High Return Rates = Bad Grades – For Your Product Data Quality and Environmental Protection: Doing It Better with Akeneo PIM [5 Reading Tips]

Return Rates Product Data Quality Akeneo PIM
Source: Unsplash/Charles Deluvio, edited by dotSource

Returns are a vexed subject – from several perspectives. They do not increase customer satisfaction, they do not boost online retailers’ sales and they certainly do not improve the carbon footprint of companies. With the PIM system of our partner Akeneo, you can tackle these three aspects – with little effort, but big impact!

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USV Jena e. V. Not Only Innovative in Terms of Sports: How the Sports Club Efficiently Connects Employees and Members with Salesforce Sales Cloud [Success Story]

USV Jena Success Story
Download the USV Jena Success Story for free now!

Who says that data is only the new oil in e-commerce and that excellent service only makes a crucial difference in digital business? In other areas of life and business, users can benefit from modern and powerful CRM software as well, for example when managing members in large sports clubs. Digital networking also makes a difference when it comes to

• contacting club members
• improving collaboration between voluntary and full-time employees
• making processes easier and more efficient

(11 vote(s), average: 4.27 out of 5)

Cloud Services: How Modern Digital Business Works in the Cloud [5 Reading Tips]

Cloud Services Reading Tips
Source: Pexels/Magda Ehlers

The headline is legendary: »iCloud, You Cloud, We All Cloud« was the title of an article published in The New Yorker in June 2011 – almost exactly a decade ago. Back then, Apple’s iCloud was all over the news – the possibility for private individuals to store their data decentrally in a cloud and no longer on USB sticks, backup DVDs, external hard drives or home servers.

The New Yorker verbalises the product name and uses the headline to emphasise what has happened in IT over the last 15 years, from private individuals to enterprises: I do it, you do it – we all do it! What this refers to? Having data in the cloud.

However, the real question is: what are cloud services and why should every company invest time, money and strategic efforts in them?

(11 vote(s), average: 4.27 out of 5)

Remote Business: Best Practices for Remote Work, Online Events and Online Training [New White Paper]

Remote Business Best Practices White Paper
Download the »Remote Business« white paper for free now!

The world is upside down because of something that can only be seen under the microscope. In the working world, however, COVID-19 accelerates changes that started long before the pandemic – and that cannot be undone once the global dangers of this virus are gone.

As terrible an occasion as it is, as innovative are the reasons why millions of people worldwide are now even able to work together productively in many, by no means all, industries while physically isolating themselves from each other.

This is only possible because digital structures turn remote business into real business. Based on

  • selected use cases,
  • real insights,
  • concrete tips and
  • short portraits of the most important providers and tools,

the brand new »Remote Business: Best Practices for Remote Work, Online Events and Online Training« white paper shows how strong teams in the fields of business, events and education can achieve great things. It examines both technical areas and ideational aspects of new work because if digital collaboration is to succeed, the right mindset is just as important as the right tools.

(12 vote(s), average: 4.33 out of 5)

Digital Leadership: What Skills Managers Need to Have [5 Reading Tips]

Digital Leadership DBS Reading Tips
Source: Pexels/fauxels

It is nothing new that companies have to digitalise their processes in order to remain successful. However, they still neglect the fact that the implementation of innovative projects requires comprehensive changes in the entire organisation. An essential component is the availability of digital leadership skills.

(14 vote(s), average: 4.71 out of 5)

CMS Migration from TYPO3 to Bloomreach at Südpellets: How Content Commerce for Wood Fuels Works [Success Story]

BayWa Südpellets Success Story
Download the BayWa Südpellets Success Story for free now!

BayWa AG was founded in Munich in 1923. The company with roots in cooperative agricultural trade has developed into a globally active group that serves various industries. Whether it is in agricultural trade, building materials trade or the energy industry: the group is one of the leading companies in Europe. In the wood pellets industry, BayWa AG is the market leader in Southern Germany with its Südpellets brand. How does the group design the wood pellets supplier website? How can modern content commerce for wood fuels be successful? Our new success story provides insights into the project.

(14 vote(s), average: 4.43 out of 5)

Polywork: What the Newcomer Network Has to Offer for Users and Companies [5 Reading Tips]

Polywork Business Network Reading Tips
Source: Unsplash/Surface

It is nothing new that social networks are constantly trying to outdo each other with new trends and features. The business network LinkedIn is also increasingly relying on updates to win over users.

The newcomer platform Polywork takes a completely new approach to networking in a professional context. Unlike LinkedIn and XING, the network breaks away from stringent career paths and gives users the opportunity to exchange views on different project areas – in other words: poly + work.

(14 vote(s), average: 4.43 out of 5)

DIY Industry: Why DIY Stores Should Expand Their Digital Sales Channels [5 Reading Tips]

DIY Industry Digital Sales Reading Tips
Source: Pexels/Tiger Lily

Products from DIY stores pose two challenges to mail order companies: customers usually need comprehensive advice – or the products are simply too bulky for conventional shipping.

It is not without reason that many DIY stores still point to in-store pickup on their online platforms. However, this is not the case with the start-up ManoMano, which was founded in 2013 and uses precisely this service gap of long-established DIY chains to become a digital pioneer in the DIY industry.

(14 vote(s), average: 4.43 out of 5)

Handelskraft Trend Book 2021 – The Manifesto for Digital Freedom Out Now!

Handelskraft Trend Book 2021 Manifesto for Digital Freedom
Download the Handelskraft Trend Book 2021 »Digital Freedom« for free now!

Today is the day we celebrate digital freedom. The brand new Handelskraft Trend Book 2021 »Digital Freedom« is now available for free download – exclusively for retailers, manufacturers and publishers. Do you want to know what it is all about and how you can benefit from it? This article tells you everything you need to know.

(12 vote(s), average: 4.67 out of 5)

MuleSoft Accelerator for Retail: 360-Degree View of the Customer Made Easy [5 Reading Tips]

MuleSoft Accelerator for Retail
Source: Pexels/Pixabay

Customer demands are constantly increasing – and rightly so to a certain extent: with the large amount of information customers have to disclose about themselves, it is understandable that they are no longer satisfied with cookie-cutter campaigns. This is precisely why it is so important to make sensible use of customer data in order to offer personalised shopping experiences. This plays a key role, especially in the retail sector, where companies have to hold their own against countless competitors.

A solution that makes this much easier is MuleSoft Accelerator for Retail – the new product in the portfolio of the Californian software company MuleSoft, which has primarily made a name for itself with its Anypoint integration platform. Find out in today’s reading tips of the week what the solution is capable of, how it optimises interaction between different systems and what »Customer ID« graphs are all about.

(13 vote(s), average: 4.38 out of 5)