About Christian Otto Grötsch

Christian lebt E-Commerce wie kein anderer. Als einer der Gründer, langjähriger Geschäftsführer und jetzt Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats der Digitalagentur dotSource setzt er seit 2006 gemeinsam mit seinem Team visionäre Digitalprojekte um. Dank seiner jahrelangen Erfahrung hat er ein besonders Gespür dafür, welche digitalen Trends kommen, um zu bleiben. Um diese zu teilen, hat er 2007 den Handelskraft Blog ins Leben gerufen, der bis heute auf seine Expertise baut.

Unique Selling Proposition as a Conversion Booster

Grafik: Cars10s PhoToes
Graphic: Cars10s PhoToes

Visitors to online shops are multifaceted and all users have different levels of knowledge, especially when it comes to service. One customer may have no problems in the shop, while another breaks-off their purchase because they can’t find their way around. This is exactly what needs to be avoided. The break-off rate can be lowered by up to 20 percent by a “unique selling proposition” (USP).

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Net Find: Erotic Meets E-Sport

It is not only companies, such as Alternate, Razer or Samsung who now sponsor successful eSport teams. The internet platform for “grown-up stuff” YouPorn is getting on board the eSport scene and sponsoring a Spanish team. The rather abstruse ideas about possible payment of team YP and the (up)coming (get it?) puns are worth a net find post!

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Amazon Introduces New 8th Generation Logistics Centre


Amazon sends packages, lots of packages: especially during the Christmas period, the online traders’ shipping capacity is not nearly sufficient to deliver all the parcels on time. That’s why an extra 80,000 seasonal workers pack and load. But the company Kiva, purchased in 2012, also gets to it with 15,000 robots. A video, which has now been released, provides a glimpse of Amazon’s 8th generation shipping house in Tracy California.

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A Big Thank You for a Wonderful First Jana E-Commerce Breakfast

Thuringia (and especially Jena) doesn’t have to hide! That much was clear after the last Handelskraft e-commerce breakfast for 2014. Together with 15 local traders and manufacturers, we discussed the future of e-commerce with Jochen Krisch. We talked about more than just Amazon or even e-commerce in general.

After all, the challenges are growing well beyond the framework of e-commerce. All businesses have to address the topic of digitalen Transformation and the discussion has long included areas such as online marketing or data management. The cross-overs are increasing on the technical and strategic levels and the direction this journey could take is demonstrated by branch trail blazers, such as “About You.”

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Forrester sees Twitter and Facebook as a waste of money for brands

Grafik: Karl-Ludwig Poggemann
Graphic: Karl-Ludwig Poggemann
Social networks support customer loyalty – at least that was the general opinion to date. That fact that only a small number of followers see a post in their newsfeed at all may have occurred to a few social media managers, but no one drew any overarching conclusions from it. Does using Facebook, Twitter and co for band marketing actually make sense? Or is a social marketing channel an end in itself and don’t have any more defined aims? Future changes, such as a lower advertising frequency in Facebook’s news-streams will limited the reach even further.

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Lateral thinkers with a growth focus – growth hacking (info graphic)

Grafik: Matthewjs007
Graphic: Matthewjs007

Innovative and concerned with growth – that is the growth hacker. This job description has no general profile, but adjusts to a company’s growth aims. Basically, the tech savvy growth hacker focuses, as the name indicates, on growth; be it in turnover, reach, users, or staff. Important tool for this trade are analysis tools, social media channels and innovative campaign ideas, which stand in contrast to classic marketing actions.

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Netfind: Are you on Woo Woo?

Ello has made it clear: social networks can suddenly become extremely successful with the right idea. Woo Woo too. We are currently creating the Handelskraft Woo Woo account and are preparing content. Not registered at Woo Woo yet? Then it’t about time! #HandelskraftOnWooWoo

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Who is driving the digital transformation? – Politics [article series]

Grafik: amira_a
Graphic: amira_a

Who drives digital transformation in companies? This is the question we want to explore in a three part article series. European and Germany politics are one catalyst of digital transformation. Günther Oettinger certainly does not count as a digital native in the office of the EU commissioner, but the politician does have experience in dealing with corporations and knows how they work.

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Google: “Consumer Barometer” collects data from 150,000 users

Grafik: János Balázs
Graphic: János Balázs

Google contracted the TNS Intratest with determining the behavior of users in the internet. More than 150,000 internet users where surveyed to this end. The study was published under the name “The consumers Barometer Survey 2014.” Topics covered included: mobile surfing behavior, how often videos were watched online or how users use multi-screens. But it is the data on the topic “The Smart Surfer” which is especially interesting.

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The front page of the internet: social media marketing with Reddit

Grafik: Eva Blue
Graphic: Eva Blue

The birth place of viral campaigns or the front page of the internet – this is how Reddit is often labelled. The platform is a mixture of forum and social network. Users can put together their own personal newsfeed and receive information and links or pictures, for instance from the marketing world, via so-called subreddits. Reddit may still be struggling with monetisation for their idea, but marketers can already make use of this service for their own interests.

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