Web Design Trends: Which Trends Really Support a User-Centric Website? [5 Reading Tips] No matter what industry, no matter what channel: it is always the same with trends. Some people find them cool right away, while others think they are absolutely ridiculous. Some trends are here to stay and others are quickly forgotten or at least pushed aside. Regardless of whether trends appear in our private lives or … Continue reading "Web Design Trends: Which Trends Really Support a User-Centric Website? [5 Reading Tips]"
B2B E-Commerce in Record Time – Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft Industrie- und Wirtschaftsberatung mbH Opens up New Digital Sales Channels with dotSource [Success Story] The first step is usually the hardest. This admittedly rather blunt truism also applies to the digital business environment. When looking for a new digital sales channel, what is the first important step for a company whose sales activities were previously focused mainly on face-to-face events such as congresses and trade fairs? Where do you … Continue reading "B2B E-Commerce in Record Time – Deutsche MTM-Gesellschaft Industrie- und Wirtschaftsberatung mbH Opens up New Digital Sales Channels with dotSource [Success Story]"
System Integration for Medium-Sized Companies: Advantages of the Magic xpi Integration Platform [5 Reading Tips] Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, medium-sized companies have encountered quite a lot of problems. Using a mix of different software solutions to digitise marketing, sales, services and internal business processes is almost standard these days. However, when data exchange becomes inefficient and data gaps occur, system integration is the only solution. Various systems must interact … Continue reading "System Integration for Medium-Sized Companies: Advantages of the Magic xpi Integration Platform [5 Reading Tips]"
B2B Multi-Stream Projects Make the Difference: TROX on the Road to Success with Holistic Commerce, Marketing and UXD Strategy [Success Story] Let us admit it: at first glance, there are more exciting topics than »Production and sale of components, appliances and systems for the ventilation and air conditioning of rooms, including fire and smoke protection technology« – even in the business customer segment. As you might have guessed, however, it is definitely worth taking a second … Continue reading "B2B Multi-Stream Projects Make the Difference: TROX on the Road to Success with Holistic Commerce, Marketing and UXD Strategy [Success Story]"
Videos on Social Media: How Long Is Long Enough? [5 Reading Tips] Marketers and influencers are constantly trying to attract the attention of users with fancy content. One thing has always been certain: content has to be short and snappy, i.e. snackable. This makes it all the more surprising that TikTok announced two weeks ago that the maximum duration of videos will be extended from one to … Continue reading "Videos on Social Media: How Long Is Long Enough? [5 Reading Tips]"
CRM Best Practices from Agriculture to Publishing: Nine Successful Salesforce Use Cases [Best Practice] In order to stay ahead of the competition in terms of customer success, you should not let your processes stagnate or be content with merely using innovative solutions. So much for theory. In our new »CRM Best Practices« publication, we show you how to turn customer relationship management from a theoretical business strategy construct into … Continue reading "CRM Best Practices from Agriculture to Publishing: Nine Successful Salesforce Use Cases [Best Practice]"
Content Management Systems: What Are the Advantages of Headless CMS? [5 Reading Tips] Flexibility is essential in this day and age. Those who rely on traditional, inflexible systems simply cannot keep up with challenges increasing day by day. This also applies to content management systems, which are only competitive in their flexible, headless form these days.
Salesforce – Revenue Growth in Full Swing [5 Reading Tips] These are reading tips, not investment tips – and no maths class for fifth graders either. We will get to both later though. Since these are reading tips, we refer to other texts worth reading – to this one from the deepest SPIEGEL ONLINE archives, for example, which was published in 2003. Such a long … Continue reading "Salesforce – Revenue Growth in Full Swing [5 Reading Tips]"
Virtual Reality: Is This What the Future of Video Conferencing Looks Like? [5 Reading Tips] Zoom meetings. Conferences on Slack. Calls via the Teams app. Homeschooling. Doctor’s appointment via a surgery portal. Video chats come into play wherever conversations of a formal nature take place. They often work according to the same principle. Are they efficient? Yes. Can they digitally reproduce real conversations 1:1? Not always. What a shame, really. … Continue reading "Virtual Reality: Is This What the Future of Video Conferencing Looks Like? [5 Reading Tips]"
Data Is Our Friend – How to Establish a Data Culture in Your Company [5 Reading Tips] Data is the new oil. It means progress and holds huge potential. You just have to recognise it and derive appropriate measures. Understanding data and identifying opportunities guarantees long-term success. Accordingly, it is up to every company not only to manage the enormous amount of data collected and generated on a daily basis, but above … Continue reading "Data Is Our Friend – How to Establish a Data Culture in Your Company [5 Reading Tips]"