Videos on Social Media: How Long Is Long Enough? [5 Reading Tips]

Videos Social Media
Source: Pexels/cottonbro

Marketers and influencers are constantly trying to attract the attention of users with fancy content. One thing has always been certain: content has to be short and snappy, i.e. snackable. This makes it all the more surprising that TikTok announced two weeks ago that the maximum duration of videos will be extended from one to three minutes.

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CRM Best Practices from Agriculture to Publishing: Nine Successful Salesforce Use Cases [Best Practice]

CRM Best Practices
Source: Unsplash/DocuSign

In order to stay ahead of the competition in terms of customer success, you should not let your processes stagnate or be content with merely using innovative solutions. So much for theory. In our new »CRM Best Practices« publication, we show you how to turn customer relationship management from a theoretical business strategy construct into successful digital practice.

Learn from successful client projects in industries such as agriculture, retail and publishing how to

  • think outside the much-cited box with collaborative and agile methods
  • take a critical look at your own processes
  • select the right Salesforce Core products
  • integrate solutions and optimise processes
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Second-Hand Fashion as a Business Model: How Companies Benefit from Rising Consumer Awareness [5 Reading Tips]

Second-Hand Fashion as a Business Model
Source: Unsplash/Artificial Photography

In the fashion world, one collection follows the next – at a rapid pace. Especially because of the impact this has on the environment, more and more people are rethinking their consumer behaviour. The alternative that everyone has already heard of is called second-hand fashion. Its popularity has increased so significantly that even fashion giants like Zalando have decided to launch their own second-hand platforms. In today’s reading tips of the week, we show you which other companies are successfully operating in this segment, why it is worth investing in second-hand fashion and how you can integrate the trend into your own business strategy in the best possible way.

(11 vote(s), average: 4.27 out of 5)

MDM: Why Is Master Data Management So Important for Companies? [5 Reading Tips]

Master Data Management Reading Tips
Source: Pexels/Pixabay

Companies have more and more systems at their disposal to optimise processes, manage data in a more structured way and better meet customer needs. One software that is often taken into consideration in this context is master data management software. In today’s reading tips of the week, we tell you what MDM is all about and explain why implementing such a system is a good idea.

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Content Management Systems: What Are the Advantages of Headless CMS? [5 Reading Tips]

Content Management System Reading Tips
Source: Unsplash/Headway

Flexibility is essential in this day and age. Those who rely on traditional, inflexible systems simply cannot keep up with challenges increasing day by day. This also applies to content management systems, which are only competitive in their flexible, headless form these days.

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Salesforce – Revenue Growth in Full Swing [5 Reading Tips]

Salesforce Revenue
Source: Salesforce

These are reading tips, not investment tips – and no maths class for fifth graders either. We will get to both later though. Since these are reading tips, we refer to other texts worth reading – to this one from the deepest SPIEGEL ONLINE archives, for example, which was published in 2003. Such a long time ago!

The article portrays the CEO of the »hottest start-up« from Silicon Valley at the time, a company that was worth investing in: Salesforce’s Marc Benioff. One of the central passages of the SPIEGEL article goes as follows: »›Wir sind gute Verkäufer‹, sagt Benioff mit dem ihm eigenen Mangel an Bescheidenheit und versucht dabei, nicht zu grinsen.« (»›We are good salespeople,‹ Benioff says with his characteristic lack of modesty, trying not to grin.«) The quintessence of the article: Salesforce offers unusual marketing strategies for what is basically fairly standard customer relationship management software. The only new feature: it does not have to be installed but is a web-based solution. Only?

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Migration from MVP to Launch: myAGRAR Relies on Magento 2.4 for Multi-Client Commerce [Success Story]

Migration from MVP myAGRAR Success Story
Download the myAGRAR Success Story for free now!

To this day, farmers have their hands full in early spring – rather in February than in March – because they need to cultivate their fields. In order to get everything they need for a good harvest year, more and more of them are focusing on online shopping. myAGRAR is one of the leading online shops for agricultural products and took the seasonal fluctuations into account when it successfully migrated its own online shop within a short period of time between the Christmas season and the start of the season in February 2021. Thanks to the new multi-client platform, the company has significant growth potential.

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Virtual Reality: Is This What the Future of Video Conferencing Looks Like? [5 Reading Tips]

Virtual Reality Rooms
Source: Unsplash/JESHOOTS.COM

Zoom meetings. Conferences on Slack. Calls via the Teams app. Homeschooling. Doctor’s appointment via a surgery portal. Video chats come into play wherever conversations of a formal nature take place. They often work according to the same principle.

Are they efficient? Yes. Can they digitally reproduce real conversations 1:1? Not always. What a shame, really. Where are the holograms inspired by sci-fi movies when you need them? They could soon become reality.

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Data Is Our Friend – How to Establish a Data Culture in Your Company [5 Reading Tips]

Data-Driven Culture
Source: Unsplash/Franki Chamaki

Data is the new oil. It means progress and holds huge potential. You just have to recognise it and derive appropriate measures. Understanding data and identifying opportunities guarantees long-term success.

Accordingly, it is up to every company not only to manage the enormous amount of data collected and generated on a daily basis, but above all to create an understanding of data – throughout the entire company and also among external stakeholders. Data-driven culture makes it possible.

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Voice Commerce: Why You Should Also Use Voice Assistants for Your Business in the Future [5 Reading Tips]

Voice Commerce
Source: Unsplash/Nicolas J Leclercq

»Alexa, order detergent!«, »Siri, what’s the weather going to be like today?«, »OK Google, show me sports shops nearby!« – this is pretty much how many dialogues in German households go. Voice assistants are en vogue right now and will play an even greater role in the future.

People are getting older, lazier and want their information more quickly. These alone are three reasons why voice assistants will be used even more in everyday life in the future. Today’s reading tips provide you with an overview of voice assistant features, perspectives and possibilities of using them for your own business.

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