About Franzi Kunz

Trends gibt es unendlich viele. Jeder hat seine Berechtigung. Doch auf welche Trends kommt es für digitale Unternehmen an. Und vor allem für die, die es noch werden wollen? Franzi geht diesen Fragen nach. Als Digital Business Analyst und Techlead für die Marke Handelskraft spricht sie dafür seit mehr als sechs Jahren mit denen, die es wissen müssen: den Macherinnen und Machern des Digital Business. Ihre Erfahrungen sowie die Ergebnisse ihrer Recherchen bringt Franzi, unter anderem hier auf dem Blog, für euch aufs digitale Papier.

Can digital players manage without their masterminds? [5 reading tips]

drahtlinienmodell eines kopfes
Quelle: pixabay
Digital transformation or the radical change we’ve been able to witness since the late eighties does seem quite insane. This year the iPhone only turns 11 years. Google has just turned 20. The minds behind the brands seem inseparably linked with their success. Microsoft: Bill Gates. Google: Larry Page & Sergey Brin. Amazon: Jeff Bezos. Apple: Steve Jobs. Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg. And for those who still remember: studiVZ was founded by Ehssan Dariani und Dennis Bemmann.

» The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
Steve Jobs «

But to what extent does the brands’ success depend on these iconized characters? What can CDOs and drivers of digital innovation learn from this?

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Money isn’t growing on trees, but it’s showing up in your old wardrobe

Kleider angeordnet
Source: pexels

If you believe a survey by Greenpeace, you’ll believe over one billion unused garments are stored in German closets. Not just moths, even savvy economists recognise a certain potential here. Environmentally conscious people are fighting against the wasteful use of our outer layers anyway. The key phrase: second hand!

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How are we going to get around in 20 years? A look at the future – Mobility in 2038

Source: Pexels

Ever since the latest diesel controversy from German automakers, the future of mobility keeps being discussed. But slowly it’s becoming clear: Cars will be electric and have artificial intelligence controlling them. Let’s take a bold look in the future and let our imagination run wild.

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Visual recognition – Our world from AI’s point of view

Bilder an der Wand
Source: pexels

We develop our vision in the womb. However, after we see daylight, we can only partially perceive our environment. Recognising shades of colour, focussing on objects, and depth perception are a big challenge for small people, as babies are physiologically premature at birth compared to all other mammals. But after about eight months we’ve done it: Our eyesight now resembles that of an adult. In the labs of the future, the development of the vision of an AI has been going on for quite some time. Current systems are already achieving remarkable results.

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From the royal navy to Ikea – Augmented reality’s wide range

dotsourc emooswand, liegestuhl augmented
Augmented reality can do more than hide a Pokémon. It enables users to see exciting things that don’t actually exist. A computer-aided expansion of reality will affect our daily lives more and more (and!) make them even easier. Already one or two pioneering companies are relying on AR and are developing exciting products for everyday use cases.

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Limitless social commerce – Facebook and Instagram await you with new shopping tools

Instagram Foto von Brücke im Wald
Source: pexels

A lot of people think »Dang that looks cool!« when they’re looking at photos on Instagram or Pinterest. But until recently, it took a little research – or at least some work – to find and buy the products you saw. As of a few weeks ago, that’s a thing of the past. The “shop-the-look” function for various social channels has an enormous popularity with consumers and Social Commerce has become the norm within a very short time. But as always when a hype arises, so does the question: Is there more to it? Before we could even think about whether to expect something new again. The answer is not surprising, as commercial features on Facebook and Instagram continue to evolve. Each social commerce update awakens desires, desires that become routine within a very short time.

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Digital twin: Virtual industrial facilities as a superlative for the optimisation of marketing, distribution, and services

junge Frau mit Handyreihe als Spiegel
Source: pixabay

The digital transformation constantly enriches us with new buzzwords and challenges. Internet of things, okay. Digital twin, wait, what? What’s behind future concepts? Are they really as revolutionary as they seem?

Digital twin means much more than the mere virtual representation of a physical product. With the help of the digital twin, not only the physical elements but also the dynamics and processes behind them can be virtually mirrored. The benefits of this virtual representative cast a promising light on the horizon of new work.

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Can you reach goals faster and cheaper with agile project management?

Source: pexels.com

When talking about project management, the phrase »agility« cannot be ignored. A quick look at Meriam Webster gives »agilie« the following definition: “Marked by ready ability to move with quick easy grace.”

Consequently, the lean philosophy behind agile project management promises a flexible way of working away from the rigid system of the waterfall model. Of course flexibility sounds great Nevertheless, there are also some risks behind the modern way of working. In the end, the crucial management question arises: Can you reach goals faster and cheaper with agile methods?

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This is how it works in Switzerland: DCC Zurich [Recap]

dcc welcome blau
Source: #DcomZH

E-Commerce, Generation Z, and the future of marketplaces were all at the centre of attention at the Connect – Digital Commerce Conference on 23 May in Zurich this year. The conference “for exchanging experiences” is typically Swiss, totally neutral. The goal? Learn from others and not be sold a single idea for success!

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SAP – The twelfth man in the club

Torhüter Fussball
Source: pexels

Football and digitisation: For most, this means a controversial video referee from Cologne or goalkeeping technology. But a digital transformation is taking place in many areas, on the turf and next to the field. Since 2014, the world’s most popular sports club and the largest European software manufacturer have formed the perfect team from storefronts into the roof of the net. Together with SAP, FC Bayern Munich is trying to digitise every corner of their club and to take advantage of big data.

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