About Franzi Kunz

Trends gibt es unendlich viele. Jeder hat seine Berechtigung. Doch auf welche Trends kommt es für digitale Unternehmen an. Und vor allem für die, die es noch werden wollen? Franzi geht diesen Fragen nach. Als Digital Business Analyst und Techlead für die Marke Handelskraft spricht sie dafür seit mehr als sechs Jahren mit denen, die es wissen müssen: den Macherinnen und Machern des Digital Business. Ihre Erfahrungen sowie die Ergebnisse ihrer Recherchen bringt Franzi, unter anderem hier auf dem Blog, für euch aufs digitale Papier.

Age doesn’t protect against new work — Demographic change 4.0

fistbump alt und jung business
Source: pixabay

Experience, wisdom, leadership – all these qualities are spoken to people who are older than you, right? From small business to schooling to the completion of vocational training or studies, it is primarily older people who educate, advise, train, and lead. This socio-cultural character ensures that one expects a senior person to be someone older than oneself.

Thanks to digitisation, new job profiles and the demographic change 4.0, it’s precisely this expectation that is increasingly being met. The tendency is to have a project and team leader around 30 with a staff of 40-plus years.

(8 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

Online customer experience, translated for offline

Shop - We are awesome
Source: pexels

Waiting in line to pay at checkout with cash or a card for a product that you don’t know if it’s the latest, best, and greatest? These are not good conditions for a modern customer experience. Unfortunately, customer-unfriendly experiences in stationary retail are still a reality. No wonder that consumers prefer to use the simple and fast version of e-commerce in many areas. There is no queue, no cash. Product suggestions are personalised and although the service is usually not personal, at least a chatbot has mastered manners. It’s about time that the offline retail to pull itself together and focus on its former core competence: Service!

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Netto eStores: A move to the most excellent cross-channel experience in record time

Laptop View Supermarket Netto
Source: fotolia

Some work best under the pressure of time. Especially when it comes to e-commerce projects, we all know how important it is to keep up with the times when it comes to demands and trends, as well as literally being on time. Both levels can only be justified if internal and external conditions are right. In other words: Both processes and employee responsibilities in the company, as well as the system and technology framework must be well thought out or compatible. What this theory looks like in practice is shown in record time by the project we implemented together with our client Netto eStores.

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How virtual assistants can simplify our work life [5 reading tips]

Mund und Code
Source: pixabay

Do I need an umbrella this morning? Add buttermilk to my shopping list. Play the latest episode of House of Cards in the living room. In millions of households, these questions and requests are already a regular thing in everyday life and are answered or completed (more or less) reliably by virtual assistants immediately. But how is it in offices? Are we ready to stop using our hands and let our voices work for us?

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Verimi, netID, and the state – Current steps to a digital privacy future

User Data
Source: pixabay

It’s the motto of business this year: The most traditional German companies have joined forces. We are talking about Allianz, Deutsche Bank, Hamburg’s major publisher Gruner + Jahr, and others. They are not merging, but they are currently piling up log-in platforms. The goal is clear: It’s all about snatching away or at least digging up the valuable user data from big overseas competitors — Facebook, Google, and Twitter. In theory, a good idea, the practice is unfortunately too small, as you will see. It’s time to think bigger so that we Europeans will not miss digital advances in line with data security.

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Five B2B e-commerce trends: What’s coming in the age of platforms

Photo by Anthony Ginsbrook on Unsplash
Photo by Anthony Ginsbrook on Unsplash

The platform age is fractured, not just for B2C but also for B2B commerce. That was the focus of this year’s ECC Forum on April 12th at the BALLONI Hallen in Cologne, that we got to attend. We got to eavesdrop of presentations from large retailers and manufacturers like Conrad Electronic and Gabor Shoes. Furthermore, we got to exchange ideas and knowledge about new e-commerce developments with many different other retailers, manufacturers, and other digital experts. That helps us summarise what the five trends in the platform age are for you.

(10 vote(s), average: 4.60 out of 5)

Social commerce: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

drei Mädels mit Smartphone
Source: Unsplash

The past few months have brought new developments from Facebook and others. Younger platforms and other large companies have been trying to gain their share of the marketplace as well. Even though these products from these companies are new, they take into account what went well for others, and what’s flopped.

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Give me feedback and I’ll give you what you need! Agile app development for next level personalisation

Briefkasten an der Wand
Source: pexels

Software development without agile methods is like jogging without a fitness tracker: old-fashioned. It’s no different in app development. But it’s not the companies that are able to react quickly to market changes thanks to agile actions, but users who influence the app while it is being developed. Through early user feedback, developers can customise the app to taste, so that the target audience is as satisfied as possible.

(6 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

Take Part. Connect. Level Up. Handelskraft Conference 2019

Handelskraft Conference 2018 Cover Photo Teaser Blog Post
Source: dotSource

Brick by brick – What’s always important for the construction of a home is also true for the development and expansion of digital projects: Go step by step – because it’s no longer just about recognising that the future is digital. The foundation has been laid. In fact, it is the decisive steps after laying the foundation for further development and expansion. It is exactly at this point in the digital experience that we want to meet with the attendees at the Handelskraft Conference 2019 in Frankfurt am Main.

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