Porsche, Porno, Upholstery: a look back at the ECC-Forum 2015 Posted on 24. April 2015 | by Christian Otto Grötsch An all-round successful event is how you could sum up the ECC-Forum “Experience and Service in (Online)Trade”, which took place in Cologne yesterday. The weather gods must be soccer fans, because the sun only shone on the concrete block building. This made the terrace, and of course the view of Cologne, all the more tempting. But the varied and class-studded program made time fly. After Dr. Kai Hudetz’ greeting, Dr. Eva Stüber started the event the with latest statistics from a study on the cross-channel behaviour of customers, published at the beginning of May. The exciting thing here was that pure blooded stationary purchasers are dying out quicker than anyone thought. Cross-channel shopping is the mainstream, but the purely online shopper is rarer in comparison to the last survey. So shopping on all channels is the future, which is further supported by the networked behaviour of “smart natives”. Continue (1 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce
What kinds of cross- and upselling do you know? Posted on 23. April 2015 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Graphic: Kudelka Cartoons At yesterday’s ECC-Forum in Cologne, I heard that a good third of all sales on Amazon are triggered by product recommendations. Also according to Forrester, recommendations are responsible for an average of 10-30 percent of shop turnover. They can also raise the customer lifetime value (LTV), average order value (AOV), turnover, profit, and the number of leads. High time to call the advantages of cross- and up-selling up from the memory banks again: Continue (1 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce
A crime scene in your own store: why defreuders have it easly in m-commerce Posted on 22. April 201521. January 2022 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Graphic: Don Hankins The Mobile Payments & Fraud Survey 2015 uncovered something: investigations of fraud in m-commerce are neglected. Especially in today’s Mobilegeddon, traders should not just commit themselves to optimising their mobile internet presence, but also be aware of, and fight, growing fraudulent activity. But the survey paints a different picture: it focuses on the implementation of payment methods. Continue (1 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce
The shareconomy has proven itself – but it doesn’t work without a business mindset Posted on 21. April 2015 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Photo: Carlos Maya The experts finally came to the conclusion that, when it comes to the topic sharing economy: instead of feel-good cuddles, early capitalism is coming – truly socially oriented models are doomed to fail. With the end if the sharing app “Why own it?” their timing was just right. But nothing is as bad as it seems. The share economy approach is missing neither substance, nor does it always have to entail people working outside workers’ rights. The branch is growing and professionalising, which can been seen in the French company BlablaCar’s take over of car sharing services mitfahrgelegenheit.de and mitfahrzentrale.de. According to a current study by PriceWaterhouseCoopers, 72 percent of current US citizens who have already used a sharing service want to do it again in the next two years. This shows the growth and positive image gain for the respective companies. Continue (1 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce
Are private labels the saviours of trade? Posted on 20. April 2015 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Graphic: the 10 most popular private labels in Germany (Source) What stops manufacturers from selling directly? Less and less, as the numerous examples last year made clear. Even larger consumer goods labels like 3M now run online shops, even if some still have the hand brake on. The pressure on traders is growing because they are spreading themselves across the value chain and are trying to control sales channels more strongly themselves, rather than leave this to their trading partners. Private labels are currently being discussed as a way out of this – if traders become manufactures themselves, this could free them from a dependency on manufacturers, as well as logistics. Traders aim to make themselves more independent and less vulnerable to copying by the competition through their own process chains, brands, and products. Even more than that, the private label offers numerous other opportunities. Continue (1 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce
Net find: how mothers call you to dinner in 2015 Posted on 17. April 2015 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Since we have been able to basically be in contact with each other constantly, leaving your smartphone in your pocket and giving the people who are actually there your full attention has become one of the greatest compliments. If manners are missing and meal time becomes nothing more than playing around on the tablet etc., the “Social Media Guard” or the new”Pepper Hacker” might be your only options: According to the motto of Chris Rock: If you want to call a family meeting, just turn off the wifi router and wait in the room where it’s located. — Chris Rock (@ozchrisrock) 7. Dezember 2014 « Continue (1 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories Net Find of the Week
Better Email Marketing with the Double Opt-In [Info Graphic] Posted on 16. April 201521. January 2022 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Graphic:freezelight According to one study, the double opt-in procedure is used by are large proportion of decision makers and raises customers’ acceptance of the medium. Legally, this is also the safest registration option to date, when it comes to registering new users. But a recent decision of the Berlin court was confusing for email marketers Double opt-in better in every way What does double opt-in mean? The user creates an account in an online shop or subscribes to a newsletter. The user then gets a confirmation email with a link which has to be clicked to complete the process – so far so good. But the courts in Berlin decided that alone the confirmation mail can count as undesired mail. The courts owe us an answer as to what you can do instead to this day. Continue (1 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce
Digital Commerce: nothing works without video anymore, especially Sundays Posted on 16. April 2015 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Photo: Venturist Even in 2015, Sunday is a day off. And how do we use this free time? That’s right, we take even longer virtual shopping tours. According to statistics from the e-commerce technology company Invodo, this can be seen in the consumption of product videos on Sundays. This is good for conversion: it is more probable, by a factor of 1.6, that visitors buy a product if they have viewed a video beforehand. It is especially videos on the product details pages that are viewed: 17 percent of visitors vs. 10 percent on the start page. Several conclusions can be drawn from these numbers: the central importance of high quality visual content in a shop is once again highlighted. Those who do not yet work with video desperately need to catch up here, whether in in B2B or B2C. And secondly, it confirms that Sunday in the e-commerce day. This makes it even more absurd that customers can only expect limited service on this day! Continue (1 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce
We’re starting the 3rd Handelskraft E-Commerce Breakfast in Berlin with Adobe Posted on 15. April 2015 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Since the beginning of our breakfast series, Berlin has been one of the strongholds of our cities tour: Two years ago, we went to the start line as the warm up for Exceed, and last year Alexander Graf tolled the death bells of trade with us. This year will be more conciliatory with the topic cross-channel marketing, but no less exciting. Registrations have already broken all records. There were 15 RSVPs before the topic was even made public and there are numerous repeat offenders on the guest list. There could hardly be a bigger compliment for our tried and true format of breakfasts, networking, and gaining new knowledge. In cooperation with our partner Adobe and Martin Groß-Albenhausen (CEO bevh Services GmbH) we plan to exchange ideas on the digital customer journey, which runs along numerous touch points, with the smartphone as a key point, on the 24.4.2015 from 08:30. The main problem: customers are not loyal. They use channels when and how they want. In familiar circles, we would like to discuss how you can connect the channels in a profitable way and provide the customer with what they require in the corresponding context. The place of action is Fabrik 23 in the heart of Berlin. The event is almost booked out, but you can try your luck at: www.dotsource.de/Handelskraft-E-Commerce-Fruehstueck/ Continue (1 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce
The content determines the form – why content-driven e-commerce is the future Posted on 14. April 2015 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Content in e-commerce is more than just product data. The right information at the right time makes the different between purchase and purchase break-off. An emotional product description with high quality photos communicates more than you would initially believe. This article introduces some examples. Content as the corner stone of the shop With the right content, it is possible to raise the perceived worth of a product, strengthen customer engagement, improve conversion and build-up trust. The magic of language: on Meh.com, the new live shopping portal from Woot!-founder Matt Rutledge, every day products suddenly seem exciting and valuable because of the funny texts and absurd statistics. Continue (1 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories E-Commerce