Thinking and Designing Tech and UXD Together: Tech-telmechtel with UX and Web Design [Interview]

Tech UXD Tech-telmechtel
Carsten Behr & Josephine Gutschner, Usability & UX Seniors, dotSource GmbH

Tech-telmechtel is back. The break was long, but the comeback is all the more powerful. Not only are we celebrating our tenth Tech-telmechtel episode, but we are also bringing you the first Tech-telmechtel interview with two guests at once. OK, let us focus on one thing at a time: the 10th Tech-telmechtel interview. 2 experts. 2 parts. Today, we have part one for you.

What can you expect? First-class know-how, honest answers and numerous learnings from UX and web design practice by our young seniors Josephine Gutschner and Carsten Behr. They will be called Josi and CC from now on. In numerous projects, Conversion Carsten ? and Josi have accompanied renowned clients on their way to an ideal user experience. These clients include: myAGRAR, PERI, BADER, Porsche, PRECITOOL, Netto Digital and TROX.

We start the first part of our double feature with design and usability requirements (on both sides: users and designers) and we also look at the fusion of DEV and UXD for good user experiences and successful e-commerce. The second part of the Tech-telmechtel will be about current web design trends and who they are suitable for (but also who they are not suitable for). Until then, we have a new series of articles coming up. Yes, there is a lot going on today and in the coming weeks.

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Machine Learning: Which Approach Suits My Company? [5 Reading Tips]

Machine Learning
Source: Unsplash/Kevin Ku

In many areas of life, we encounter artificial intelligence (AI) almost every day. Over the last few years, its presence and impact on our daily lives has steadily increased – and there is no end in sight to this development. One branch of AI is called machine learning. It describes the artificial generation of knowledge from experience. This enables systems to build algorithms and recognise new connections. It is therefore logical that companies can benefit from this, especially in the digital age. In today’s reading tips of the week, we explain which disciplines exist within this branch of AI, what concrete advantages machine learning offers and how it differs from deep learning, another term in the buzzword jungle.

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TikTok Overtakes Instagram: Get Ready for the Mobile Shopping Generation [5 Reading Tips]

TikTok Instagram Shop
Source: Unsplash/Olivier Bergeron

It was bound to happen. We all knew that the day was not too far away, but now the time has come. The Chinese short video app, the super social media portal, the digital teen dance video among social networks has made it: TikTok overtakes Instagram, the number one social media platform. But in which category? Usability? Number of users? Range of features? Almost. TikTok has become the opinion leader. Somehow.

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CRM and Marketing Automation in Agricultural E-Commerce: myAGRAR Integrates Salesforce’s Customer Success Solutions to Obtain a 360-Degree View of the Customer [Success Story]

myAGRAR CRM and Marketing Automation Success Story
Download the myAGRAR Success Story for free now!

A small seed grows into two-metre-high sunflowers, thousands of seeds turn into many hectares of crops – and good service and intelligent marketing create a strong bond between customers and companies.

This special connection is also important to myAGRAR: the online shop for farmers is operated by AgrarOnline GmbH, which has its headquarters in Ratzeburg, Schleswig-Holstein, and is part of the tradition-steeped ATR Landhandel group. With traditional sales methods, ATR Landhandel has shaped agricultural trade in Northern and Eastern Germany as well as in Denmark and Poland for around 100 years. myAGRAR, however, has also been part of the group since 2017, reaching its target group with future-oriented e-commerce and enabling customers to order not only high-quality seeds, but also animal feed, fertilisers and agricultural technology 24/7. This means that today’s farmers can benefit from the same advantages in their everyday working lives that they have long been used to in their private lives.

In order to further strengthen customer loyalty and increase user-friendliness, myAGRAR wanted to integrate customer success solutions in its system landscape. How were both a suitable CRM system and marketing automation solution selected? And how were they implemented precisely?

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Remote Warm-Ups Revisited: Boosting the Mood and Outcome of Your Next Online Meetings [5 Reading Tips]

Remote Warm-Ups
Source: Handelskraft 2021

»Can you see me?«, »Do we want to start?«, »I will share my screen, ok?« – this is more or less how most online meetings start. Technological hurdles – okay. Digital divide – that is fine, too. But starting an online meeting right away, just like that?

There are better ways to get started. In today’s reading tips of the week, we explain how you can get your next remote event off to a cracking start and make sure that all participants are warmed up, in a good mood and paying attention.

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Live Stream Shopping: How Brands Can Replicate the Personal In-Store Experience Online, Inspire Customers and Boost Sales [5 Reading Tips]

Live Stream Shopping
Source: Unsplash/Sticker Mule

Live stream shopping – the »new« big thing on various social media platforms. These days, it is becoming increasingly difficult to go to the fashion shop around the corner or to the local consumer electronics retailer. Nevertheless, customers do not want to miss out on the first-hand live experience.

This is where live stream shopping comes into play. However, the question is: how can brands and companies jump on the bandwagon and create a first-class customer experience that resembles an in-store visit as closely as possible and boosts sales? We take a closer look in today’s reading tips of the week.

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Consent Management in E-Commerce: BADER Creates Customer Trust Through Data Transparency [Success Story]

BADER Success Story Consent Management
Download the BADER Success Story for free now!

The GDPR legally obliges operators of digital platforms to clearly inform users about the storage and use of personal data. In May 2020, a ruling by the German Federal Court of Justice added an additional article to the regulation, stating that users must not only be informed about the use of personal data, but must also actively consent to it.

However, many companies are unsure whether they even comply with the currently applicable regulations and how they can do so. Simply put, online retailers have two options to respond to the legal changes: use a consent management tool or switch to cookie-free methods.

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Changing CMS: Complex, But Important. What Do You Need to Consider? [5 Reading Tips]

Changing CMS
Source: Startup Stock Photos

Today, it is no longer enough to simply present products and sell them. Instead, customers expect interesting, high-quality content. Content management systems (CMS) can help with this. They are useful tools to easily and consistently create and manage content (texts, images, videos) for shop pages, social media channels or blogs. These systems can be used to manage content more productively, quickly and flexibly.

The big advantage is that CMS users do not need extensive programming knowledge to be able to put substantial content on homepages. There is a wide range of content management systems, which makes it difficult for many companies to find the right provider. Things get even more difficult when an existing CMS has to be changed. In today’s reading tips of the week, you can find out more about the possible reasons behind this, suitable systems and the best way to proceed.

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Core Web Vitals: What the New Google Metrics Mean for Your SEO Strategy [5 Reading Tips]

Core Web Vitals
Source: Unsplash/Lukas Blazek

Google. The most popular search engine is constantly trying to improve its search results for users, for example with regular Google updates. It wants Internet users to be able to get information quickly and to have an overall positive experience on websites. That is why Google supports admins and content creators in improving their websites.

With the Core Web Vitals, Google has initiated such a measure to improve web content: uniform metrics for clear statements about the technical quality of a website. Those who run a website themselves and do not want to drop down in Google’s SERPs should make the Core Web Vitals part of their future SEO strategy.

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E-Commerce Know-How to Go. Five Examples, One Message: Succeeding with the Right System & Digitalisation Partner [Best Practice]

E-Commerce Best Practices
Source: Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto

The doorbell is ringing. The heart is pounding. The parcel service driver is sweating. The customer is shouting with joy. It is the penultimate scene of an everyday spectacle: we have ordered something online. After the delivery time has been kept as short as possible, we now want the product to bring us joy for as long as possible. However, it is not only in B2C that online shops have long been the main distribution point for goods. This form of commerce is also playing an increasingly important role in B2B. Time to take a look at some positive examples. How do those who are successful online do it?

Our new »Best Practices« publication format provides you with the necessary practical insights. After our best of PIM, we release part 2 today. It is all about e-commerce – in B2C, B2B and B2B2C.

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