Panda 4.1 – Who Wins and Who Loses? On the 24th of September, Google announced the rollout of the search engine algorithm update Panda 4.1. Since 2011, Panda has been making sure that websites with higher quality content rank better than content farms. It has been five months since the last update, and Panda 4.1 brings some changes with it.
Net find: What really happens in 40 mins of Facebook use In the USA, Facebook users spend an average of 40 minutes daily surfing in the social network. According to strictest scientific criteria have summarised how this time spent exactly:
Why pay with a tweet is the most user friendly paywall The idea of a conventional paywall is used by many content providers. However, a non-monetary paywall is rare. Pay with Tweet is one example: content has to be paid for in the form of a tweet or a post. Your own website receives greater reach and therefore more traffic in return. But how can turn-over … Continue reading "Why pay with a tweet is the most user friendly paywall"
New Whitepaper “Digital Transformation” available for download The effects of digitalisation in the form of big data, e-commerce cloud computing and social media have been felt by companies for some time now. “Digital transformation” is now on the agenda of conservative branches. Entire business models, value creation processes and industries are being put to the test, or at least are being challenged … Continue reading "New Whitepaper “Digital Transformation” available for download"
What can online markets learn from classic branding? » Online markets beware: products from the fashion and lifestyle industry are particularly difficult to market. This, something like this, is what marketing experts (Carsten Rieman – Director of Consulting Media at Pilot entertainment GmbH, Alexander Wipf – Head of Strategy at Leo Burnett GmbH, Ralph Anderl – General Manager at iC! berlin and Peer … Continue reading "What can online markets learn from classic branding?"
Native Advertising – Surreptitious advertising with a difference Native advertising was one of the trends on the dmexco. This advertising hides content which was written for the sponsors and is not recognisable right away. It sounds like the golden goose of the marketing industry: ads which are non-intrusive and remain untouched by adblockers.
Selecting Shop Systems: dotSource CEO Christian Malik in T3N Interview Our CEO Christian Malik gave an interview to the online presence of t3n at the dmexco. Topics included criteria for selecting shop systems
E-Commerce Solutions Providers Introduced: Magento [update] E-commerce software Magento was originally published as an open source e-commerce platform by the company Varien Inc. in 2008. With eBay’s takeover in 2011, the company was reformed under Magento Inc. as a 100% daughter company. Today Magento Inc. is an American software manufacturer with a seat in Culver City (Los Angeles County). Magento mainly … Continue reading "E-Commerce Solutions Providers Introduced: Magento [update]"
Exit Intent Pop-up as new conversion booster? “Let travellers embark on their journey” – The current exit intent pop-up trend is ignoring this motto. On the contrary, these little windows hold up everyone wanting to exit a site. What initially sounds annoying looks very different on paper. Users of the marketing tool are reporting raised conversion rates and higher sales. Thanks to … Continue reading "Exit Intent Pop-up as new conversion booster?"
The Sky’s the Limit – dotSource hires its 100th employee [internal] To be exact, we greeted our hundredth staff member on the first of September. Since the start of the month, 101 staff cavort in our offices and provide e-commerce from the first idea!