Online MVP #HK20STR – We Made It! [Recap] Posted on 27. March 202025. October 2021 | by Franzi Kunz Online? No problem. MVP? No problem. Last week, we proved with the debut of the Handelskraft Conference 2020 Online Edition that we are able to pull this off under enormous time pressure and extreme conditions. Up to the day of the conference, we experienced 16 exciting days between »Oh my God«, corona master plan and »dotSource goes home office«. Within a very short time, everything that had been prepared intensively for more than a year was rethought, rebuilt and turned into a day that we will not forget so quickly for various reasons. Continue (6 vote(s), average: 4.33 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce Interviews Webinars
Digital Marketing for Higher Visibility in the Fashion World: How LERROS Improved Its Online Presence While Reducing Its Costs [Case Study] Posted on 17. March 202025. October 2021 | by Franzi Kunz Download the LERROS Case Study for free now! Attractiveness lies in the eye of the beholder. Those who clear out their wardrobe and ask themselves how they ever found some of the older pieces so beautiful that they spent money on them know this, too. Fashion brands face this challenge time and time again: they have to offer something that customers find attractive and want to buy. But before they can do so, they must find a variety of ways – especially in the digital age – to be visible enough in order for customers to even come across their collection. In barely any other sector, the competition over online visibility is fiercer than in the fashion industry. The renowned German manufacturer LERROS Moden GmbH from Neuss in North Rhine-Westphalia is also presented with this challenge. So how has the renowned menswear brand managed to significantly increase its online visibility in a cost-effective manner? Continue (5 vote(s), average: 4.20 out of 5)Loading... Categories Digital Marketing E-Commerce Publications Retail
Together Is Better – A Story of dotSource’s 300th!!! Employee Posted on 4. March 202025. October 2021 | by Franzi Kunz dotSource celebrates its 300th employee! New decade, leap year, the benchmark for several forecasts: 2020 is something quite special – even for us although the new 20s have barely started. We just started into the new year, celebrated the agency birthday and now it is already March again. The month of Handelskraft. Incredible. Not only the conference anniversary in Stuttgart makes March 2020 so special for us, but also this combination of numbers: 2020 – 300 – 30. You may remember ? The time has officially come. We have achieved our first goal: 300 employees in 2020. Whoop Whoop! Continue (5 vote(s), average: 4.20 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce
Best-of-Suite for the Best CRM: INNIO Relies on Salesforce Multi-Cloud Solution for Optimised Service Processes [Case Study] Posted on 3. March 202025. October 2021 | by Franzi Kunz Download the INNIO Case Study for free now! The digital age is an age of inflationary superlatives. The best customer approach is more important than the largest product range. The best service beats the lowest price. The best user experience beats everything anyway. No matter which added values it is about, the fight for superlatives is justified because the company that offers the greatest added values will prevail in the end. But how, for example, does one achieve better or even the best service and thus more quality in customer relationship management? In the current »INNIO Uses Next-Level CRM« success story, we show how even the most complex IT landscape can be turned into a platform that withstands the superlative mania and at the same time offers the best prerequisites for future-proof digital business. Continue (6 vote(s), average: 4.33 out of 5)Loading... Categories CRM, Sales & Service Digital Consulting E-Commerce Platform Integration Publications
Selecting PIM and MDM Software – Comparing Product Information and Master Data Management Systems [Updated White Paper] Posted on 13. February 202025. October 2021 | by Franzi Kunz What is the milling machine’s width? How high is it, how deep does it mill and how many watts does it have? In many areas, intelligent product information data management (PIM) is the key to sales success because the customer wants to know as precisely as possible what distinguishes the product he wants to purchase. No matter whether the customer informs himself online or wants to be convinced by a sales manager in a personal conversation: having all data relating to a product at hand has to be a priority in every company. PIM software helps ensure that correct, complete and high-quality product data is immediately available and consistent across all channels. Because the number of distribution channels has increased as a result of digitisation, many existing systems can no longer live up to this requirement. Moreover, duplicates are often difficult to track down and usability is rather a reason for complaint than for joy for employees. But which data management system is the right one? Continue (7 vote(s), average: 4.43 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce PIM/MDM/DAM
Journey to Jupiter: dotSource Rings in the New Twenties with a Big Party and Even Bigger Goals [Video] Posted on 29. January 202025. October 2021 | by Franzi Kunz dotSource celebrates 14 years of success in digital business Work hard, party hard(er). Those who achieve great things deserve great parties. This is what happened on the 17th of January. Together with many guests, former, current & new employees, friends, families, industry colleagues, partners and representatives from society, economy and politics, we toasted to 14 years of dotSource – great speeches, conversations, presents and a legendary party night included. Continue (8 vote(s), average: 4.50 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce
Happy Birthday, dotSource! Smells Like Team Spirit Posted on 7. January 202025. October 2021 | by Franzi Kunz The dotSource Valley in Jena We delivered. We won prizes and awards. We celebrated. It can continue like this in the new year. And what better way to ring in a new year than with a big party? Celebrating yet again? For sure because it’s dotSource’s birthday. Hip hip hooray! We are 14 years old! Continue (9 vote(s), average: 4.56 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce
Merry X-mas-perience to You – Handelskraft Wishes You a Merry Christmas Posted on 23. December 20199. December 2021 | by Franzi Kunz Handelskraft and dotSource wish you a Merry Christmas! Experience here. Experience there. Barely any other word appears more often in our everyday work, in our research, in our Handelskraft articles and all the other publications. And that’s a good thing because in the end, we as private individuals also benefit from it if everyone involved in Digital Business always strives to provide a first-class experience. All the more when you quickly need to do your Christmas shopping before it is too late. The website has to perform, the shop has to work and same-day delivery has to be available. Continue (6 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories Digital Consulting E-Commerce
Personalisation Above the Clouds: De Gruyter Takes Customer Experience to a New Level with Salesforce Multi-Cloud Posted on 17. December 20199. December 2021 | by Franzi Kunz The De Gruyter and dotSource project teams at the release party on the dotSource rooftop terrace in Jena It is no longer possible without personalisation! Many companies have understood by now that they have to offer their customers more than just a simple webshop with standard product images and clumsy descriptions which only makes reading easier for the search engine, but not for the customer. If orders are made more difficult because forms have not been set up correctly or if there is no way to contact the company in case of queries, it is unlikely that the customer will come back. So what has to be done to offer an all-round successful user experience? Personalisation must not only be a buzzword but must be lived. It is the foundation for the successful design of digital customer relationships. Today, we show you how this theory became business practice for our client De Gruyter. Continue (6 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B B2C CRM, Sales & Service Design & Usability E-Commerce Industries
International, Familial, Successful – dotSource Wins the i-work Business Award 2019 [On Our Own Behalf] Posted on 6. December 20199. December 2021 | by Franzi Kunz Cecilia-Maria Lang and Christian Grötsch at Villa Rosenthal, Jena There are many awards. Every single one of them has its justification and you are always as pleased as Punch if you are amongst the lucky winners. Of course it is brilliant when you are »Agency of the Year« or when your clients win top awards in digital business. This motivates and strengthens visions and missions, makes you incredibly proud and makes you want more. Time to step up your game and then try to win awards which focus on soft skills such as the sense of togetherness and the faces behind the scenes. For example the »i-work Business Award«. Therefore, we are all the more pleased that we were able to take home this honourable award yesterday. Thanks to JenaWirtschaft and the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Continue (10 vote(s), average: 4.60 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce