About Christian Otto Grötsch

Christian lebt E-Commerce wie kein anderer. Als einer der Gründer, langjähriger Geschäftsführer und jetzt Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats der Digitalagentur dotSource setzt er seit 2006 gemeinsam mit seinem Team visionäre Digitalprojekte um. Dank seiner jahrelangen Erfahrung hat er ein besonders Gespür dafür, welche digitalen Trends kommen, um zu bleiben. Um diese zu teilen, hat er 2007 den Handelskraft Blog ins Leben gerufen, der bis heute auf seine Expertise baut.

Netfind: Why does the new Macbook only have a 480P camera?

Addmittedly, with an “Apple introduces its new stuff” week, we had it easy with our search for a new netfind. That is the advantage when there is a product which is as polarised as a 10,000 US dollar smartwatch whose battery only lasts 18 hours. The new MacBook isn’t like by everyone either. Most of all, the lack of ports is the reason for the controversial debates: future or nonsense? An interview with an Apple designer explains why the new MacBook only has one port and a 480p camera.

And naturally the iWatch had its turn. The best Memes can be found here.

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Food.de founder Karsten Schaal interviewed: Do German VCs suffer from German angst?

Grafik:Jessica Spengler
Graphic:Jessica Spengler
Sinking financing requests from the e-commerce branch led to Capnamic Venture calling the end of the e-commerce hype last month. Are all niches really completely filled? Where are the innovative ideas in the start-up scene? With ABOUT YOU, project Collins has shown that there is still room to the top. You should also keep an eye on Rocket Internet when it comes to promising ideas.

Especially the online grocery trade seems to be Samwer’s favourite playground at the moment. We spoke to Karsten Schaal, founder and CEO of Food Direkt GmbH. His team sells over 10,000 items at supermarket prices on his platform food.de. Apart from the current situation in online grocery trade, we also wanted to know what he thinks of German VC’s level of willingness to take risks.

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Kid Commerce: who thinks about the children?

Kid Commerce“Whinge wares” – the products right in front of the check-out at the supermarket where you always have to wait a few minutes. Even if you have managed to successfully avoid the lolly section, your ankle-biter will now sit up and take note. He or she will want, demand, a Snickers, Mars or Milky Way. Now Amazon and Google have realised that children react to such impulse products.

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Once again we are >>Trusted Agency

BVDW Logo Trusted Agency The selection of an agency is a tricky thing. The simplest requirements can get out of hand with the wrong agency and then good advice is expensive.

This is why giving companies some kind of orientation in the selection of a service providers for digital commerce projects is one of the most important tasks of the relevant associations. In order to raise the standard of their certificate, the BVDW extended their previous examination process this year. The three-stage procedure assesses work processes, customer satisfaction, as well as agency and project presentation.

The preface has already said it – the new certification process wasn’t a problem for us and we were once again awarded the quality seal >>Trusted Agency<< for full-service digital agencies!

In this way, the BVDW has again confirmed our comprehensive competencies along the digital value creation chain. We are able to support our customers holistically in their digital transformation – beyond eßcommerce as well, with topics like reorganisation and the introduction of e-commerce processes, SAP integration, shop management, and logistics.

So those who want to have digital commerce consultation all-in-one now where to find us.

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Visionary adieu – how Google is becoming Microsoft 2.0

Grafik:Carlos Luna
Graphic:Carlos Luna
What the operating system is for Microsoft, is the search engine for Google. But the concentration on a single focus brings its dangers. Bill Gates could have certainly have sung a song about it. I had that feeling that Google is slowly losing the “we can do everything!” status even before Google Helpouts was closed down. The concentration on search engine business seems to have been eliminating all innovation in other areas for years. Many ideas are approached half-heartedly and eventually dropped.

Is this misleading or is Google on their way to becoming a Microsoft 2.0? – Once trailblazers, now quiet observers with a focus on their core business. Comparison with the competition is obvious, for instance, Amazon or Facebook. Fire, Kindle, Echo – hardware from Amazon or soon the VR glasses Oculus Rift with a Facebook brand? It is not just the products and service, but the way they are handled before the financial breakthrough which makes Google different from the current competition.

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Among enemies? Amazon sells on Alibaba

While Amazon rules the e-commerce market in the western hemisphere with virtually no competition, the US American company still has some problems in the Asian market. Especially Amazon.cn doesn’t seem to be doing as well as Amazon expected. Online trade in China will grow more strongly in the next few years than in any other country: The Chinese are supposed to spend at least a trillion US dollars online in 2019. It’s not good for Amazon that Alibaba is already there as branch top dog, dominating multiple marketplaces in China.

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Infighting, IPOS, and take-over waves: how are traders and manufactures dealing with the consequences of digitalisation?

E-Commerce Monpoly
Graphic: Daniel Broche
As we noted last week, e-commerce is not enough. How did it get this far? On the one hand, it is the nature of the beast: e-commerce projects often begin with a need for an online shop and then meander into a row of follow-up or precursory projects, as unexpected problem-areas come up or the simple existence of an online shop does not solve problems already existing in the company. The reason for this is that e-commerce has long been a complex business, which requires interdisciplinary and interdepartmental supervision. And the challenges are growing.

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Colours, Magento and games: the Handelskraft highlights in January/February


The first few months of 2015 are already over. It is time for us to look back at what interested our readers the most. Magento made it into the top ten twice: We asked ourselves what will happen with the shop system after the eBay era and what will be changed with the next 2.0 version. Articles on book trade and WordPress online shops, as well as our 4Care case study also made the top ten!

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Net Find: Man Power for the Smart Phone Battery

Grafik: Wankband
Graphic: Wankband

With their hilarious marketing idea, PornHub has often shown that it can do more than just manage a platform for pornographic films. PornHub is now taking things a step further and want to mix things up in the wearables scene with the Wankband. It might even work. Take a look at how the Wankband operates: when your arm moves up and down, the armband saves energy. Smartphones and tablets can then be plugged in and charged via USB.

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