.80 out of 5)

Welcome to the API economy! [5 Reading Tips]

PayPal is integrated into every online shop. It is ubiquitous and enables transactions to be driven from anywhere. The online shop just needs to integrate the PayPal API. The benefits are mutual. On the one hand, a popular and easy payment method is available for customers. On the other hand, an increase in PayPal’s brand awareness is achieved. Microsoft Translator APIs also enable businesses to add end-to-end, real-time, speech translations to their applications or services.
The possibility of integrating a third party’s APIs into a system, app or protocol helps companies to orientate their digital business towards a more customer-centric approach or even towards the creation of new business models. Why is the API economy on the rise?

(3 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

It is all about data! – Chief Data Officers are more influential [5 Lesetipps]

Recently the Spanish banking group BBVA announced the creation of a new top management position, Global Head of Data, “to promote the strategic use of data in all areas and businesses of the Group”. With this move BBVA intends to get a single customer view and, consequently, improve customer satisfaction.
The most remarkable fact here is that the Head of Data reports directly to the CEO, which means that this new role is growing in influence and importance. Thus, BBVA clearly wants to make the most of its data and become a “data-driven organisation”. But what are the main benefits of taking care of data quality? What other data-centric roles are going to flourish in 2017?

(2 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

Omnichannel projects, CRM and cloud services are at the top of IT priorities for 2017 [5 Reading Tips]

Retailers keep investing in new technologies to boost the digitalisation of their stores, respond to the challenges of an increasing omnichannel world, and to tailor every customer experience even more. In this context CRM systems and analytics solutions are gaining momentum, while the cloud seems to be the perfect place to store all the relevant data needed to run apps, websites, connected cameras and other internet-based services. But why are CRM systems and the cloud becoming so popular and crucial nowadays?

(3 vote(s), average: 3.67 out of 5)

Lack of digital skills – still a big barrier towards digital transformation [5 Reading Tips]

Quelle: Sergey Nivens - Fotolia
Quelle: Sergey Nivens – Fotolia
Digital transformation, change management, and agile methods are words that naturally come to mind when thinking about how organisations should face the challenges arising from innovation and digitalisation. Executives seem to know how critical these words are for the future possibilities of their companies but they are still static or just about to start preparing for new business models in the best case. And, what is more worrying, they forget that people are the key to master digital transformation, while technology and data are only enablers.

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What are the emerging tech trends? Gartner answers! [5 Reading Tips]

Source: Gartner
Source: Gartner
As every year, the information technology research company Gartner releases its “Hyper Cycle” in which the status of every technology trend is analysed. Have any of them already arrived to the productivity phase? Are any of the emerging technologies going to be adopted mainstream in less than two years? Have you already heard about the innovation triggers 4D Printing or Human Augmentation?

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3D printing on the way to consolidation [5 Reading Tips]

AA+W - Fotolia
AA+W – Fotolia
3D printing (3DP) is a term well known by the industry. It emerged strongly as a boom a few years ago when it seemed like 3DP was going to have the same big impact on our lives as the email had at the expense of letters. Even Deloitte stated in 2012 that 3DP was going to disrupt manufacturing. However, 3DP has left the foreground and enjoys an apparent stillness as it is not clear what its real potential is.

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IoT enhancing customer experience and sustainability [5 Reading Tips]


Internet of Things – short IoT – not only connects smart devices, it can help you optimizing your processes and improving resource utilization, as well. Providing a connected customer experience can also reduce costs, increase efficiency and promote collaboration. The use of physical assets equipped with sensors that transmit, process, and exchange data in real time is rapidly growing across all industries. IoT, as the central paradigm of digital transformation, has potential to redefine both, businesses and human lives.

(2 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

Beep beep automotive Industry, the digital disruption has arrived to stay! [5 Reading Tips]

Source: pexels
Source: pexels

Since cars became an intrinsic utility, the humanity has speculated with how the car of the future might look like. The K.I.T.T. prototype driven by Michael Knight in the famous 80s series Knight Rider already reflected that future cars would be above all very smart. 30 years later, the emergence of Uber, the socialization of mobile devices and the development of high technology such as cloud computing, big data and Internet of Things (IoT) are making the present cars increasingly intelligent, and in a very near future more autonomous, hyper connected and social.

This new scenario addresses big changes that threat to disrupt the whole automotive industry and even dependent markets. All participants across the automotive industry value chain need to be mindful of the speed and dramatic transformation experienced in other industries. The old-school engineering excellence focusing on car handling, safety and data-sheet figures will be not enough this time to overcome the new challenges posed by the digital age. Therefore, it is important for all participants to step on the accelerator towards digital transformation if they don’t want to lag behind.

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