About Franzi Kunz

Trends gibt es unendlich viele. Jeder hat seine Berechtigung. Doch auf welche Trends kommt es für digitale Unternehmen an. Und vor allem für die, die es noch werden wollen? Franzi geht diesen Fragen nach. Als Digital Business Analyst und Techlead für die Marke Handelskraft spricht sie dafür seit mehr als sechs Jahren mit denen, die es wissen müssen: den Macherinnen und Machern des Digital Business. Ihre Erfahrungen sowie die Ergebnisse ihrer Recherchen bringt Franzi, unter anderem hier auf dem Blog, für euch aufs digitale Papier.

Handelskraft Conference 2019 – Even more speakers, news, and specials

Handelskraft Conference 2018 Cover Photo Teaser Blog Post
Source: dotSource

The 2019 Handelskraft Conference is getting closer and closer. And preparations continue to run at full speed. We introduced the first speakers and sessions. NO Today, we’ll introduce you to those who share their knowledge and best practical insights at the Digital Experience Base on 28 March 2019 at the Klassikstadt in Frankfurt am Main.

(6 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

No deal! What’ll Brexit do to online retail?

Source: pixabay

30 March 2019 will go down in history. For the first time, the European Union is shrinking, as it’ll lose one of its members that day. In accordance with Article 50 of the Treaty of the European Union, British Prime Minister Theresa May led the exit process after almost 52 per cent of UK citizens voted to leave in 2016. The exit agreement between the EU and UK, which had been negotiated for years, failed before the British House of Commons. A consequence might be a so-called hard Brexit, without binding regulations between the two parties. What consequences does this have for the current state international online retail? Will this huge amount of chaos also hurt online shopping?

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The Holy Grail of Personal Data – Putting GDPR to the Test

Source: pexels

Amazon knows us better than most of our friends. Accurate product suggestions and personalised advertising ensure that your opinion of them is full of enthusiasm instead of irritation, because such features are expected when it comes to online shopping.

But what’s the price we’re paying for this convenience? Thanks to the GDPR, civil rights activist, journalist, and economist Katharina Nocun requested all her data Amazon collected about her then went through it, and was astounded by what she found.

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Digitisation and education— Personalisation as a recipe for success

Macs auf Schreibtisch Klassenzimmer
Source: pixabay

Banning cell phones in class or embrace a digital classroom? Hardly any topic is as controversial as digitisation and school. And of course the craziness surrounding around the “digital pact” shows that. 5 billion euros over five years, earmarked for this purpose, will be far from enough for all schools and teachers to finally get fit for digital transformation throughout Germany!

But wrong invoices are far from the only problem we face is the (digital) future of our educational institutions. But before it gets too political, let’s try today to translate a very specific recipe for success that we know from digital business into a vision of the future, »Better Schools Through Digitisation«: Personalisation.

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»Made in Europe« – The label for the future

Source: pixabay

»Made in Germany« doesn’t have the ring it used to a few years back. Manipulated cars, strange data protection laws, and a lack of innovation in federal departments and companies brought the German IT industry behind. But the perceived superiority of China and America is not inviolable. Together with Europe, we’ve got to rely on our strengths and make the »Made in Europe« label attractive. And above all that requires one thing: new confidence.

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Digitisation and environmental protection?

Source: pexels

Energy use, sustainability, and a plethora of plastic waste in our oceans — These topics are receiving more and more attention in the daily news or in the governments. The rapid rise of green party members in parliament also shows: Conservation is no longer a niche affair. People are worried about their home planet and are actively seeking solutions to tackle global warming. Digitisation and artificial intelligence can become an important piece of the puzzle in this mission.

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Social Commerce Trends for 2019 – Content, Content, Content!

Facebook und Laptop
Source: pexels

Being successful without maintaining a social media presence? Unlikely! Companies benefit from the enormous reach and a »personal« relationship with their customers. And networks? They’re making billions thanks to the social media presence of other companies.

Now it’s also the case with customer relationships that they’ll evolve with years to come and become even more intimate. Platforms want this anyway: They’re integrating more and more features so that companies can build relationships with their customers and grow social media marketing budgets year over year.

In 2019 social commerce will increase e-commerce sales, and also affect omnichannel retail. Which social commerce trends shouldn’t be missed in 2019? We’ll tell you.

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Best Practice for Best Business – First Speakers for the 2019 Handelskraft Conference

Handelskraft Conference 2018 Cover Photo Teaser Blog Post
Source: dotSource

2018 is slowly but surely coming to an end. But preparations for 2019 are continuing to run at full speed. Even better? There’s still news to announce before the end of the year! True to the motto: Think about tomorrow, today. We’re giving all brands, retailers, and manufacturers the chance to do just that. At the Handelskraft Conference on the 28th of March 2019 at the Klassikstadt in Frankfurt am Main.

(9 vote(s), average: 4.11 out of 5)

One data system to Hospital 2.0

health and computer
Source: pexels

German hospitals aren’t exactly known for being digital pioneers: Lots of paper with handwritten notes, x-ray prints, and hardly usable digital health insurance cards. A long way from what Hollywood shows medical facilities to be like. In these shows and movies, doctors are far from reality. Using tablets at a patient’s bedside to show the patient their fracture on a digital x-ray with an animation to help explain what happened internally. The German consortium SMITH wants to use a standardised data system to take the first steps towards efficient patient management so that the digital transformation can finally begin in these hospitals.

(12 vote(s), average: 4.67 out of 5)

Improving customer service with AI

 Mann mit Kopfhörer Source: pexels

On May 8th, Google CEO Sundar Pichai took his place on stage in Mountain View, CA. During his keynote at the Google I/O Conference, he presented a new development to an astonished audience that could change the world: Google Duplex. Google Duplex lets the Internet giant give AI a voice. The voice is indistinguishable from a real human. In other words: When Google’s AI makes a phone call, the person on the other end doesn’t think they’re talking to a computer. Google Duplex even intersperses a few ums and erms through its sentences. Google Duplex has created a scalable assistant with an ingenious understanding of dialogues that can lead thousands of conversations at once.

Google’s focus on this project is a solution for private users. But it’d be unfortunate if this groundbreaking technology can only take care of table reservations for your next candlelight dinner. Only with personal customer service can this intelligence reach its full potential.

(7 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)