Broaden Your Horizon with Our International Heroes and Heroines of 2023!

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Source: Pexels/ATC Comm Photo

Heroes and heroines are everywhere. They use digitalisation to make the world a better place and make us smile, dream, reflect and carry on.

After introducing you to the digital heroes and heroines of the dotSource content team in recent years, we want to broaden your and our »digital horizons« in line with this year’s Handelskraft slogan.

Because what makes Handelskraft and dotSource so special is the diverse team that unites people from different backgrounds. That’s why we asked our international colleagues: Which person or company impressed you digitally in 2023?

Read the answers below!

Maja’s Heroine (Croatia): Danica Kragic – Tech Skills Meet Sense of Fashion

My all-time digital business heroine is computer scientist Danica Kragic. She was born in Rijeka, works in Sweden as a professor for electrical engineering and computer science and is a board member for H&M.

I find it inspiring how this highly educated woman manages to unite her love of fashion, design and robotics while always remaining authentic and approachable.

We met in a fabric store (which unfortunately closed due to COVID-19) years ago while she was buying some fabric for the clothes she was always creating during her vacations in Rijeka. Later, I interviewed her for my blog.

Croatian speakers can find the blog post here.

She can be a great inspiration for everyone!

Wilhelm-Ludwig’s Hero (South Africa): Vusi Thembekwayo – Business and Life Lessons

In my opinion, Vusi Thembekwayo is a huge inspiration for all young people out there who are looking for role models. He’s a South African entrepreneur, speaker and author. I follow him on Instagram and am super impressed by what he does in terms of entrepreneurship, how he motivates people with his speeches and, above all, how socially committed he is.

He speaks about entrepreneurship, leadership as well as personal development and promotes a mindset of constant learning and adaptation.

I can only recommend taking a look at his account or buying one of his books!


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Milena’s Heroine (Bosnia and Herzegovina): Goldie Chan – The World Needs #DailyGoldie

Goldie Chan is a LinkedIn influencer and digital marketing strategist. I’ve been following her for ages. Her video channel #DailyGoldie was honoured as a »Top Voice« on LinkedIn. She also writes for Forbes on »Personal Branding and Storytelling in the Digital Age« and is a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion in the workplace. She’s passionate about helping people realise their full potential. In 2022, she courageously shared her medical history with breast cancer. She’s simply a strong woman. A real heroine.

Kshitij’s Heroine (India): Faye D’Souza – Complete Independence for Improved Credibility

We are currently heavily dependent on our smartphones and social media, even for our daily news. The independent journalist and feminist, Faye D’Souza, has become a reliable source of unbiased information via her Instagram, X and YouTube accounts. She had a long career in radio, print and television news from 2003 to 2017, during which she hosted her own debate show that brought light to several difficult issues faced by the common people of India.

She truly became a hero of many viewers when she responded to derogatory comments during a debate on adequate clothing for women in the film and sports industry. Calm and composed, she said: »This is a channel run by a woman, and no, this is not a woman that you can easily rattle.«

She has recently launched her independent news app for sharing »unemotional« news with the public to combat the »crisis of credibility (that) Indian news is facing«, taking a major step towards efficient digitalisation in the Indian news circuit.

Polina’s Heroines (Russia): Pussy Riot – Resonating Screams

Pussy Riot isn’t just a punk band – they’re an activist group fighting for women’s and LGBTQ+ rights and against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It’s inconceivable that issues such as the patriarchy, discrimination, the influence of the church on politics and full-scale wars still exist in many countries in the 21st century. It’s very important not to ignore this. Pussy Riot don’t just talk about these problems, they shout them out – not only as a form of protest, but as the most natural art form there is. These women address problems that one cannot keep silent about – beautifully and impressively.

Beyond the Digital Horizon – More Digital Inspiration in the Trend Book 2023

Handelskraft Trend Book 2023 ThumbnailExplore the digital horizon, find new inspiration and learn how to turn challenges into opportunities! Fill out the form now and receive the Handelskraft Trend Book 2023 »Digital Horizon« in your inbox for free!

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