USV Jena e. V. Not Only Innovative in Terms of Sports: How the Sports Club Efficiently Connects Employees and Members with Salesforce Sales Cloud [Success Story]

Who says that data is only the new oil in e-commerce and that excellent service only makes a crucial difference in digital business? In other areas of life and business, users can benefit from modern and powerful CRM software as well, for example when managing members in large sports clubs. Digital networking also makes a … Continue reading "USV Jena e. V. Not Only Innovative in Terms of Sports: How the Sports Club Efficiently Connects Employees and Members with Salesforce Sales Cloud [Success Story]"

Remote Business: Best Practices for Remote Work, Online Events and Online Training [New White Paper]

The world is upside down because of something that can only be seen under the microscope. In the working world, however, COVID-19 accelerates changes that started long before the pandemic – and that cannot be undone once the global dangers of this virus are gone. As terrible an occasion as it is, as innovative are … Continue reading "Remote Business: Best Practices for Remote Work, Online Events and Online Training [New White Paper]"

Handelskraft Trend Book 2021 – The Manifesto for Digital Freedom Out Now!

Today is the day we celebrate digital freedom. The brand new Handelskraft Trend Book 2021 »Digital Freedom« is now available for free download – exclusively for retailers, manufacturers and publishers. Do you want to know what it is all about and how you can benefit from it? This article tells you everything you need to … Continue reading "Handelskraft Trend Book 2021 – The Manifesto for Digital Freedom Out Now!"

Migration from Salesforce Classic to Lightning at Unitedprint – Successful CRM Is Also a Question of User Acceptance [Success Story]

Digital success is not just a question of technology. In the end, it always comes down to the people using the technology. How well they do so depends not least on how they are introduced to the system. People are creatures of habit. They have always been. Whether in their private or professional lives: people … Continue reading "Migration from Salesforce Classic to Lightning at Unitedprint – Successful CRM Is Also a Question of User Acceptance [Success Story]"

B2B E-Commerce in Record Time – Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft Industrie- und Wirtschaftsberatung mbH Opens up New Digital Sales Channels with dotSource [Success Story]

The first step is usually the hardest. This admittedly rather blunt truism also applies to the digital business environment. When looking for a new digital sales channel, what is the first important step for a company whose sales activities were previously focused mainly on face-to-face events such as congresses and trade fairs? Where do you … Continue reading "B2B E-Commerce in Record Time – Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft Industrie- und Wirtschaftsberatung mbH Opens up New Digital Sales Channels with dotSource [Success Story]"

Migration in B2C Commerce: Dildoking Relaunches Online Shop on Magento 2 Commerce Cloud, Version 2.3 [Success Story]

By now, it should be clear to everyone that data security and keeping shop systems up to date are essential success factors in e-business. True to the slogan »Turn old into new« or better »Turn old into secure shop system«, our client CLICKPOOL migrated the e-commerce software of its in-house brand Dildoking to the latest … Continue reading "Migration in B2C Commerce: Dildoking Relaunches Online Shop on Magento 2 Commerce Cloud, Version 2.3 [Success Story]"

B2B Multi-Stream Projects Make the Difference: TROX on the Road to Success with Holistic Commerce, Marketing and UXD Strategy [Success Story]

Let us admit it: at first glance, there are more exciting topics than »Production and sale of components, appliances and systems for the ventilation and air conditioning of rooms, including fire and smoke protection technology« – even in the business customer segment. As you might have guessed, however, it is definitely worth taking a second … Continue reading "B2B Multi-Stream Projects Make the Difference: TROX on the Road to Success with Holistic Commerce, Marketing and UXD Strategy [Success Story]"

CRM Best Practices from Agriculture to Publishing: Nine Successful Salesforce Use Cases [Best Practice]

In order to stay ahead of the competition in terms of customer success, you should not let your processes stagnate or be content with merely using innovative solutions. So much for theory. In our new »CRM Best Practices« publication, we show you how to turn customer relationship management from a theoretical business strategy construct into … Continue reading "CRM Best Practices from Agriculture to Publishing: Nine Successful Salesforce Use Cases [Best Practice]"