Tracking and Smartphone – Spam – Why Customers Reject Beacons Beacons can exchange data with smartphones and other smart objects via energy saving Bluetooth in a radius of up to 30 metre. Nothing other than the hope of saving stationary trade is built on this fact. Beacons are usable in diverse ways: as an alternative to mobile payment and NFC. Apart from that, customers can … Continue reading "Tracking and Smartphone – Spam – Why Customers Reject Beacons"
Updated whitepaper “Selecting E-Commerce Software” available Our white paper “Selecting E-Commerce Software: Providers and Technologies Compared,” which first appeared in September 2013 has now been updated. Naturally, current discussions on shop systems have been included. For weekly updates, we also recommend Roman Zenner’s Shoptech-Blog What’s new?
There are many paths to the emotional customer approach Thinking about emotion in e-commerce, it is easy to get caught up in clichés: Happiness and the mood for shopping always appear to go hand in hand. This may be true for usability and the user experience, however, looking at the emotions which make us reach for our (virtual) credit cards, it seems they are … Continue reading "There are many paths to the emotional customer approach"
Was does a Magento agency have to say about the Meet Magento row? We are a long term Magento partner and don’t want to keep our opinion about the ‘scandal lecture’ to ourselves. Jochen G. Fuchs (as editor), Roman Zenner (as consultant and Magneto expert) and Tobias Zander (as developer) have already referred to it.
Wearables: Nike Develops Fuelband Further with Apple While another device with only one function now exists with Amazon Dash, one will disappear from the market: the Nike FuelBand. For the time being it will still be sold, but it won’t be developed further. Nike see their future as being in the software branch. That is why 55 of the 70 strong hardware … Continue reading "Wearables: Nike Develops Fuelband Further with Apple"
Why marketing stagnated in 2004 (storytelling) Gary Vaynerchuk, entrepreneur and social media expert is stunned: 99 percent of marketers still run marketing and advertising as though it were 2004 not 2014 – via print, TV, radio, or billboards. He summarised what is catastrophic about this in the slideshare presentation below. Traditional channels are not half as valuable as they used to … Continue reading "Why marketing stagnated in 2004 (storytelling)"
Net find of the week: Other ways Jeff Bezos tops us his pocket money Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is known for being a busy man. Recently titled the worst boss in the world, he is having a rocket for space built, amongst other things and is investing 42 Million dollars in a giant clock in the middle of a mountain in Texas, among other things. He is also having … Continue reading "Net find of the week: Other ways Jeff Bezos tops us his pocket money"
Where are the New Growth Drivers in Trade? In the long run, digital trade is heading towards saturation point. The aging population is spending ever more money on real estate, groceries, mobility and health while young people have to budget with tight resources. A factor which often goes unnoticed is the complete dissemination of the internet in every age group and class. The … Continue reading "Where are the New Growth Drivers in Trade?"
How to Recognise an Incompetent SEO Agency Photo: L.C.Nøttaasen Everyone, who has dealt with SEO in any way shape or form, knows that the branch is once again in a state of radical change. The transition to high quality content is finally taking place, after many popular Google strategies were made impossible. However, no everyone has realised that there are still ‘old-school’ … Continue reading "How to Recognise an Incompetent SEO Agency"
Statistics on Mobile Shopping: Post PC Era Not in Site Steve Jobs was wrong – despite smartphone shopping, PCs are still here. Search and purchase decisions are increasingly happening via mobile. However, conversion via smartphone has not risen significantly. Reasons surely include old habits and a lack of trust in payment finalisation via smartphone. Perhaps a lot of people shop from they workstation while are … Continue reading "Statistics on Mobile Shopping: Post PC Era Not in Site"