About Christian Otto Grötsch

Christian lebt E-Commerce wie kein anderer. Als einer der Gründer, langjähriger Geschäftsführer und jetzt Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats der Digitalagentur dotSource setzt er seit 2006 gemeinsam mit seinem Team visionäre Digitalprojekte um. Dank seiner jahrelangen Erfahrung hat er ein besonders Gespür dafür, welche digitalen Trends kommen, um zu bleiben. Um diese zu teilen, hat er 2007 den Handelskraft Blog ins Leben gerufen, der bis heute auf seine Expertise baut.

Improving conversion rates: getting the shopping cart to the checkout

Grafik:Maciej Lewandowski
Graphic:Maciej Lewandowski

Once you’ve successfully lead a customer through the customer journey to the shopping cart, things can’t go fast enough. The customer is at the checkout, so nothing can go wrong right? Wrong! There is no other explanation for purchase break-off rates of up to 68.06 percent. Apart from page loading times, trust in the shop, the selection of payment systems and shipping rates all play a role here.

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ECC survey: inform yourself offline, buy online, or the other way around after all?

ECC KölnShopping habits change…all the time. An ECC survey, in cooperation with software manufacturer Hybris, has now confirmed it. The classic “I only go into brick-and-mortar stores” shopper is almost extinct. To react to the wishes and new habits of customers, online traders offline, and offline traders online, have to understand – well, cross-channel.

Selective shoppers are on the rise

“Cross-channel in flux – the information seeking and shopping behavour of the consumer Vol. 7” is a approximate translation of the title of the ECC Cologne survey. In fact, the statistics it provides attest to a change in customers’ contact point with the products of traders. The selective shopper, who buys online and offline, reigns with 61 percent in DACH countries. In contrast, only 31 percent shop purely online and only 8 percent are traditional store shoppers.

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Advertising on Facebook – does it still help?

Grafik:Michael Coghlan
Graphic:Michael Coghlan

Facebook is the social network with the best range: almost 1.4 milliard people are registered there. Sharing pictures, clicking “like,” commenting – all well and good. But how do things look when it comes to sharing advertising campaigns e.g. in the form of a coupon? G/O Digital ran a study on this, which did not confirm Facebook’s swam song, at least for small business. So it Facebook worth it after all?

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Autioning off BASIC Thinking #2 changes – nothing?

basic thinking logo“That was it for BASIC Thinking!” “Again! (the oldies will remember)” has been called through the media in the past weeks. Now the auction, a bit strangely run by hood.de, has ended with a surprise: internet entrepreneur and investor Tim Schumacher gave the blog back to its previous publishers, after his winning bid of €27,223.

In a blog article, the publishers let us know how they are planning on using their second (the third for the blog): mobile design, fewer articles, which are supposed to be better quality for it. Instead of banner advertising, paid articles are supposed to cover refinancing. In the future, Editor in Chief Tobias Gillen will also take on the role of CEO and run the blog as a business. The only thing which stays the same is the writing team editorial team.

But will that be enough to lead the blog – once a cult under Robert Basic – to its old strengths?

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Amazon Business: the Amazon principle works for B2B too

B2B is a hard nut to crack, Google and Amazon have had to learn this the hard way. Both first attempts “Google Shopping for Suppliers” and “Amazon Supply” are history. But while Google has introduced no follow-up project, Amazon is getting serious, sending “Amazon Business” into the race.

After the first stumbles and fumbles, Amazon has obviously picked themselves up again: where Amazon Supply was deliberately sterile,  Amazon Business is charged with the “Amazon Experience” and much more, as the into video explains:

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Internet facts: developing e-commerce nation Germany – as if!

Internet use in Germany 2015
Graphic: eMarketer

Twice a year, the association for online research (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Online Forschung – AGOF) collects their “internet facts.” If you take a close look at these, you can find some statistics which just don’t fit into the generally negativity surrounding German internet promotional projects like “Neuland” and “Industrie 4.0” etc.

Admittedly, some things won’t change in the next few years: women still use the internet much less than men. The gab widens in the older age groups – 56.1 percent vs. 43.9 percent with those over 60. Germans  still mainly go online to use search engines (86.7 percent) and to read emails (86.4 percent).

But who would have thought that shopping is in third place in the list of the most popular online activities! 73 percent of all internet users over the age of 14 said that they order online. 57.8 percent use online banking.

E-marketers estimate that 81.8 percent of German internet users will order products and services via the internet. That equates to 47.1 million people. Only the UK tops this ratio of online shoppers to residents.

This makes e-commerce more normal in Germany than in any other European country (except the island) and a third of it happens via mobile!

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This is how content marketing works in B2B [info graphic]

Grafik:Sohel Parvez Haque
Graphic: Sohel Parvez Haque

In B2B, it comes down to personal contact with the customer more than in any other branch. Especially content marketing strategies start here and support customer contact with well-told content. But this has to be communicated in the right way. That’s why B2B marketers have to focus more strongly on different customer contact points than their B2C colleagues. At the end of the day, the more interactions possible through one channel, the better the lead generation and customer binding.

So what do you need for a successful content marketing strategy B2B? An info graphic by Uberflip answers just this question: in person events, webinares and case studies are some of the most popular B2B tactics. But social media also plays a role. Career networks like LinkedIn and Xing are particularly important here.

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Psychology over QR Codes: the Handelskraft Berlin breakfast 2015 [recap]

Without question, Berlin belongs to the top cities of our Handelskraft e-commerce breakfasts. We were drawn to the capital  for the third time and once again, had a pleasant and successful event. Together with Martin Groß-Albenhausen and 25 guests, we discussed cross-channel marketing.

The focus was on how not to loose customers with a channel changeover. This problem is still approached technically too often in e-commerce: will the customer follow a QR code? It is worth printing a voucher on billboards?

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Shopware implements emotional shopping with these features

Shopware 5There has to be a way to get the things which work in stationary retail into online shops – the e-commerce developers for Shopeware, coming from Schöppingen, are sure to have had this thought as well. With yesterday’s release of Shopware 5, the team committed themselves to “emotional shopping. On any device.” Shopware is following the trend in e-commerce 2015 with their penchant for a very individual and personalised shopping experience.

Standing out from other systems

We were only recently asking ourselves what shop system is best for a B2B shop. Thanks to the features of the fifth version published to date, Shopware did well. Although it still has to be field tested in B2B, we’re loving their emotional shopping. At least in B2C business, it seems to be a sure thing and they are aggressively using it set themselves apart from OXID and Magento etc.

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Oxid, Spryker, Magento, or Shopware after all – for B2B!?

Graphic:Ryan Hyde
Graphic:Ryan Hyde

Trade between business customers, B2B or even ‘the future of e-commerce’ – many companies in the branch have recognised the signs: some a long time ago, some have already missed the boat, but still somehow managed to get in. With the Oxid eShop B2B enterprise edition, the next shop system provider is bringing software onto the market, which is specially tailored to the B2B branch.

But there are other candidates, alongside Oxid, who want to score in the area of B2B. With the new version 5, Shopware is a hot upcoming candidate in e-commerce. Green fields framework Spryker could also muscle in sooner or later. Magento has been around for a long time and they are currently working toward the release of Magento 2 and continuing to professionalise.

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