About Christian Otto Grötsch

Christian lebt E-Commerce wie kein anderer. Als einer der Gründer, langjähriger Geschäftsführer und jetzt Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats der Digitalagentur dotSource setzt er seit 2006 gemeinsam mit seinem Team visionäre Digitalprojekte um. Dank seiner jahrelangen Erfahrung hat er ein besonders Gespür dafür, welche digitalen Trends kommen, um zu bleiben. Um diese zu teilen, hat er 2007 den Handelskraft Blog ins Leben gerufen, der bis heute auf seine Expertise baut.

E-commerce Solutions Provider Introduced: IBM WebSphere Commerce

IBM Business PartnerFounded in 1911, the US group is one of the absolute most famous IT enterprises and has over 400,000 staff worldwide. IBM has positioned itself with WebSphere commerce in E-Commerce as well since 1996 and is one of the market leaders in this area.

The market presence of IBM WebSphere Commerce spans the globe. While clients in Germany predominately stem from the mid-sized environment, in the USA, IBM WebSphere Commerce serves large scale clients of international calibre. Some of their most well-known clients include CEWE Color, Buch.de, Heine, C&A, and the Media-Saturn group.

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Entertainment commerce – missing the boat on streaming

Graphic: thecoast.ca

Remember going over to a friend’s for a lan? If you weren’t a kid in the 90s then probably not, but while copyright holders were busy making those “you wouldn’t steel a hand bag” warnings, the reality of how we entertain changed and they missed it. Apple did not. But because of access issues their video streaming services didn’t really make it across the US border for a while. Amazon prime and Watchever have finally filled the gap, offering a legal option for the streaming which digital natives have been doing for years. However, despite their moves towards combining content and service, it seems that even e-commerce enterprises such as Amazon are still planning on bridging the gap for a while longer. Recent pressure tactics in their battle of the giants with Disney sees Amazon putting a lot of energy into securing a price advantage on DVDs.

DVDs are different from books, they carry no social standing to be measured in inches per shelf, so why bother muscling your way into an industry destined for extinction? If they can get the price down to under 15$ per DVD, this will keep DVDs in the running while we transfer to digital, which isn’t a bad tactic as the transition to online entertainment has taken longer than it had to.

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“At least Amazon can’t do customer service” Wrong!

Amazon Mayday
Screen: kindle YouTube Channel

Typical Amazon: Although one never officially comments on hype topics and apparently doggedly stays on one’s own path, things are boiling under the surface. Trends are being ignored – just like you would never build a smartphone or master fashion – unless there is a really innovative approach. It seems that this has been found for service. Video consulting is the magic word

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How e-commerce is changing our language: a note from your translator – Part 1

Endless acronyms are the prerogative of every specialist branch. They quicken communication and have the added bonus that they induct the even simplest concepts into the shrine of the expert. There are times though, when things get out of hand. Take “B2B2B” for example, or better still “B2B-, B2C-, B2B2C, and B2B2B”. When I saw this beauty for the first time, I thought that the author must suffer from some kind of typographical stutter. The terms B2B and B2B may have the nostalgic ring of R2D2, but did anyone ever really have a problem with good old ‘wholesale’ and ‘retail’?

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Not a question of fairness – Amazon’s special conditions for manufacturers

Amazon Hersteller
Graphic: Jimmy Brown

According to Bloomberg, a study from the market research institute L2 have brought to light the fact that Amazon privileges selected brand manufacturers. This was viewed as a great scandal on the Amazon Watchblog, fairness is apparently something different. It is not only in the power games with publishers that it is clear just how hard and how far from fair Amazon handles. The thumb screws are being applied to Verdi as well, with deliveries simply coming from Eastern Europe.

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