Digital business is more than e-commerce: Top-5 commerce trends, revisited [Part 1] Posted on 29. April 20199. December 2021 | by Franzi Kunz Source: pixabay Spring is here. Often times the change in the early summer season is reason enough for many to clean up, organise, get rid of stuff, and get a new start. Throw away or keep? Everyone knows there are certain things that you just can’t and shouldn’t part with, no matter how old they are. The same goes for trends. There are also classics in digital business that have lost nothing in value after more than 20 years and definitely do not belong in a »throwaway box«. We would like to introduce you to these trends and why it’s so important to bring them to the forefront again after all this time, to emphasise them, and to revive them in the current circumstances. Continue (16 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B B2C CRM, Sales & Service E-Commerce PIM/MDM/DAM
Digital business compass: Handelskraft 2019 »Digital DNA« now available for download! Posted on 25. April 20199. December 2021 | by Franzi Kunz Source: dotSource Twelve years ago Handelskraft saw the light of the virtual world as a blog. Since then we have been reporting day by day on topics and trends of the digital revolution. And six years ago we published our first trend book: Handelskraft 2013 »Trends, strategies and potential in everywhere commerce«. Old but gold, because going through it, you realise how long so many trends actually last. In 2019, and more than ever before, it’s all about theory becoming a real-life success and how to turn trends into innovations. To do this, companies need to write their own digital code, because »Digital DNA« is what they need to survive in a highly competitive online business. It’s their evolutionary advantage in the digital age and our title for this year’s trend book: Handelskraft 2019. Continue (17 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B B2C CRM, Sales & Service Digital Consulting Digital Marketing E-Commerce PIM/MDM/DAM
What rules should economists, researchers, politicians, and society follow for embracing AI? Posted on 11. April 20199. December 2021 | by Franzi Kunz Source: pixabay Artificial intelligence will fundamentally change our current way of life. Technical progress hasn’t just excited many, but also frightened many. What will our economy and social coexistence look like in the coming years? Experts around the world are addressing this issue, but it’s hard to pin down a precise forecast. So that we don’t get lost on the way to the future, the German Federal Association of Digital Economics (BVDW) has developed a navigator with eight guidelines. Continue (15 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce
Designing emotional customer relations in the digital era Posted on 5. April 201913. December 2021 | by Franzi Kunz Source: pixabay Digitisation is all-encompassing — the more digital the business and the business processes, the better. Because the more automated processes taking place, the more time is left for the important things. At the top of this ranking of important things are, from a business point of view, the successful design of digital customer relations, the motivation not only to say customers are the focus but to make it a reality. This was also clearly noticeable at the Internet World Expo 2019 and at the 9thINTERNET WORLD BUSINESS Shop Awards on the eve of the event. Continue (16 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories Digital Marketing E-Commerce
WÜRTH receives the 2019 Shop Award Posted on 27. March 201913. December 2021 | by Franzi Kunz Source: Daniel Ingold Skilled craftsmanship and digitisation. If you don’t think one can benefit from another, the results of the 2019 Shop Áwards should be the final nail in the coffin to put that reasoning to bed. After all, whoever succeeds in transferring classic retail virtues from analogue to digital, and with great success, rightly deserves the coveted award: Online shop of the year. That’s what our client WÜRTH was told they had when they were in Munich and took first place in the category: 2019 Best B2B Shop. Continue (17 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B B2C E-Commerce Industries PIM/MDM/DAM
MDR-Werbung case study: Modern web design for the best usability Posted on 22. March 201913. December 2021 | by Franzi Kunz Source: dotSource We like to listen to the radio when we drive, cook food, and work out. Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk’s (MDR) stations, for example, reach around three million people each day and these listeners represent an interesting potential for companies that want to advertise in central Germany. But how do the spots actually get on the radio? You can book times ad slots as a customer that’ll be marketed and sponsored. On, MDR-Werbung GmbH (MDRW) shows off their selection, where beside advertisement slots, sponsoring, and events are available, users can purchase the results of the annual Central German Brand Study. The project, which MDR-W GmbH implemented together with dotSource within just a few weeks, demonstrates how the subsidiary of MDR was able to fundamentally modernise its online presence and, above all, improve usability on mobile devices. Continue (17 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B B2C Design & Usability E-Commerce
Distributed commerce: Shop anywhere with fewer clicks Posted on 13. March 201913. December 2021 | by Franzi Kunz Source: Unsplash Moments of inspiration strike outside online shops, which is what distributed commerce takes advantage of. From Instagram to Facebook and Snapchat to TikTok, users on the platforms are reluctant to leave what they were doing just to buy something. So how can companies get on the feeds of hundreds, thousands, or even millions and get them to make a purchase? We’ll take a look at some real-world examples. Continue (12 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2C Design & Usability Digital Marketing E-Commerce Retail
Digital patient records – The Danish example Posted on 6. March 201913. December 2021 | by Franzi Kunz Source: pexels While in Germany we’re discussing paper organ donor cards, tormenting ourselves in crowded waiting rooms for hours to obtain a printed prescription, or looking in vain for our vaccination certificate, our neighbours in Denmark have been solving their health issues conveniently and successfully for many years in an app. Continue (9 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce
Real added value thanks to real-time personalisation [New study] Posted on 27. February 201913. December 2021 | by Franzi Kunz eTail – Driving Decisions with Real-Time Data »Time is money,« says Benjamin Franklin’s essay: »Advice to a Young Tradesman« published in 1748. And even over 270 years later, this famous quote hasn’t lost importance. On the contrary: More than ever before, the e-tailers – the “tradesmen” of today and tomorrow – need to make the most of their time, the time of their customers, and the signs of the times. Sounds philosophical, but leads to the central question of this fast-moving digital age: How do dealers manage to meet customer demands in light of the times? And the answer – always presents companies with complex challenges: Almost everything has to be REAL. Real-time personalised offers, real-time for real relationship management from person to person, real content, promoted by real users, and not least, a true brand image. However, this will only succeed if companies “look for innovative and new ways” and integrate them – with the customer at the centre of all efforts – into their business strategy. This is also shown by the study »eTail – Driving Decisions with Real-Time Data«, in which 100 e-commerce execs from Germany and Europe were asked at the end of 2018 about which challenges they currently face. Today, you’ll learn what the Worldwide Business Research Insights study in collaboration with dotSource, Looker Data Science Inc., and Algolia has revealed. Continue (8 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories Digital Consulting Digital Marketing E-Commerce
From mobile commerce to science – What’ll PWAs conquer next? Posted on 21. February 201913. December 2021 | by Franzi Kunz Source: pixabay Anyone who wants to digitize today doesn’t need an app anymore. There’s long been a smarter solution to meet today’s user requirements: Progressive Web Apps. By combining the features of a mobile-optimised website with the usability of an app, they significantly enhance the user experience, not just from an end-user perspective, but also from a business perspective. Today we’ll show you the advantages of this new technology based on different use cases from the digital business, and also on a very special example from the successful cooperation of dotSource with science. Continue (6 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories Design & Usability Digital Marketing E-Commerce Industries Retail