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Wow! On Tuesday we were awarded the 2019 E-commerce Germany Award in the »Best Agency« category. We can now call ourselves »Agency of the Year«. We’re so unbelievably excited that even some happy tears were shed and we couldn’t be prouder. Even if it seems trite and sounds like an award phrase, we owe this … Continue reading "dotSource awarded »Agency of the Year« 2019"
Whether online, marketplace, or social media – consumers have more and more opportunities to find and buy goods and services from around the world online. However, marketplaces attract the majority of consumers’ online attention. The user benefits are obvious: a varied selection, good and fast service, and the possibility to find desired products directly via … Continue reading "B2C vs. B2B – online marketplaces put to the test [5 Reading Tips]"
30 March 2019 will go down in history. For the first time, the European Union is shrinking, as it’ll lose one of its members that day. In accordance with Article 50 of the Treaty of the European Union, British Prime Minister Theresa May led the exit process after almost 52 per cent of UK citizens … Continue reading "No deal! What’ll Brexit do to online retail?"
Online shopping has long been a fixture in German retail. But there are certain sectors that are slower to keep up. According to a recent survey by Digital Association of Germany Bitkom, online grocery, despite its growth, hardly reaches any new customers. How’s that possible? The e-food market is also facing a major challenge: the … Continue reading "E-Food — The last mile is the biggest challenge [5 Reading Tips]"
Banning cell phones in class or embrace a digital classroom? Hardly any topic is as controversial as digitisation and school. And of course the craziness surrounding around the “digital pact” shows that. 5 billion euros over five years, earmarked for this purpose, will be far from enough for all schools and teachers to finally get … Continue reading "Digitisation and education— Personalisation as a recipe for success"
The lucrative holiday season is already over. But many online retailers still have a hangover from it, not just due to the stress of the shopping craziness, but also because weaknesses are becoming visible. But an increase in returns rates is far from a problem that online retailers face only once a year. It’s a … Continue reading "Minimise returns? Sure, but how? [5 Reading Tips]"
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