On the Discussion: Shop Systems and Innovation in E-Commerce “Next please!” wants Roman Zenner in the current heated debate on e-commerce innovation, also in relation to shop systems. I just have the feeling that this was also addressed to me. Alexander Ringsdorff, Andi Unger, and Björn Schotte have already taken part. Jochen Krisch deals with this topic regularly.
Demography – an underestimated factor in e-commerce? 5 questions The community has now focused on the topic of gender in current e-commerce debates. While the topic “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” has lost none of its appeal, a subject seemingly long laid ad acta – the aging population – has been forgotten. In the read worthy dossier Generation der Babyboomer vs. … Continue reading "Demography – an underestimated factor in e-commerce? 5 questions"
The Price of Poor Customer Service Many companies spend far too little on customer service. An infographic from ClickSoftware shows why this is dangerous. Companies in the USA lose approximately 83 billion US dollars annually, because customers change providers or cancel their purchase. The reasons: For 63 percent of customers, the service experienced is more important than the price when they … Continue reading "The Price of Poor Customer Service"
Virtual Fitting Rooms Solve the Online Fashion Industry’s Returns Problem One of the online fashion industries problem zones is the rate of returns. Doesn’t fit, don’t like it, looks different from the picture – in order to save time and nerves, and to raise the hit rate, customers often order the same piece of clothing in multiple sizes. The rest is then sent back, or … Continue reading "Virtual Fitting Rooms Solve the Online Fashion Industry’s Returns Problem"
ebay’s multichannel hopes cool – will Paypal jump ship? In 2013 mobile brought both eBay and PayPal more turn-over than expected. Rather than 20 billion, eBay generated 22 billion US and PayPal made it to 27, rather than 20 billion. So far so good, but it could be better. Investments in mobile and stationary trade are developing sluggishly and are becoming a milestone around … Continue reading "ebay’s multichannel hopes cool – will Paypal jump ship?"
E-Commerce Simplifies Standard Orders in B2B Compared to B2C, B2B focuses on a smaller user group, that never the less returns more often. It is mostly the same products that are ordered. Therefore, fast product searching and checkout are in the foreground, compared to catalogues. How shop functions bring B2B up to speed
Disappointment – The Dark Side of Emotionalisation Marriage scam instead of true love – this is how modern advertising is compared to classic advertising in the article “Die Bemühung” (The Endeavour) on brandeins.de. While we used to court each other as though we were at a dance in the 50s, today we’re bombarded with messages like at a techno parade. But it … Continue reading "Disappointment – The Dark Side of Emotionalisation"
Fab Buries European Business – Apart from Customised Furniture Fab have once again dared a change in business model, which has been declared a new beginning. This can now be seen in their shop: gone is the trendy kitsch, along with the funny home accessories. Instead, a “partner for sophisticated tailored furniture solutions” awaits the visitor. Their competence for shelving and table systems is … Continue reading "Fab Buries European Business – Apart from Customised Furniture"
Gender Commerce: Top Brands Excite Men and Women Female, or rather gender commerce, is more than just a trendy topic. Online shops, which focus on a specific target group, also have to be optimised for gender specific requirements. For instance, it behoves a company where 90 percent of the turnover comes from women, to concentrate on the needs of female customers as part … Continue reading "Gender Commerce: Top Brands Excite Men and Women"
Internationalisation in e-commerce – reasons to turn your back on Germany Internationalisation is one of the biggest key words in e-commerce and will determine development in the following years. On the one hand, from our perspective competition e.g. from Alibab and Rakuten, comes onto the German market and heightens the competition even more. On the other hand, start-ups are begining to internationalise earlier than ever. Where … Continue reading "Internationalisation in e-commerce – reasons to turn your back on Germany"