E-Commerce Solutions Provider Introduced: Intershop Posted on 13. August 20141. July 2016 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Intershop Communications AG was founded in Jena 1992. After eBay’s takeover of Magento, Intershop is the company’s second platform. eBay currently holds 26 percent of the company, 63 percent of shares are in free float. There is speculation that eBay wants to pull out of Intershop. Continue (No Ratings Yet) Loading... Categories E-Commerce
Not a question of fairness – Amazon’s special conditions for manufacturers Posted on 13. August 2014 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Graphic: Jimmy Brown According to Bloomberg, a study from the market research institute L2 have brought to light the fact that Amazon privileges selected brand manufacturers. This was viewed as a great scandal on the Amazon Watchblog, fairness is apparently something different. It is not only in the power games with publishers that it is clear just how hard and how far from fair Amazon handles. The thumb screws are being applied to Verdi as well, with deliveries simply coming from Eastern Europe. Continue (No Ratings Yet) Loading... Categories Reading Tips of the Week
What Google+ has to do with the digital transformation of companies Posted on 12. August 2014 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Since the start of Google+ in June 2011, a lot has changed in the social media landscape. Facebook is still the most used platform, XING is the recruiting source nr. 1 and Pinterest is the most used online photo album. But how does Google+ integrate itself here? Continue (No Ratings Yet) Loading... Categories E-Commerce
Dating Fail Thanks to Google Glass [#IfIhadglass] Posted on 11. August 2014 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Google CEO Sergey Brin announced last week that he regrets how much Smartphones stop us really taking note of our fellow man. According to him, this will all be different with Google Glass. Far from it, it is more likely to get worse. As you can see in this video, a short attention span in combination with augmented reality and voice control ruins every date more thoroughly than a smartphone ever could. We wonder if the makers of this video were chosen as Glass Explorers (exclusive testers of the glasses). Maybe Google is showing a sense of humor, after all, this is one of the better contributions under the keyword #ifihadglass handed in to Google in the past weeks. Have a great week Continue (No Ratings Yet) Loading... Categories E-Commerce
Easing New Customer Acquisition in B2B with Online Marketing Posted on 5. August 20141. July 2016 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Graphic: Duncan Hull Through the integration of an e-commerce system, the way to new customer acquisition stands open for B2B marketers via online marketing. As long as the product data isn’t only visible to a closed user groups, the online shop can be optimised according to all SEO rules, assuring better rankings. Continue (No Ratings Yet) Loading... Categories E-Commerce
3 E-Commerce Problems B2B players Laugh At Posted on 5. August 20141. July 2016 | by Christian Otto Grötsch photo: PEO ACWA 3 E-Commerce Problems B2B players Laugh At E-commerce is still new ground in B2B and there is a lot to catch up on to reach the maturity of the B2C industry. However, there is no need to catch up in some areas. Because of the different legal situations, greater experience in logistics and customer contact, some of the problems cropping up at every B2C conference are simply not an issue in B2B. Three examples: Continue (No Ratings Yet) Loading... Categories E-Commerce
Is German B2B Supply also Missing the Boat? Posted on 5. August 20141. July 2016 | by Christian Otto Grötsch The price competition which is normal for every competing trader at Amazon, is also part of life for manufactures and the industry. Those who offer exclusive and complex products as well as the fitting logistics can relax for a bit. Everyone else has to watch Amazon’s supply catalogue grow and thrive, invariably ruining their prices. Continue (No Ratings Yet) Loading... Categories E-Commerce
How Large is the German B2B E-Commerce Market? Posted on 5. August 20141. July 2016 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Strangely, considering the B2B market is decidedly larger than the B2C market, there are comparatively few statistics for B2B e-commerce. Strictly speaking, B2B e-commerce accounts for over 95 percent of the entire e-commerce market volume and generates 870 billion euros turn over. This becomes less surprising, when one realises that B2B generate only one percent of this turnover online. These are the results of the IFH study B2B E-Commerce Markt in Deutschland 2013, which used statistics from 2012. Continue (No Ratings Yet) Loading... Categories E-Commerce
Au Revoir: Otto closes 3Suisses Posted on 28. July 2014 | by Christian Otto Grötsch The Otto group clean up continues: as was announced in yesterday’s customer newsletter, 3suisses is closing operations in Germany after all. The distributers of French fashion have been going badly for a while now. Over the past year, the Otto group, which has had up to 51 percent of the company since 1981, made a take-over offer to stop the downward spiral. The company take over bore fruit: e-commerce and service companies of the enterprise group have belonged to Otto since January 2014. They take part in the usual activities from the area of financial services, real estate, and B2B trade. It seems that nothing came of the recue plans, and 3SUISSES left the German market on the 30.06.2014. Continue (No Ratings Yet) Loading... Categories E-Commerce
Netsfind: Selfies Made Easy with the Selfiebot Posted on 28. July 2014 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Admittedly, it can be hard work coping with everyday life, while snapping the obligatory selfies along the way. Not for long- thanks to the selfie bot, constantly showing your best side has never been easier. The gently floating robot circles around you continueally and uploads photos directly to facebook. Want more robot videos? Continue (No Ratings Yet) Loading... Categories Net Find of the Week