About Christian Otto Grötsch

Christian lebt E-Commerce wie kein anderer. Als einer der Gründer, langjähriger Geschäftsführer und jetzt Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats der Digitalagentur dotSource setzt er seit 2006 gemeinsam mit seinem Team visionäre Digitalprojekte um. Dank seiner jahrelangen Erfahrung hat er ein besonders Gespür dafür, welche digitalen Trends kommen, um zu bleiben. Um diese zu teilen, hat er 2007 den Handelskraft Blog ins Leben gerufen, der bis heute auf seine Expertise baut.

Why are Amazon and Google getting in each other’s way?

google_logoThe fact that Google and Amazon initially appear to run on two different business models can hardly be denied. However, these major corporations have been butting horns repeatedly recently. Not only Amazon is developing drones for same-day delivery, but Google is also doing research in that direction and has already tested their first prototype.

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Retrospective of the Handelskraft e-commerce breakfast in Zurich

What drives traders and manufacturers in an Amazon world? Which USPs can you still trump with? The Handelskraft breakfast in Zurich was a platform for lively conversation on the challenges of an Amazon world. Online shop operators in Switzerland also have to prepare for the possible entrance of Amazon. We were privileged to great well-known representative, for instance from Studerus.ch or Brach.ch. Our camera man was there this time and captured the relaxed atmosphere perfectly.

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More customers through effective coupon marketing

Grafik: Carol Pyles
Graphic: Carol Pyles

Coupon marketing generates new customers and activates existing ones. The deals.com Coupon Study 2014 shows how well-liked vouchers and coupons are among online shoppers. 50 percent of those surveyed have used a coupon two to five times so far this year.

The lucrative online couponing market

The deals.com Coupon Study 2014 delivers interesting figures on coupon users in 2013 and 2014. 47 percent of those surveyed say that they would shop in a new shop because of a coupon. 14 percent of those surveyed even shop in a shop only if they find or receive the right coupon beforehand. Coupons with a minimum order value seem to be especially fruitful: 46 percent of customers have spent more in order to reach a minimum order value of a coupon. Every fifth person says they spend more than planned, as they assumed that they then save (even)more money.

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Every Fifth Online Shop is Blackmailed

Grafik: Lydia
Grafik: Lydia

A study on cybercrime has brought interesting figures to light: apparently every fifth online shop has once been the victim of attempted blackmail. 12 percent for instance, were blackmailed in a DDoS attack. A total of one third of the 119 traders surveyed had already come into contact with cybercrime. This includes for instance, data theft or targeted attacks by hackers as well. This is not surprising when untrained staff are responsible for security gaps.

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Facebookisation: Twitter is changing

Graphc: Garrett Heath

Up to now, social network Twitter has focused on an unfiltered news stream…but these times appear to be over. Similarly to Facebook, particularly relevant Tweets disturb the chronological order. Even Tweets by people you don’t follow will reportedly turn up in your stream in the future.

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Bye Bye Cookies: Facebook Atlas Marches onto the Display Advertising Battle Field

Grafik: Duncan Hull
Graphic: Duncan Hull

Advertising displayed for the individual user – we’ve got that already: the Google display network is still doing good work. But with the advertising network Atlas, Facebook also wants to display advertising…everywhere, not just on users’ newsfeeds. However, personalised advertising requires information on the user. Isn’t it practical that Facebook knows more than the name of 1.2 billion people?

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We present: Handelskraft.com

rsz_handelskraft-logoHappily, e-commerce is not limited to German speaking countries, but is a global branch. This is why reaching English speaking Handelskraft fans in the future is so important to us. We are now regularly publishing articles on Handelskraft.com with the help of our professional translator Ruth Barratt-Peacock.

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It’s Not Just Nerds Who Bet on E-Sport

Grafik:Kelly Kline
Graphic:Kelly Kline

Electronic sport – e-sport – is a phenomenon, something incomprehensible for many people. The typical cliché: darkened back rooms, the only source of lights are the LED monitors, humming computers, a kettle and 5 minute tureen food at the ready, which is washed down by energy drinks. The marketing and e-commerce branches should say goodbye to these clichés as quickly as possible.

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