Deepfakes – AI Simulates Real People [5 Reading Tips]

Deepfakes simulate real people
Source: Pexels

For years, artificial intelligence has been increasingly influencing our everyday life, but also the economy, politics and science – as chatbots in customer service, GPS assistants or characters in video games.

AI can be used in many different ways and offers us new innovative solutions to problems in the most diverse areas. However, deepfakes show that AI also offers potential for controversy.

(5 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

Digital Transformation: Challenges for Marketing, Sales, and IT [Updated White Paper]

Source: dotSource

15 terabytes of mobile video traffic is generated and US$20,928 is sent over PayPal worldwide in 10 seconds. Our lives are rapidly being digitised.

Cutting-edge technology (like smart thermostats, virtual assistants, and personalised services) are available to consumers. This results in new and increasing customer expectations that companies must meet in the context of digital transformation.
The processes and roles in digital commerce should change to respond to these new circumstances. Not only is a new mentality needed, but new positions and methods as well. They need a great ability to change as well as agility and team spirit to achieve business success in the digital era.

In our updated white paper »Digital Transformation Challenges for Marketing, Sales, and IT« we provide a comprehensive and pragmatic overview of the current state of digitisation. Then we show which success factors of digital transformation companies should use to win the digital race.

(12 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

Digitising corn and wheat – Agriculture 4.0

digitalisierung, landwirtschaft, landwirtschaft 4.0, agrakultur, smart farming
Source: Pexels

The tech industry isn’t the only thing that’s being moved by digital technology. Farming’s getting high-tech! Tractors and combined harvester? Controlled via GPS. Irrigation planning? Supported by AI. In the field, in the vineyard, on the water: Data is collected everywhere and transmitted to the central computer. For example, the farmer can monitor the route of the vehicles, react to weather conditions, and simply optimise processes.

»Digital Farming«, »Precision Farming« and »Smart Farming« are no longer foreign phrases for farmers. But what does the future hold for agriculture?

(10 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

Coding as a school subject – An elective or mandatory? [5 Reading Tips]

Programmieren Schulen
Source: dotSource

In 2013 Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany said that the Internet was »new territory for all of us«. After that, concepts emerged that should’ve advanced digitisation in Germany. In 2016, this request from the Federal Chancellor followed: »I believe that the ability to code is becoming one of the basic skills for young people, alongside reading, writing, and arithmetic.«

But not much has changed for German students. But is it even necessary to put coding on a par with reading, writing, and arithmetic? Or will this »new« skill soon no longer as necessary as many currently believe?

(12 vote(s), average: 4.67 out of 5)

Digital business compass: Handelskraft 2019 »Digital DNA« now available for download!

Source: dotSource

Twelve years ago Handelskraft saw the light of the virtual world as a blog. Since then we have been reporting day by day on topics and trends of the digital revolution. And six years ago we published our first trend book: Handelskraft 2013 »Trends, strategies and potential in everywhere commerce«.

Old but gold, because going through it, you realise how long so many trends actually last. In 2019, and more than ever before, it’s all about theory becoming a real-life success and how to turn trends into innovations.

To do this, companies need to write their own digital code, because »Digital DNA« is what they need to survive in a highly competitive online business. It’s their evolutionary
advantage in the digital age and our title for this year’s trend book: Handelskraft 2019.

(17 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

What rules should economists, researchers, politicians, and society follow for embracing AI?

Source: pixabay

Artificial intelligence will fundamentally change our current way of life. Technical progress hasn’t just excited many, but also frightened many. What will our economy and social coexistence look like in the coming years?

Experts around the world are addressing this issue, but it’s hard to pin down a precise forecast.
So that we don’t get lost on the way to the future, the German Federal Association of Digital Economics (BVDW) has developed a navigator with eight guidelines.

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Designing emotional customer relations in the digital era

analogue Kundenbeziehung digital gestalten Handshake via Laptop Screen
Source: pixabay

Digitisation is all-encompassing — the more digital the business and the business processes, the better. Because the more automated processes taking place, the more time is left for the important things. At the top of this ranking of important things are, from a business point of view, the successful design of digital customer relations, the motivation not only to say customers are the focus but to make it a reality. This was also clearly noticeable at the Internet World Expo 2019 and at the 9thINTERNET WORLD BUSINESS Shop Awards on the eve of the event.

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How content creators and designers benefit from AI [5 reading tips]

content, writer, creator,

Artificial intelligence is booming. More and more companies are looking for ways to benefit from it. Research and development are starting bring out their first working prototypes. Nvidia, known for their graphics focused hardware showed off what they’ve been up to. Content creators and designers are directly affected.

(19 vote(s), average: 4.79 out of 5)

»Organisations and brands that implement trends are also determining customer expectations« – Handelskraft speaker Delia Wieser interview

interview, speaker, konferenz
Source: dotSource

At the beginning of the year, trends are a recurring theme. But what are trends and where do they come from? How can we recognise them and what are they good for? Trends open up business opportunities, but in order to benefit from them, you need to go deeper, observe attitudes, opinions, and habits and understand changes. This is the only way dealers, manufacturers and brands can deliver what consumers want, even before they know it.

Delia Wieser (formerly Dumitrescu), the co-author of the book Trend-Driven Innovation, explains in her exciting opening keynote speech at Handelskraft Conference 2019, how companies are coming from the many trends to business-specific innovation.

In order to bridge the time until the conference without having to forego trend input, today interviewer Wiesle, lead architect at TrendWatching, used exclusive use cases to reveal exclusively what lies behind the megatrends and how to use them to create their own digital business strengthens.

(15 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

AI and IoT in the stores of the future [5 Reading Tips]

ki, retail, technologie, effizienz
Source: pexels

Everyone’s been talking about artificial intelligence but only it is less often actually out there in use outside of the general hype. No one doubts that the technology has great potential, for example, to create individualised shopping experiences in shops, as well as to simplify and optimise the work in each case.

But how realistic is the use of smart solutions in retail and what use cases have the best chance of flourishing?

(14 vote(s), average: 4.93 out of 5)