How fast is Internet of Things developing? [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 28. November 2016 | by Sara Herrera Source: vege – Fotolia The wide spread of everyday connected devices, appliances, and gadgets has brought the benefits of the Internet of Things (IoT) into the spotlight. This technology enables consumers and companies to interact with the physical world, and to smartly and efficiently manage the big amount of data generated to improve customer experiences and business processes. By 2020 there will be 34 billion devices connected to the Internet, what requires the reinforcement of the relations human-machine. Precisely, although IoT is still in its infancy, there are great expectations placed in relation to the implications this technology will have not only in the human-machine duo, but also in our daily lives. Continue (1 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce Reading Tips of the Week
Updated white paper: Success in mobile commerce – Optimisation and best practices Posted on 24. November 2016 | by Sara Herrera Thanks to the wide spread of smartphones and mobile Internet, consumers are more accessible than ever and shopping takes place wherever consumers happen to be. Some facts indicate that mobile commerce is and will be the most important growth driver within e-commerce and that the smartphone is the cornerstone to succeed in an omnichannel world. The figures are clear: The smartphone revenue is predicted to surpass tablet for the first time during this shopping season, the global mobile traffic grows unstoppably, and conversion rates are also enhanced as a result of the implementation of new customer experience models in which usability and web design, in all its forms, play an important role. It is a fact that mobile impacts digital commerce and influences in-store purchases. A good mobile strategy can drive traffic and conversation rates. For instance, Zalando , Burberry , and Lensbest are doing very well in this respect. And Adidas has recently shown its commitment to this channel with the launch of its mobile Glitch-App in UK. Therefore, the question here is not anymore whether or not a mobile commerce strategy is necessary, but how to implement it. The essential guide to success in mobile commerce In order to resolve this question properly, our updated white paper “Success in mobile commerce: Optimisation and best practices” aims precisely to give a comprehensive overview of the most important aspects to take into account to design and carry out a promising mobile strategy. To do so it is primarily necessary to come up with a whole string of decisions and requirements that only an agency is able to manage properly: How often and why do my customers use a smartphone? What do my customers want? Mobile website or app? What are the differences between native, hybrid, or web apps? What determines mobile shop usability? How does responsive web design work? How does a mobile-optimised checkout process work? How can smooth performance be achieved? What are the main challenges of mobile payments? By using a hands-on and simple approach, these and other relevant questions will be fully explained and answered along the pages of this essential mobile commerce guide. Better be mobile first On the basis that 6 out 10 consumers believe that their expectations of mobile experiences are not completely satisfied and that high performance is a must to not lose customers, this white paper gives shop operators ultimate tips for usability and optimisation of all forms of web design to beat the main pain point of mobile commerce: the current low conversion rates. Furthermore, the most relevant facts and figures provided let readers know how the current state of mobile commerce is. There is also room for looking towards upcoming mobile trends and the challenges of mobile payments, which are being improved to conquer customers’ hearts. If you want to know the formula to win the mobile commerce race, download this whitepaper now for free! The update is currently available in German. Continue (No Ratings Yet) Loading... Categories E-Commerce
Mobile is the determining factor for mastering Black Friday [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 21. November 2016 | by Sara Herrera Quelle: click_and_photo – Fotolia Last November, we could certify that the European shopping psyche was turning. The battle for bargains is played online thanks to the uprooting power of the American Black Friday, led mainly by the giant Amazon. Since 2012 his phenomenon has been smashing all online sales records year after year, boosting the e-commerce sector even more. This year shoppers take Black Friday into account for their Christmas shopping as never before. It is a fact that its influence has changed the shopping behaviour in some countries such as UK and Spain. Additionally, more retailers increasingly spread their Black Friday promotions over so many days, and some others are joining in the bonanza shopping day. The centrepiece for both retailers and shoppers is undoubtedly the smartphone. Continue (1 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce Reading Tips of the Week
Tips to succeed in logistics during Christmas Posted on 17. November 2016 | by Sara Herrera Quelle: Lydia After the carnival kick-off and the Chinese “Single’s Day”, the general feeling is that Christmas is now around the corner. Shoppers are intensifying their searches online. Even some have ordered their first wave of presents before the so-called Black Friday kicks off. Also the first Christmas parcels have been successfully delivered. Precisely, logistics providers such as Hermes or DHL are warming up to guarantee the timely delivery of every parcel ordered. They definitely play an important role to assure the success of the purchase, but they are not enough in the spotlight. What are their main challenges and pain points? How can they reach excellence within this critical part of e-commerce? Continue (1 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce
How and when do German shoppers buy Christmas presents? [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 14. November 201614. November 2016 | by Sara Herrera Quelle: As every year, November is here to kick off a new Christmas shopping season, which promises to break all the records online once again. 31% of German shoppers start their Christmas shopping in November, while 34% will do so during the first two weeks of December. This season will be especially challenging for logistics as it is expected to reach a new record of shipments, but also rewarding for those retailers who place big bets on offering seamless and consistent omnichannel shopping experiences. In the most remarkable season of the year (Google estimates 20% of the annual sales depend on the Christmas campaign performance), the smartphone cannot be forgotten, as it is a decisive touchpoint that enables other multiple interactions along the customer journey. As a result, the customer journey is more complex and the competition extremely fierce. The race has just started for both buyers and sellers. Will consumer expectations be met? Who will be fully satisfied with the decisions taken? What is clear, whatever the answers to these questions are, is that the most important battle of the year for trade is played online! Continue (3 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce Reading Tips of the Week
The main challenges of the omnichannel era Posted on 10. November 2016 | by Sara Herrera Quelle: pexels.comIn digital life, the average consumer owns 7.2 devices and uses three on a daily basis. As a result, the customer journey is more complex and flexible than in the analogue age. There are multiple channels and, consequently, more data to analyse and more touchpoints through which organisations can interact with consumers. However, this breath-taking scenario involves a challenging reality at all levels in which certain processes, systems, and technologies should be gently polished and linked to make the most of the omnichannel environment. Are companies ready to accept the omni-challenge? Are they adapting their marketing strategies to this scenario? Do companies store and analyse data effectively? Are they doing so by integrated solutions? Continue (2 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce
Throw your credit cards away! The smartphone is your next payment method [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 7. November 2016 | by Sara Herrera Quelle: Denis Prikhodov – Fotolia.deIt is exciting times for quick and easy payment methods. Google, Paypal, Apple, and Samsung are recently moving forward in their race to increase the reach of their online and mobile payment solutions. The new payment methods aim to boost conversation rates at the checkout point by enhancing the customer paying experience on every device, especially on smartphone. Where is the new batch of payment methods heading? Continue (2 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce Reading Tips of the Week
The latest colour trends for mobile app design Posted on 27. October 201627. October 2016 | by Sara Herrera Quelle: Pexels Colour belongs to the most powerful tools of designers when talking about mobile app design together with usability. Colours can be used to impact the users’ emotions, draw their attention, and put them in the right frame of mind to make a purchase. However, in order to do so, it is essential to understand how colours affect people. In e-commerce, as the interaction user-internet device is mainly based on graphical UI components, colours play a decisive role to free up emotions that trigger spontaneous purchases. There are countless studies and also very comprehensive articles that explain how colours (warm and cold) affect human perception through the colour theory and the psychology of colours. Even Goethe was concerned about the influence of colours on the human psyche. Today we focus on the latest trends in mobile web design that no designer should miss. However, it is important to note that colour trends depends on sector, CI, and country. Continue (1 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories Design & Usability E-Commerce
Lack of digital skills – still a big barrier towards digital transformation [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 24. October 2016 | by Sara Herrera Quelle: Sergey Nivens – FotoliaDigital transformation, change management, and agile methods are words that naturally come to mind when thinking about how organisations should face the challenges arising from innovation and digitalisation. Executives seem to know how critical these words are for the future possibilities of their companies but they are still static or just about to start preparing for new business models in the best case. And, what is more worrying, they forget that people are the key to master digital transformation, while technology and data are only enablers. Continue (1 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce Reading Tips of the Week
6 tips to succeed in social selling Posted on 20. October 201620. October 2016 | by Sara Herrera Quelle: Antonioguillem – Fotolia The classic customer journey is evolving. B2B and BSC buyers spend more time online than ever, use social media for researching and scoping and are ready to make informed purchasing decisions even before sellers contact them. They are difficult to convince and become a formidable force against ads. That’s why social selling is gaining momentum. Continue (1 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce