Every Fifth Online Shop is Blackmailed Posted on 11. November 201421. January 2022 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Grafik: Lydia A study on cybercrime has brought interesting figures to light: apparently every fifth online shop has once been the victim of attempted blackmail. 12 percent for instance, were blackmailed in a DDoS attack. A total of one third of the 119 traders surveyed had already come into contact with cybercrime. This includes for instance, data theft or targeted attacks by hackers as well. This is not surprising when untrained staff are responsible for security gaps. Protection form cybercrime The study “Informationssicherheit im E-Commerce 2014” reached the conclusion that it is only large companies who have effectively dealt with the topic of cybercrime effectively. Smaller companies do not see data protection and information security as a topic with top priority. Because e-commerce is still based on trust, even smaller shops should catch up with corresponding measures. Basically, the management should be extensively informed on data security for instance, and pass on this knowledge to their colleagues. This is the only way to achieve sufficient security measures. The complete study (in German) can be downloaded here for free. Share now (No Ratings Yet) Loading... Categories Reading Tips of the Week