B2B Multi-Stream Projects Make the Difference: TROX on the Road to Success with Holistic Commerce, Marketing and UXD Strategy [Success Story]

Let us admit it: at first glance, there are more exciting topics than »Production and sale of components, appliances and systems for the ventilation and air conditioning of rooms, including fire and smoke protection technology« – even in the business customer segment. As you might have guessed, however, it is definitely worth taking a second … Continue reading "B2B Multi-Stream Projects Make the Difference: TROX on the Road to Success with Holistic Commerce, Marketing and UXD Strategy [Success Story]"

CRM Best Practices from Agriculture to Publishing: Nine Successful Salesforce Use Cases [Best Practice]

In order to stay ahead of the competition in terms of customer success, you should not let your processes stagnate or be content with merely using innovative solutions. So much for theory. In our new »CRM Best Practices« publication, we show you how to turn customer relationship management from a theoretical business strategy construct into … Continue reading "CRM Best Practices from Agriculture to Publishing: Nine Successful Salesforce Use Cases [Best Practice]"

Migration from MVP to Launch: myAGRAR Relies on Magento 2.4 for Multi-Client Commerce [Success Story]

To this day, farmers have their hands full in early spring – rather in February than in March – because they need to cultivate their fields. In order to get everything they need for a good harvest year, more and more of them are focusing on online shopping. myAGRAR is one of the leading online … Continue reading "Migration from MVP to Launch: myAGRAR Relies on Magento 2.4 for Multi-Client Commerce [Success Story]"

Consent Management in E-Commerce: BADER Creates Customer Trust Through Data Transparency [Success Story]

The GDPR legally obliges operators of digital platforms to clearly inform users about the storage and use of personal data. In May 2020, a ruling by the German Federal Court of Justice added an additional article to the regulation, stating that users must not only be informed about the use of personal data, but must … Continue reading "Consent Management in E-Commerce: BADER Creates Customer Trust Through Data Transparency [Success Story]"

E-Commerce Know-How to Go. Five Examples, One Message: Succeeding with the Right System & Digitalisation Partner [Best Practice]

The doorbell is ringing. The heart is pounding. The parcel service driver is sweating. The customer is shouting with joy. It is the penultimate scene of an everyday spectacle: we have ordered something online. After the delivery time has been kept as short as possible, we now want the product to bring us joy for … Continue reading "E-Commerce Know-How to Go. Five Examples, One Message: Succeeding with the Right System & Digitalisation Partner [Best Practice]"

CDP of the Future – Achieving a 360-Degree View of the Customer with Tealium? [5 Reading Tips]

With Tealium’s customer data platform (CDP)/customer data hub (CDH), there is now a tool that makes it possible to get a 360-degree view of the customer, both online and offline. The customer data platform bridges the gap between the online world, corporate data and a variety of marketing tools. With Tealium CDP, data scientists get … Continue reading "CDP of the Future – Achieving a 360-Degree View of the Customer with Tealium? [5 Reading Tips]"

Increased Reach, Active Tracking: Netto eStores Uses SEO and Web Analytics to Reach the Next Goal on Its Digital Roadmap [Success Story]

»Brutto«, the German word for gross (e.g. gross income), is Italian and means »brutal, ugly, mean«. Since the Renaissance, this word has been used in economic contexts to refer to a sum without deductions, for example the monthly salary before taxes and insurance are deducted. »Netto«, the German word for net (e.g. net profit), is … Continue reading "Increased Reach, Active Tracking: Netto eStores Uses SEO and Web Analytics to Reach the Next Goal on Its Digital Roadmap [Success Story]"

Black Friday and Co.: How Companies Can Promote Themselves Online by Offering Discounts [5 Reading Tips]

Black Friday is the shopping event of the year, even in times of COVID-19. On Friday, the 27th of November 2020, companies will once again lure customers with discounts and special offers. Whether it is ten, 20 or 50 per cent: consumers can look forward to great discounts again this year. We show you how … Continue reading "Black Friday and Co.: How Companies Can Promote Themselves Online by Offering Discounts [5 Reading Tips]"