About Christian Otto Grötsch

Christian lebt E-Commerce wie kein anderer. Als einer der Gründer, langjähriger Geschäftsführer und jetzt Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats der Digitalagentur dotSource setzt er seit 2006 gemeinsam mit seinem Team visionäre Digitalprojekte um. Dank seiner jahrelangen Erfahrung hat er ein besonders Gespür dafür, welche digitalen Trends kommen, um zu bleiben. Um diese zu teilen, hat er 2007 den Handelskraft Blog ins Leben gerufen, der bis heute auf seine Expertise baut.

Chatbots in Customer Communication: The Maltreated Little Helpers [5 Reading Tips]

Chatbots in Customer Communication
Source: Unsplash/Morning Brew

When talking to a chatbot, Germans are among the most unfriendly customers: they are often not satisfied with certain answers and frequently insult chatbots. However, the new communication channels are popular when it comes to topics that are too embarrassing for customers to talk about with a human being.

Nevertheless, chatbots have established themselves as effective business tools in times of crisis and some companies have shown how messenger chatbots can also contribute to effective customer communication beyond the Corona crisis.

(11 vote(s), average: 4.64 out of 5)

Digital Sales Processes for BayWa AG – How to Build a Complex E-Commerce Landscape [Success Story]

BayWa E-Commerce Success Story
Download the BayWa Success Story for free now!

BayWa AG is the largest agricultural trader in Germany and a major international player in agricultural and renewable energy business. The group has more than 200 sales locations in Germany and Austria. Besides a wide range of products, customers especially appreciate the competent and personal consulting services at these locations. However, BayWa is also one of the exemplary companies in terms of digitisation strategy.

Particularly during the Corona crisis, it became clear that the importance of the agricultural industry – even online – should not be underestimated. Between March and June this year, BayWa’s total order volume more than tripled in comparison to the months before. The Agriculture and Agricultural Equipment business unit recorded the largest increase. In particular existing customers, who had previously placed orders exclusively by phone, made use of the online ordering options in the BayWa portal for the first time during the Corona crisis.

(10 vote(s), average: 4.60 out of 5)

Generation Z – How Retailers Should Adapt Their Strategies Now [5 Reading Tips]

Generation Z Strategy
Source: Brand Quarterly

Demanding, dependent, ethical – as the first generation to grow up entirely in the spotlight of the Internet, millennials are probably the generation that has received the most criticism. However, now that brands are finally beginning to understand this target group, their successors are already entering the consumer landscape: Generation Z.

This raises a number of questions for (online) retailers: how does Generation Z prefer to shop? Which payment methods does it preferably use? And how has all this changed during 2020?

(10 vote(s), average: 4.60 out of 5)

New Work Standards After the Coronavirus Pandemic? [5 Reading Tips]

New Work Corona
Source: Capital

What will our working world look like after the coronavirus pandemic? This is currently one of the most important questions that many people ask themselves – although the virus is far from being eradicated. Much of the discussion in the media revolves around working from home and the »enforced« digitisation push for many companies. However, this is by no means the end of the story.

The opportunity to change our working habits and entire corporate structures is more favourable than ever before. Against the background of New Work, it is therefore even more important for us to look at what actually distinguishes modern work in the new working world, where we stand and what ultimately makes us happy and successful.

(10 vote(s), average: 4.60 out of 5)

Snapchat Wants to Become a Super App [5 Reading Tips]

Snapchat Super App
Source: Snopes

Under the name »Snap Minis«, the US-American instant messaging service Snapchat opens up for HTML-based mini apps. By doing so, Snapchat copies the concept of super apps, which is very successful in China and other parts of Asia. In the last six years, these apps have become extremely popular due to their wide range of functions.

(9 vote(s), average: 4.56 out of 5)

LinkedIn Content Marketing – What Companies Have to Keep in Mind [5 Reading Tips]

LinkedIn Content Marketing
Source: Leitstand

Beyond normal company pages and posting updates, LinkedIn offers a wide variety of possibilities in terms of content marketing and its potential is still often underestimated.

The social network has recently published a guide for successful content marketing in the form of a »tactical plan«, which presents various possibilities for companies to pursue their goals. It is not really surprising that LinkedIn is a promising option for reaching a relevant business target group. However, only those who know how to stage themselves on this social network benefit.

Along the lines of LinkedIn’s success plan, a few examples of features that are only rarely used these days are listed below.

(9 vote(s), average: 4.56 out of 5)

WhatsApp Business: What Do the New Features Have to Offer? [5 Reading Tips]

WhatsApp Business Is Growing
Source: MessengerPeople

WhatsApp Business now has more than 50 million active users per month worldwide. The business version of the messaging service is used by more and more small companies to communicate with customers. But that’s not all! Recently, the Facebook subsidiary has also announced new features for WhatsApp Business. Is this the return of messenger marketing?

(10 vote(s), average: 4.60 out of 5)

Facebook Shops – How Retailers Can Use the Potential of the Social Commerce Platform [5 Reading Tips]

Facebook Shops
Source: Caschys Blog

At the end of May 2020, the new Facebook and Instagram Shops were presented. The shop feature enables companies all over the world to offer a shop on their own profile – completely regardless of company size, number of fans or advertising budget.

Shopping on Facebook or Instagram is no big news and no incredible feature per se. In today’s reading tips, however, we show what features the shops have, what is new, what is still being developed and what companies can already do to impress customers.

(8 vote(s), average: 4.50 out of 5)

Cookies: There Will Soon Be No More Crunchy Fun in the Tracking Paradise [5 Reading Tips]

Cookies No More Crunchy Fun
Source: Suffolk Gazette

Starting in 2022, third-party cookies will be blocked in the Google Chrome browser due to changes in the GDPR. As a result, Google will change the way tracking works – just like Apple and Mozilla did before. Advertisers and online retailers therefore have to come up with something new to ensure a personalised approach. Find out in our reading tips of the week what alternatives there are.

(8 vote(s), average: 4.50 out of 5)

TikTok for Business [5 Reading Tips]

TikTok for Business
Source: Gizmodo

It is a logical step. With more than one billion active users per month, the Chinese video portal 抖音短视频 has recently become one of the most popular social networks. The video portal is now launching an all-out business offensive. With TikTok for Business, it presents various tools that allow brands to design campaigns and interact with users.

Those interested in business can continue reading now. Boomers say to themselves: in my days, TikToks were still little minty pills.

(9 vote(s), average: 4.33 out of 5)