About Christian Otto Grötsch

Christian lebt E-Commerce wie kein anderer. Als einer der Gründer, langjähriger Geschäftsführer und jetzt Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats der Digitalagentur dotSource setzt er seit 2006 gemeinsam mit seinem Team visionäre Digitalprojekte um. Dank seiner jahrelangen Erfahrung hat er ein besonders Gespür dafür, welche digitalen Trends kommen, um zu bleiben. Um diese zu teilen, hat er 2007 den Handelskraft Blog ins Leben gerufen, der bis heute auf seine Expertise baut.

Getting there faster: digital transformation in traffic

Graphic: NACTO

Cars are already driving-computers. But digital transformation will influence the pleasure of driving in the future even more strongly. There are already attempts to warn drivers with live traffic services and offer them alternative routes. Google has gone a step further with the self-driving car – a car which is steered by a computer.

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Net find: Digitalisation made visible on the desktop

The digital transformation isn’t just part of our new Whitepaper. A look at your own desk also shows how much has happened since 1980.

Graphic: bestreviews.com
Graphic: bestreviews.com

The “clean desk policy” can be implemented this quickly!

What will happen next? Will the desk disappear and a person in wearable technology turn up? What are you betting on?

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B2B too difficult to crack? Google shopping for suppliers is offline

As I learned from Martin Groß-Albenhausen at the last Handelskraft B2B commerce breakfast, Google Shopping for Suppliers has been history since the 20th of June.

Google Shopping for Suppliers Offline
Screenshot from 1.10.2014. No longer available.

The B2B aspirations of Google (Google Shopping for Suppliers) and Amazon (Amazon Supply) don’t seem to have taken off as well as (even we) expected.

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E-Commerce is based on trust…still

Graphic: Lars Plougmann

Who’d have thought? According to a study from bevh, trust still plays a central role in the selection of a webshop. Additionally, customers want to know when their package will arrive. If the order also reaches the customer on the delivery date provided, they are more than satisfied. Apart from this, further results of the study relate to the various purchasing behaviours of both sexes, as well as the way returns are taken for granted.

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Make way L.O.H.A.S, the hipster consumer is coming!

Photo: Constanza.ch

The trend towards individual and conscious consumption is not letting up among the social classes with buying power. At lot of time is invested in product selection before each purchase, regardless how banal. After all, a purchase is more than a purchase – it is an expression of personal taste and even makes the purchaser happy, in that they are given the feeling of taking self-determined action. The trend towards comprehensive information is running through (almost) all branches and product categories. Dear L.O.H.A.S, the hipster consumer is coming!

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Bitkom: Online in marketing budget soon to be as important as trade fairs

Bitkom Online Marketing
Graphic: Bitkom

The digital transformation of companies is increasingly manifesting itself in the marketing budget. Proportionally more and more is flowing into online measures and according to Bitkom this will keep increasing. According to a survey among marketing staff in ITK companies, on average five percent of the entire turn-over was spent on marketing measures in the current year. In the previous year it was 4,2 precent.
Especially online marketing is gaining importance. More than half of the companies questioned want to invest more in this area. On the agenda are: blogs (56 percent), the website (54 percent), social marketing (53 percent) and search engine marketing (52 percent).

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Panda 4.1 – Who Wins and Who Loses?

Graphic: Chi King
Grafik: Chi King

On the 24th of September, Google announced the rollout of the search engine algorithm update Panda 4.1. Since 2011, Panda has been making sure that websites with higher quality content rank better than content farms. It has been five months since the last update, and Panda 4.1 brings some changes with it.


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Why pay with a tweet is the most user friendly paywall

Graphic: Dan Zen

The idea of a conventional paywall is used by many content providers. However, a non-monetary paywall is rare. Pay with Tweet is one example: content has to be paid for in the form of a tweet or a post. Your own website receives greater reach and therefore more traffic in return. But how can turn-over be raised with this paywall variation?

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New Whitepaper “Digital Transformation” available for download

The effects of digitalisation in the form of big data, e-commerce cloud computing and social media have been felt by companies for some time now. “Digital transformation” is now on the agenda of conservative branches. Entire business models, value creation processes and industries are being put to the test, or at least are being challenged to actively deal with digitalisation.

But what is actually happening right now? Why is digital transformation so extensive and what challenges does it bring with it?> Our new whitepaper “Digital Transformation: Herausforderungen des digitalen Wandels für Marketing, Sales und IT” introduces the most important topics currently being discussed in B2B and B2C with up-to-date figures.

Whitepaper Digitale Transformation

Topics include: the challenges relating to processes and roles in digital trade, the smartphone as a catalyst of change, and the new customer type which is used to independently informing themselves online. Technologies and system architecture for a digital experience are also addressed.

The whitepaper can be downloaded free of charge from our homepage:
This whitepaper is currently only available in German. The English language edition will be released shortly, so stay tuned!

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