Also in Fashion: Offers just for Men Who’d have thought it? In the USA, men have overtaken women in online shopping. Looking at the abundance of new business models which the men, and only the men, have declared their new target group, this news does not seem so surprising. A good example is the service of It isn’t just the prices … Continue reading "Also in Fashion: Offers just for Men"
B2B: Improved centralisation and display of information in online shops Information gathering in B2B is still rather traditional, print media are trusted the most. The catalogue’s popularity is still enormous; however, it is losing meaning in the face of online contents. This can be seen, for example, in the statistics on the economic situation in shipping trade 2013 from the bevh. Online ordering channels are … Continue reading "B2B: Improved centralisation and display of information in online shops"
B2B Marketing = Marketing Boring Products? How do I create content in B2B? Not every product is attractive and has an exciting background story. This problem, which has already caused headaches in B2C, is even more prevalent in B2B. Most companies in this area can more or less be placed in the ‘boring industries’ category. How is it possible to create … Continue reading "B2B Marketing = Marketing Boring Products?"
Best Practice: Dealing with Problems It is not just at Zappos that everything is about customer service. Wein & Vinos, Germany’s largest online wholesalers of Spanish wines have set the goal of making all customers happy. It is tragic when, despite this, every shipping deal’s nightmare comes true. They only wanted to do something good for themselves and their customers, … Continue reading "Best Practice: Dealing with Problems"