Agile Coaching: Business Consultant 2.0? [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 23. August 202121. January 2022 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Source: Unsplash/Nguyen Thu Hoai Everyone is talking about agile coaching at the moment. But what exactly is an agile coach? A mentor? A business consultant? The work guru from the table across the room? Or just a person who gives you a push in the right direction every now and then? The truth probably lies somewhere in between. In today’s reading tips of the week, we dispel some prejudices and give a few useful reading recommendations along the way. Continue (12 vote(s), average: 4.67 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B B2C Digital Consulting E-Commerce Reading Tips of the Week
Migration from Salesforce Classic to Lightning at Unitedprint – Successful CRM Is Also a Question of User Acceptance [Success Story] Posted on 18. August 202128. September 2021 | by Luise Beyer Download the Unitedprint Success Story for free now! Digital success is not just a question of technology. In the end, it always comes down to the people using the technology. How well they do so depends not least on how they are introduced to the system. People are creatures of habit. They have always been. Whether in their private or professional lives: people shy away from change because it is (often) associated with hassle and stress. »Never change a running system« is a popular argument for postponing changes. This statement is definitely true to a certain extent, but does it also justify adopting procedures and workflows that are sometimes more cumbersome even though they could be made much simpler and more efficient with minor changes? No, it doesn’t, especially not when it comes to replacing inefficient processes and thus saving time – even if this means creating trails first so that they can eventually become easily accessible paths. Investing in user acceptance is therefore at least as important as a well thought out system selection or migration. Unitedprint, one of Europe’s leading online print shops, did just that when it migrated from Salesforce Classic as part of Salesforce Service Cloud to the modern Salesforce Lightning. Continue (12 vote(s), average: 4.33 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B B2C CRM, Sales & Service Data-Driven Business Design & Usability Digital Consulting E-Commerce Industries Publications
Web Design Trends: Which Trends Really Support a User-Centric Website? [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 16. August 202128. September 2021 | by Luise Beyer Source: Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto No matter what industry, no matter what channel: it is always the same with trends. Some people find them cool right away, while others think they are absolutely ridiculous. Some trends are here to stay and others are quickly forgotten or at least pushed aside. Regardless of whether trends appear in our private lives or in business settings: it is a fact that they are only beneficial if they fit in with our lifestyle or corporate culture. If this is not the case, things look more foolish than trendy to the outside world. The same is true for web design. Continue (11 vote(s), average: 4.27 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B B2C Design & Usability E-Commerce Reading Tips of the Week
B2B E-Commerce in Record Time – Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft Industrie- und Wirtschaftsberatung mbH Opens up New Digital Sales Channels with dotSource [Success Story] Posted on 11. August 202128. September 2021 | by Franzi Kunz Download the MTM Success Story for free now! The first step is usually the hardest. This admittedly rather blunt truism also applies to the digital business environment. When looking for a new digital sales channel, what is the first important step for a company whose sales activities were previously focused mainly on face-to-face events such as congresses and trade fairs? Where do you start if neither the path nor the goal are clearly defined? The answer is as simple as it is obvious: you look for an experienced coach (to stick to the sports metaphor) and get professional guidance. Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft Industrie- und Wirtschaftsberatung mbH has done just that and developed the right training, i.e. e-business strategy, together with dotSource. Continue (11 vote(s), average: 4.27 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B Digital Consulting Industries Publications
PIM for Retail: How Can the Retail Sector Benefit from Stibo’s Solution? [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 9. August 202128. September 2021 | by Franzi Kunz Source: Pexels/Sam Lion Customer demands on retailers are constantly evolving. Regardless of whether customers are looking for something new or want to buy a tried and tested product: it always has to be available as quickly and as effortlessly as possible. When customers then enter a store or visit an online shop, they primarily expect a comprehensive selection of goods and individual services. They want to know where products come from, what materials they are made of and what the shipping terms are. If the shop can also impress them with personalised product recommendations, discounts and free samples, the purchase will be remembered positively. With PIM for Retail, the long-standing dotSource partner Stibo Systems helps retailers such as »Marks & Spencer« and »Rituals« to meet the high expectations of their customers with clear data management. Continue (11 vote(s), average: 4.27 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2C E-Commerce PIM/MDM/DAM Retail
Migration in B2C Commerce: Dildoking Relaunches Online Shop on Magento 2 Commerce Cloud, Version 2.3 [Success Story] Posted on 4. August 202128. September 2021 | by Luise Beyer Download the Dildoking Success Story for free now! By now, it should be clear to everyone that data security and keeping shop systems up to date are essential success factors in e-business. True to the slogan »Turn old into new« or better »Turn old into secure shop system«, our client CLICKPOOL migrated the e-commerce software of its in-house brand Dildoking to the latest Magento Commerce Cloud version. Find out in our new »Migration for a Future-Proof B2C Platform: Dildoking Relaunches Online Shop on Magento 2 Commerce Cloud, Version 2.3« success story what challenges the project team members faced during the shop migration while customising existing features while analysing the search engine marketing and how they overcame them. Continue (11 vote(s), average: 4.27 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2C Design & Usability Digital Consulting Digital Marketing E-Commerce Industries Publications Retail
Connected Shopping: How to Combine Online and Offline Shopping [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 2. August 202121. January 2022 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Source: Pexels/Tim Douglas The advantages and disadvantages of online and offline shopping can be discussed long and hard. During the lockdown, people had no alternative but to browse online shops. Now, many consumers are trying to shop primarily in local stores to support them. However, for customers to remain enthusiastic in the long term, stores need to get creative in order to turn brick-and-mortar shopping into an experience. The emerging connected shopping capabilities are designed to combine the best of online and offline shopping and make brick-and-mortar shopping more enjoyable and exciting. Continue (10 vote(s), average: 4.60 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2C Reading Tips of the Week Retail
Hybrid Office: How Colleagues Stay in Touch Despite Physical Separation [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 26. July 202128. September 2021 | by Luise Beyer Source: dotSource If you ask colleagues for their opinion on working from home, there is certainly no consensus. While some people take full advantage of their new-found freedoms, such as sitting in meetings in sweatpants and cranking up their favourite music, others miss the everyday office gossip and are annoyed by parcel deliverers, network problems and noisy neighbours. The latter should be all the more pleased that the current incidence rates have led to the lifting of the obligation to work from home. However, in order to still be able to comply with social distancing rules, it is usually not possible for all colleagues to be in the office at the same time. Under these conditions, the flexible model of hybrid working has emerged. This gives employees the option of working in the office or from home. This solution seems to do both groups a favour. Nevertheless, it presents companies and their employees with new challenges. Continue (9 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories Data-Driven Business E-Commerce Reading Tips of the Week
System Integration for Medium-Sized Companies: Advantages of the Magic xpi Integration Platform [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 19. July 202121. January 2022 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Source: Pexels/Olya Kobruseva Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, medium-sized companies have encountered quite a lot of problems. Using a mix of different software solutions to digitise marketing, sales, services and internal business processes is almost standard these days. However, when data exchange becomes inefficient and data gaps occur, system integration is the only solution. Various systems must interact efficiently and flexibly in a matter of seconds to provide data. To ensure this, you have to weigh up whether integrating system components is enough or whether a new comprehensive solution is required. Today, we take a closer look at one particular solution. Continue (9 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B Platform Integration Publications Reading Tips of the Week
B2B Multi-Stream Projects Make the Difference: TROX on the Road to Success with Holistic Commerce, Marketing and UXD Strategy [Success Story] Posted on 14. July 202122. March 2022 | by Franzi Kunz Download the TROX Success Story for free now! Let us admit it: at first glance, there are more exciting topics than »Production and sale of components, appliances and systems for the ventilation and air conditioning of rooms, including fire and smoke protection technology« – even in the business customer segment. As you might have guessed, however, it is definitely worth taking a second look. Read on to find out more about the potential for successful e-business in this industry in general and at TROX with its complex B2B products in particular. These are the projects covered in today’s article: Strategy development and project management E-commerce: interface-based B2B platform with product configurator Digital marketing, including web analytics UX design Continue (9 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B Consumer Goods CRM, Sales & Service Digital Consulting Digital Marketing E-Commerce Industries Industry PIM/MDM/DAM Platform Integration