The Holy Grail of Personal Data – Putting GDPR to the Test Amazon knows us better than most of our friends. Accurate product suggestions and personalised advertising ensure that your opinion of them is full of enthusiasm instead of irritation, because such features are expected when it comes to online shopping. But what’s the price we’re paying for this convenience? Thanks to the GDPR, civil rights activist, … Continue reading "The Holy Grail of Personal Data – Putting GDPR to the Test"
Digitisation and education— Personalisation as a recipe for success Banning cell phones in class or embrace a digital classroom? Hardly any topic is as controversial as digitisation and school. And of course the craziness surrounding around the “digital pact” shows that. 5 billion euros over five years, earmarked for this purpose, will be far from enough for all schools and teachers to finally get … Continue reading "Digitisation and education— Personalisation as a recipe for success"
Minimise returns? Sure, but how? [5 Reading Tips] The lucrative holiday season is already over. But many online retailers still have a hangover from it, not just due to the stress of the shopping craziness, but also because weaknesses are becoming visible. But an increase in returns rates is far from a problem that online retailers face only once a year. It’s a … Continue reading "Minimise returns? Sure, but how? [5 Reading Tips]"