Advising Customers in Online Shops: How to Generate More Sales with Digital Customer Service [5 Reading Tips]

Advising Customers in Online Shops Reading Tips
Source: Unsplash/LinkedIn Sales Solutions

Online shopping and individual consulting are no longer mutually exclusive. Live chats, video consulting, guided selling and the like support customers in selecting the right products. This leads to shop visitors actually completing their purchases and fewer orders being returned. One in five online shoppers has already made use of digital customer service offerings. Consulting via phone or e-mail is still the most popular.

Thanks to increasing digitalisation, however, there are also other methods such as chatbots, video consulting and guided selling that provide individual customer experiences, which are more familiar from brick-and-mortar retail, online as well. All it takes is a clear strategy that takes into account the product portfolio of the online shop and the requirements of the target audience.

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A/B Testing – Achieving Higher Conversion Rates with Courage and Eagerness to Experiment [New White Paper]

A/B Testing White Paper
Download the »A/B Testing« white paper for free now!

Why is there a lot of traffic, but only a few conversions? Should the »Buy« button be white or turquoise? Should the download form be placed at the bottom or top of the page? Most marketers and graphic designers are probably familiar with these questions. It is always about optimising conversion rates. So why not carry out tests right away instead of overthinking for a long time?

One method to reliably evaluate what really offers users the best experience is A/B testing. In our new »A/B Testing – Methods and Tools for Performance and Usability Optimisation« white paper, we show you how it works, why it is an efficient and effective approach and which tools other companies use.

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MDM: How to Realise the Full Potential of Your Data with a Multi-Domain Master Data Management System [5 Reading Tips]

MDM Reading Tips
Source: iStock/Olemedia

The better a company is positioned digitally, the more data is collected. This is a huge opportunity that often involves additional effort. Companies that use an MDM system can manage all this data in one place and provide access to it – for everyone: customer support, sales, HR and many more departments benefit from a multi-domain master data management system. It not only makes all relevant data available within a company, but also improves the company’s image in the eyes of customers and external partners by providing additional information.

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Content Commerce for High-Revenue B2B Commerce: Angst+Pfister Opts for Multi-Stream Project with Adobe and Magnolia [Success Story]

Content Commerce for High-Revenue B2B Commerce: Angst+Pfister Opts for Multi-Stream Project with Adobe and Magnolia
Download the new Angst+Pfister Success Story for free now!

»O-RING Finder« – this has nothing to do with an online dating site, but with modern industry. O-rings are made of plastic and are an important element of sealing technology. The Angst+Pfister Group is a global expert in sealing technology, engineering plastics technology, fluid handling technology and antivibration technology as well as mechanical drive technology, sensors and power technology.

Find out in our new »Angst+Pfister« success story how the Swiss technology company benefits from a modernised B2B online shop and a high-performance content management system – and what the »O-RING Finder« has to do with it.

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Avoiding Loss of Value: How Online Retailers Reduce Overstock [5 Reading Tips]

Avoiding Loss of Value Overstock Reading Tips
Source: Unsplash/CHUTTERSNAP

At the moment, the retail industry is struggling on many fronts at the same time. While some companies are unable to meet consumer demand due to a lack of raw materials and logistical problems, others are stuck with their goods. Higher prices and increasingly negative shopping experiences caused by delivery delays have curbed consumers’ desire to buy. By selling remaining stock and returned items on B2B auction platforms, you can attract new customer groups and prevent your goods from becoming shelf warmers.

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Digital Champions: Handelskraft Trend Book 2022 Out Now!

Handelskraft Trend Book Digital Champions Release
Download the Handelskraft Trend Book 2022 »Digital Champions« for free now!

30 per cent more growth, 20 per cent more revenue, 40 per cent lower costs. Sounds good? We think so too! That is why we investigated trends and best practices for you, analysed them and put them together in our brand new Handelskraft Trend Book 2022 »Digital Champions«. Your guide for industry and trade is now available for free download – check out all the tips and management summaries, learn how to integrate digital trends into your business in 2022 and become a digital champion yourself!

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Buy Now, Pay Later: How the Right Payment Method Increases the Willingness to Buy in B2B and B2C [5 Reading Tips]

Buy Now, Pay Later Reading Tips
Source: Pexels/Ivan Samkov

20 per cent of all online orders are cancelled if the preferred payment method is not offered. This is true for both B2B and B2C customers. Employees who make purchases for a company want the same payment experience as they do when shopping online in their private lives. Purchasing on account with »buy now, pay later« is becoming increasingly popular. It offers customers financial flexibility and automates the processing of payment transactions for companies.

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Increasing Sales with Conversational Commerce: Why Selling Through Messengers Is Worthwhile [5 Reading Tips]

Conversational Commerce Reading Tips
Source: Unsplash/Adem AY

What do adidas, BECK’S, Hellmann’s and Wish have in common? They all use conversational marketing to get close to their target audience via messenger services, to present products and to accompany customers in the purchasing process.

In Asia and Latin America, it is already common practice to make purchases via chat apps and pay directly in messengers. With an investment from Salesforce Ventures, the start-up Charles now wants to take advantage of this trend and expand into the European market.

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Content Marketing: How to Convert Users into Customers with High-Quality Content [5 Reading Tips]

Content Marketing Reading Tips
Source: Pexels/Antoni Shkraba

Consumers today take notice of companies, brands and products primarily through their digital presence. They browse blogs for inspiration, google everyday services and search for gift ideas, recipes or travel destinations while on the go.

In order to attract and retain new customers, high-quality digital content is more important than ever before. It is important to present your company in an entertaining and informative way – over and over again. After all, competition for users’ attention is fierce.

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Strategy Consulting for Digital Business: Developing Visionary Ideas with Digital Consulting [Best Practice]

Digital Consulting Best Practice
Download the new »Digital Consulting Best Practices« publication for free now!

Ever shorter innovation cycles, new competitors in the market, constantly changing customer needs – to be and remain successful in times of digital change, you must never stop reinventing yourself. This means that companies must constantly reassess and adapt their strategic approach. Ideally, you have experienced partners by your side who know all the pitfalls of digital business. Our new »Digital Consulting Best Practices« publication shows how important and diverse such consulting services are.

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