Videos: the next influential tool in online marketing? [5 Reading Tips] Videos have a special power – they generate more intense reactions and emotions to every viewer. Moving images provide more information than pictures and obviously even more than a thousand words. It is considered one of the most effective media to increase customer engagement. However, it is still one of the most underestimated ones by … Continue reading "Videos: the next influential tool in online marketing? [5 Reading Tips]"
SEO: typing or speaking? That’s the question! [5 Reading Tips] Consumers are regularly turning to their mobile devices to search. Basically, typing keywords in a browser and instantaneously getting a list of results doesn’t differ from the desktop experience. The various search results match pretty well with their questions and let them find, in the majority of cases, the perfect answer. However, the emergence of … Continue reading "SEO: typing or speaking? That’s the question! [5 Reading Tips]"
The future of payment is cash-free [5 Reading Tips] The act of paying is becoming cashless and invisible. The reason: the digitization of all processes in which the banal act of exchanging money for goods is involved and the emergence of streamlined payments, mobile payments, and cryptocurrencies. The rise of connected devices opens broad horizons making fin-tech a key player in the field of … Continue reading "The future of payment is cash-free [5 Reading Tips]"
Open source data centers towards efficiency, remote desktop apps towards simplicity [5 Reading Tips] In the digital era, where companies deal with a great amount of data and tend to digitize all their processes, it is more and more necessary to rethink the way they use these hardware resources in order to turn the current procedures more efficient, flexible, cheaper and streamlined. Now, the online giants Facebook, Google and … Continue reading "Open source data centers towards efficiency, remote desktop apps towards simplicity [5 Reading Tips]"
Logistics: resell returned items as fast as possible [5 reading tips] Today, shoppers got used to order a certain amount of products that usually exceeds their financial possibilities and original expectations motivated by generous free-return policies or the popularity of ex post payment methods. The return-anything culture: order – receive – try on– decide (buy or return) has been established as a daily routine. As a … Continue reading "Logistics: resell returned items as fast as possible [5 reading tips]"
CRM tools: smart data automation to conquer customers [ 5 Reading tips] Data, data and more data. Before getting crazy, think wisely. In the digital era, customers and organizations have a plethora of data at their hands. The customer journey is becoming more complex and hybrid. The shopping experience is influenced by multiple touch points and companies need to anticipate their actions so that they can create … Continue reading "CRM tools: smart data automation to conquer customers [ 5 Reading tips]"
Retailers, listen: ‘Buy button’ everywhere leads to high conversation rates! [5 reading tips] Mobile devices, especially smartphones, evolved from being a complimentary communication gadget to become an intrinsic part of shoppers’ lifes. Meanwhile, brands discovered the huge potential of smartphones being the best way to approach consumers and offer more personalized experiences and products instantaneously. In this context, Paypal aims to help retailers to increase mobile conversion rates … Continue reading "Retailers, listen: ‘Buy button’ everywhere leads to high conversation rates! [5 reading tips]"
Virtual reality shopping experiences, the disruptive 2016 trend [5 Reading tips] Living experiences beyond the real world and feel yourself inside the game. It seems 2016 will be the year in which virtual reality is taking shape, not only in the videogames sector but also in business, like Volvo and Media Saturn are currently doing. The tech majors such as Samsung and Google have been working … Continue reading "Virtual reality shopping experiences, the disruptive 2016 trend [5 Reading tips]"
High-tech startups reinvent lingerie industry squeezing the advantages of digitalisation [5 Reading tips] Too tight. Too loose. Too small. Too big. Uncomfortable. Longer straps, ugly marks. No pain, no gain. This is the perfect illustration to describe the big frustration during the customer journey of many women pursuing the dream bra. Spending hours in a fitting room fitted and measured by a stranger to end up empty-handed. However, … Continue reading "High-tech startups reinvent lingerie industry squeezing the advantages of digitalisation [5 Reading tips]"
PIM systems: the ultimate strategic tool to make the most out of your digital business [5 Reading tips] Today, companies are offering more products and services than ever, taking the international leap faster and easier than before. The volume of data is massively growing because of the use of new technology, the improvement of the communication flows and the popularisation of e-commerce. In parallel to this scenario, consumers are becoming more demanding than … Continue reading "PIM systems: the ultimate strategic tool to make the most out of your digital business [5 Reading tips]"