Crisis Management: Do’s & Don’ts for Good Publicity [5 Reading Tips]

Crisis Management Do's & Don'ts
Source: Financial Times

Effectively dealing with the pandemic and mitigating the adverse effects of the economic shutdown is quite a challenge for leading companies: they have to cope with high financial losses while providing support for others.

The last few months have shown how leading companies successfully and sometimes less successfully face up to their social responsibility, how partners, customers and users of the social web can react to it and which do’s and don’ts of crisis management can be derived from it.

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Gazing into the Post-Pandemic Crystal Ball: What’s the »New Normal« in Work & Business? [5 Reading Tips]

Post-Pandemic Crystal Ball
Source: Pixabay

It is already clear now that there will be changes and innovations in everyday working life in the future. Flexible working hours, working from home and switching to digital business models are options that many companies had already integrated into their business before COVID-19. However, these innovations will be less of an option and more of a prerequisite in the future of modern companies.

It is thus recommended to think about the future today and to deal with the question of what the everyday working life will look like after the pandemic and what this means for employees. To take a look into the future, the IT service provider Tata Consultancy Services has recently proposed a number of central theses that define an outlook for the times to come.

(8 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

Digital Marketing for Würth MODYF: Increased Brand Visibility for the Manufacturer of High-Quality Workwear [Success Story]

Increased Brand Visibility Würth MODYF Success Story
Download the Würth MODYF Success Story for free now!

Labour Day – in Germany, it has been a public holiday since the Weimar Republic, in other words for one hundred and one years.

We live in a time where the working world is rapidly changing and the daily work of bricklayers and painters is being digitised.

Nevertheless, there are still many important jobs where one certain type of clothing is essential: workwear – with robust knee patches, made of breathable fabrics and with guaranteed long durability.

And who said that such functional clothing does not also suit people who work in the office in the morning and run through the forest with their children in the afternoon?

Our new »Digital Marketing for Würth MODYF: Increasing the Brand Visibility with dotSource« success story shows how Würth MODYF, a renowned manufacturer of high-quality workwear, has succeeded in improving its market performance and increasing its reach with the right digital marketing measures.

(8 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

E-Learning: Goodbye Passive Learning, Hello Interactive Learning [5 Reading Tips]

E-Learning and Interactive Learning
Source: dotSource

For centuries, access to education was a question of gender and origin: women have only been allowed to study since 1908. Even today, it is still true that those who come from a wealthy, academic background are far more likely to obtain a PhD. To put it differently: only one in every 100 first-time students gets a PhD.

(7 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

Necessity Is the Mother of Invention – and the Mother of Cooperation! New Business Models in Retail [5 Reading Tips]

Companies cooperate during the crisis
Source: Pexels

Rarely have two successive forecasts been so different: in December 2019, the Munich-based Ifo Institute for Economic Research predicted that the German economy would continue to grow in 2020 – by 1.1 per cent! This made sense because the world barely knew about the coronavirus in December 2019. It is due to its massive spread and the necessary shutdown measures in large parts of Europe that the mid-March 2020 forecast of the Munich-based institute was completely different: the institute predicted an economic slump of a whopping 9.8 per cent in the second quarter and an overall contraction of the German economy of 1.5 per cent in the current calendar year. Recession definitely is the economic word of the hour.

Despite these figures, new things seem to be created, especially in the retail industry that has been hit particularly badly by the crisis: the situation makes people creative and new cooperations as well as exciting business models are emerging.

(7 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

Tasty Content – Fissler Ensures »Made in Germany« Quality All Around [Success Story]

Tasty Content Fissler Success Story
Download the Fissler Success Story for free now!

One does not have to participate in »Das perfekte Dinner« (The Perfect Dinner) to appreciate the value of good cookware. Amateur chefs all over the world know how annoying low-quality pots, pans and knives can be. Especially if they are treated a little harsher when cooking, they quickly get blunt blades or deep scratches, which start to rust after the third rinse.

This is why households that regularly cook fresh meals like to invest in high-quality products that not only survive a three-course meal but are also a reliable companion for everyday spaghetti dishes, paella pans, sauerbraten or the annual Christmas feast.

The cookware manufacturer Fissler offers just such a premium range of pans, pressure cookers, knives and other kitchen utensils and contributes to people all over the world enjoying cooking with its outstanding »Made in Germany« quality.

Find out in our new »User-Centric Content Commerce Plattform for Successful and Long-Lasting Customer Relationships« success story how Fissler has managed to meet its quality standards on a digital level.

(6 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

Remote Business: Organising Events and Workshops Online [5 Reading Tips]

Remote Events and Workshops, Reading Tips
Source: Pexels

The Corona crisis forces us to react to new circumstances in a flexible and agile way. Because many things are simply no longer possible given the current situation, we have to come up with new solutions. And of course, the first thought that comes to mind is often »How is this supposed to work out?« or »This cannot be digitally mapped«. However, the experiences we have had over the past few weeks have shown us that it is very well possible to find solutions for the new circumstances – because if we have to act, our creativity and flexibility will not let us down.

We use collaboration tools for working from home and holding meetings is no problem at all thanks to video conferencing. Events that had to be cancelled in the last few weeks and will probably have to be cancelled in the months to come have been hit particularly badly by the crisis and the omnipresent contact restrictions. This means that event organisers are also forced to find and implement new solutions, for example turning offline events into online events.

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E-Commerce Quick & Easy – Get Started with the Salesforce B2C & B2B E-Commerce Packs!

E-Commerce Quick & Easy Salesforce
Source: Unsplash

Kickstarter is not only the name of the pioneering start-up from New York, but also the term for the type of financing that the American crowdfunding platform has introduced into global digital business. In light of current events, however, giving companies a kick start, i.e. providing support to get off to a flying start into digital business is not only something for start-ups.

Many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are currently also facing the challenge of quickly and productively getting started in remote business, or expanding their digital presence. Starter packs for B2C and B2B would be greatly appreciated. Therefore, we started working together with our partner Salesforce because »we’re all in this together«, right? ?

(6 vote(s), average: 4.33 out of 5)

E-Food: Good Things Come to Those Who Order [5 Reading Tips]

E-Food and Corona Reading Tips
Source: dotSource

Prof. Drosten is pleased. The chief virologist of the Charité Hospital in Berlin, who has become a media star with his daily podcast on NDR Info and thanks to whom hundreds of thousands of laypeople are suddenly talking about viral envelopes, PCR tests and antibody serums, recently made the following observation: the isolation is effective.

It seems that the infection rate can be flattened thanks to strict measures, such as those imposed by Jena, the first major city to make face masks mandatory in supermarkets and public buildings. Through many tests and voluntary physical distancing between people, the lethality rate among those infected with the coronavirus in Germany might be contained. To formulate it in slightly exaggerating terms: couch potatoes save lives!

However, the word »potato« already contains the current challenge: even couch potatoes have to eat. This is where food delivery services come into play. Because those who want to stay at home right now and do not have any neighbours who would kindly buy groceries for them type »food delivery« into a search engine – and just like that, they end up in the so-called e-food industry.

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E-Food in Times of Corona: The bofrost* Online Shop Is Booming [Success Story]

E-Food, Corona, bofrost*, Success Story
Download the bofrost* Success Story for free now!

It does not happen all that often these days that the doorbell rings. No one comes around spontaneously anymore, and anyone doing so would make himself liable to prosecution – or at least look suspicious: the coronavirus (COVID-19) has a tight grip on the world. Habits are changing: we buy more toilet paper and less clothes. Those who can, work from home, not from the office. We eat home-cooked food instead of eating in the bistro of our choice.

Or we opt for ready-made meals. They can even be healthy and delicious, and this allows us to tell success stories from the business world, even in times of the coronavirus. One of these stories is about bofrost*, Europe’s largest direct distributor of frozen foods, whose business is currently booming.

Find out in our »dotSource Relaunches bofrost* Online Shop with Inclusive Design« success story what this has to do with dotSource and why particularly older people and people with impairments benefit from new technologies during the Corona crisis.

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