Brand Experience – How Do Brands Gain the Attention of Their Target Groups? [5 Reading Tips]

Brand Experience
Source: Pexels/Ioannis Ritos

It is immensely important for companies to be tangible for customers. That’s nothing new. Especially in times when all market segments are flooded with competitors, it is essential to have a holistic strategy – after all, you want to establish yourself in the market or further expand the presence of your own brand. As is often the case, there are different approaches, but one concept always plays a key role: the brand experience. It describes how customers perceive a brand and keep it in mind. This means that companies should always be aware of this topic when making decisions. Today’s reading tips provide answers to the questions that are surely buzzing in the minds of many entrepreneurs.

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B2B Content Marketing – Building Long-Term Relationships with Target Groups and Generating High-Quality Leads [5 Reading Tips]

B2B Content Marketing
Source: Unsplash/Patrick Perkins

If you take a look at the charts of the world’s most profitable companies, you will see that German brands are rarely found among the big players. Volkswagen or SAP are exceptions. Particularly in the tech and IT industry, US companies dominate and Asian companies have long been on the rise.

This is surprising as Germany is home to numerous first-class brands, which are mostly rooted in the German SME sector. Companies such as Herrenknecht, the global market leader in mechanised tunnelling, are the hidden champions of the German economy – long-established family-owned companies that stand for sustainability and quality. However, this alone will soon no longer be enough. What if Elon Musk starts building tunnels? B2B content marketing is the answer.

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International Business Awards: dotSource Is »Company of the Year«! [On Our Own Behalf]

International Business Awards
dotSource Management: Frank Ertel, Christian Otto Grötsch, Christian Malik (from left to right)

We are »Company of the Year«! Whoop whoop! The jury of the International Business Awards has chosen dotSource as the winner in the »Internet/New Media« category. We are incredibly proud that we have been able to bring one of the world’s biggest and most renowned business awards to Jena – especially in turbulent times like these. Thanks to Stevie Awards for this award and thanks, dear dotSource family, for the tremendous work, solidarity and commitment, no matter what the circumstances.

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Marketing Automation Is More Than Sending Out Newsletters – How BayWa Achieves Next-Level Personalisation with SAP Marketing Cloud [Success Story]

BayWa Marketing Automation Success Story
Download the BayWa Success Story for free now!

BayWa – you have read a lot about this company on our blog lately. Yes, BayWa AG is indeed featured frequently in our weekly success stories. This is because the company is clearly on the fast track to success when it comes to digital transformation.

The Munich-based group, which is one of the market leaders in the agricultural and construction industries, also wanted to take its marketing automation to the next level. As BayWa and dotSource had already enjoyed many years of cooperation, the group commissioned the Jena digital agency to implement SAP Marketing Cloud and integrate it into the existing system landscape. Find out in today’s success story how this was achieved and what added value it brings.

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B2B Start-Ups as Role Models: Creating Real Added Value with Innovative Solutions and Service Concepts [5 Reading Tips]

B2B Start-Ups
Source: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

B2B start-ups, the next hot thing. High margins, rapid growth in turnover and early profitability speak for themselves. When analysing the success factors of B2B start-ups, they differ greatly from B2C companies.

It becomes clear that B2B models often post a profit more quickly than B2C models because B2C companies have to invest significantly more in order to become popular – and developing a brand takes more time in general. B2B companies, however, can already survive in the market with few customers and little capital.

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The Power of Content [5 Reading Tips]

The Power of Content
Source: Pexels/Pixabay

A modern, user-friendly customer experience should not be a question of industry, no matter whether it is ultimately about the purchase of a product, the potential creation of an offer or a business relationship in the making. Whether it is sales, service or purchasing: the different user groups in B2B wish for high-quality processed content.

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E-Procurement via BIOS Sets International Standards: BayWa Handles the Needs of All Its Employees with a Central Platform

BayWa BIOS Success Story
Download the BayWa Success Story for free now!

The pens are out of ink. Or they have disappeared. There are also no more envelopes – such situations happen in the office every day, calling for replenishment via the internal procurement system. However, employees do not only get office supplies from their employers: computers, tablets, smartphones – in short: hardware – is another important element. In addition, there are industry-specific things such as overalls, gumboots, special measuring devices and safety clothing.

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Smart Supermarkets: How the Retail Industry Benefits from Shopping Cart Scanning, Dynamic Pricing and AI as the Boss [5 Reading Tips]

Artificial Intelligence in Retail
Source: Pexels/Gratisography

Artificial intelligence is the digital business trend par excellence. That’s what you hear. That’s what you read. That’s what they say. The »Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies« published by the US research firm Gartner confirms this year after year. But what happens next? Either the hype fizzles out and the technologies disappear again – or they reach what Gartner calls »Plateau of Productivity«. They become normal, they become part of everyday life.

At the moment, it looks like artificial intelligence has come to stay – after all, AI can already look back on almost 70 years of development. For companies, this means one thing in particular: they have to think data – available in large amounts – intelligently, using intelligent technologies that are also available.

To put it differently: we are at a turning point where we have to decide which existing technologies we make good use of and develop profitably. In this regard, supermarkets are an exciting field of experimentation – and every single banana can potentially be an exciting data set.

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Migration with SAP: On-Premise vs Cloud [Part 1]

Migration SAP On-Premise Cloud
Source: Unsplash

We like to move it, move it …, we like to: move it. We move. Constantly. Forward. And Reel 2 Real’s unforgettable hit is also the right soundtrack for what we, our clients and our partners accomplish in digital business every day: we make sure that things move forward – forward towards digital thinking, data-driven action and innovation.

In order to move things forward, you do not only need good ideas, but also the right technologies and systems. And there is even more: innovation is not possible without flexibility and agility – neither in terms of software nor soft skills. If you have the right solutions and partners by your side, however, you can live up to all this forward thinking.

And since nobody these days starts from scratch when it comes to digital processes, the beat of »I Like to Move It« is not only paradigmatic for moving forward, but also specifically stands for migrating systems. This is a huge topic – not least for the software giant SAP, which still has many on-premise customers. On- what? Before we can start talking about migration with SAP, we have to explain a few basic terms. Part one of our series is therefore dedicated to the definition and differentiation of on-premise and cloud. So move it…

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Chatbots in Customer Communication: The Maltreated Little Helpers [5 Reading Tips]

Chatbots in Customer Communication
Source: Unsplash/Morning Brew

When talking to a chatbot, Germans are among the most unfriendly customers: they are often not satisfied with certain answers and frequently insult chatbots. However, the new communication channels are popular when it comes to topics that are too embarrassing for customers to talk about with a human being.

Nevertheless, chatbots have established themselves as effective business tools in times of crisis and some companies have shown how messenger chatbots can also contribute to effective customer communication beyond the Corona crisis.

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