About Christian Otto Grötsch

Christian lebt E-Commerce wie kein anderer. Als einer der Gründer, langjähriger Geschäftsführer und jetzt Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats der Digitalagentur dotSource setzt er seit 2006 gemeinsam mit seinem Team visionäre Digitalprojekte um. Dank seiner jahrelangen Erfahrung hat er ein besonders Gespür dafür, welche digitalen Trends kommen, um zu bleiben. Um diese zu teilen, hat er 2007 den Handelskraft Blog ins Leben gerufen, der bis heute auf seine Expertise baut.

Best Practice: Dealing with Problems

Wein + Vinos Logo
It is not just at Zappos that everything is about customer service. Wein & Vinos, Germany’s largest online wholesalers of Spanish wines have set the goal of making all customers happy.

It is tragic when, despite this, every shipping deal’s nightmare comes true. They only wanted to do something good for themselves and their customers, by switching to a Magento shop after 16 years of in-house development and bringing their software and inventory management systems up to date.

Because of technical difficulties Christmas sales sank into chaos. Even the customers were not spared. They received wine they hadn’t ordered, deliveries for the holidays arrived late or not at all, and larger orders were delivered in lots of small parcels.

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