About Christian Otto Grötsch

Christian lebt E-Commerce wie kein anderer. Als einer der Gründer, langjähriger Geschäftsführer und jetzt Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats der Digitalagentur dotSource setzt er seit 2006 gemeinsam mit seinem Team visionäre Digitalprojekte um. Dank seiner jahrelangen Erfahrung hat er ein besonders Gespür dafür, welche digitalen Trends kommen, um zu bleiben. Um diese zu teilen, hat er 2007 den Handelskraft Blog ins Leben gerufen, der bis heute auf seine Expertise baut.

What can online markets learn from classic branding?

Traurig dreinblickendes Model. Schema SS+L von Peer Hartog. Foto von Chung Shao Tung
Photo: Chung Shao Tung

» Online markets beware: products from the fashion and lifestyle industry are particularly difficult to market. This, something like this, is what marketing experts (Carsten Rieman – Director of Consulting Media at Pilot entertainment GmbH, Alexander Wipf – Head of Strategy at Leo Burnett GmbH, Ralph Anderl – General Manager at iC! berlin and Peer Hartog – CEO of GERLACHHARTOG) brought to the point at Battle-Talk on the Modemarketing conference 2014. «

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E-Commerce Solutions Providers Introduced: Magento [update]

E-commerce software Magento was originally published as an open source e-commerce platform by the company Varien Inc. in 2008. With eBay’s takeover in 2011, the company was reformed under Magento Inc. as a 100% daughter company.

Today Magento Inc. is an American software manufacturer with a seat in Culver City (Los Angeles County). Magento mainly focuses on small to medium sized enterprises in the B2C sector, although eBay does have aspirations to win more large companies in the future. Magento’s most well-known clients include Cornelsen, The North Face, Olympus, and Men’s Health.

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Exit Intent Pop-up as new conversion booster?

Graphic: Christopher Sessums

“Let travellers embark on their journey” – The current exit intent pop-up trend is ignoring this motto. On the contrary, these little windows hold up everyone wanting to exit a site. What initially sounds annoying looks very different on paper. Users of the marketing tool are reporting raised conversion rates and higher sales. Thanks to exit-intent the cost of the tool is supposed to be recuperated within a few days, at least according to providers.

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Study reveals product searching to be the worry child of US online shops

Photo: Åsmund Heimark

The Baymard Institute took on the topic of online shops and identified twelve typical search requests. In addition to this analysis, the study revealed a gloomy state of affairs – even under the top 50 online shops in the USA, standard search requests are not performing satisfactorily. Specifically, this means that:

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Google shelves PLA permanently – the new Google-shopping campaigns are coming

In one month at the latest, Google will have permanently shelved the old product listing ads system, making the current feeds of many online shops no longer valid. High time then to adjust to the new Google shopping campaign. Because of the reworked interfaces, it is necessary to create completely new campaigns. An upgrade it not possible.


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Google Mania – Glass, Virtual Keyboard and a Ring

Foto mit Google Glasses aufgenommenThere are phases in the institution of the internet in which 6 colourful letters just can’t be avoided. Last week was one of them. It started with the announcement that the data glasses Google Glass will be sent to developers within the month. Fittingly, CEO Sergey Brin let himself be seen bespectacled in the New York subway. Now Google has surprised us with the registration of a patent for a matching virtual keyboard, with which it is supposed to be possible to type on your hand. On the side, people have been trying to develop a procedure which could revolutionise password security – with hardware keys, which could be realised in the form of a ring, for instance.

Things are getting exciting from an e-commerce point of view as well, with the change over from free product searches to Google Shopping around the corner. Following the AdWords principle, merchants will have to pay to be listed in the future.
By the way, this busy bodying is either not doing anything, or not doing enough for the company’s popularity.

According to Wirtschaftswoche, Google was dethroned by Wikipedia in the rankings of the pots popular internet brands.

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