Money isn’t growing on trees, but it’s showing up in your old wardrobe

If you believe a survey by Greenpeace, you’ll believe over one billion unused garments are stored in German closets. Not just moths, even savvy economists recognise a certain potential here. Environmentally conscious people are fighting against the wasteful use of our outer layers anyway. The key phrase: second hand!

Dr. Digital – Apps and artificial intelligence for better health

Diagnosing diseases via Google has proven to be unreliable. If you search long enough with your own symptoms, you’ll get, with almost 100% certainly, the same diagnosis: Cancer! The situation is different with a data-driven health diagnosis. Wearables such as fitness bands, heart rate monitors, and activity trackers can provide data that was otherwise measured … Continue reading "Dr. Digital – Apps and artificial intelligence for better health"

Brands as employers

A shortage of skilled workers is a growing phenomenon that companies from all industries are confronted with. Fewer drivers are found for logistics, nursing staff are on strike, and digital experts are missing. Fewer workers are available due to demographics changing, and many are looking for a career as YouTubers or influencers. For the latter, … Continue reading "Brands as employers"

Artificial Intelligence: A central piece in the content commerce puzzle

How can companies realise their content commerce dreams by using existing video content? In early 2017, Google announced its »Google Cloud Video Intelligence API«, which uses artificial intelligence to do the tedious ploughing through video archives to find specific content. Whether it’s cool cats, snowboarders, or skyscrapers. Google isn’t alone: IBM Watson launched a similar … Continue reading "Artificial Intelligence: A central piece in the content commerce puzzle"

New white paper: “Selecting Customer Relationship Software” including the dotSource Vendor Matrix

At a time when the availability of products and services has become a standard across countless providers through digital channels, customer loyalty is increasingly becoming a privilege for both retailers and manufacturers. A strong relationship with the customer is the key to long-term business success. So how does customer loyalty lead to success? Targeted customer … Continue reading "New white paper: “Selecting Customer Relationship Software” including the dotSource Vendor Matrix"

Digital twin: Virtual industrial facilities as a superlative for the optimisation of marketing, distribution, and services

The digital transformation constantly enriches us with new buzzwords and challenges. Internet of things, okay. Digital twin, wait, what? What’s behind future concepts? Are they really as revolutionary as they seem? Digital twin means much more than the mere virtual representation of a physical product. With the help of the digital twin, not only the … Continue reading "Digital twin: Virtual industrial facilities as a superlative for the optimisation of marketing, distribution, and services"