About Christian Otto Grötsch

Christian lebt E-Commerce wie kein anderer. Als einer der Gründer, langjähriger Geschäftsführer und jetzt Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats der Digitalagentur dotSource setzt er seit 2006 gemeinsam mit seinem Team visionäre Digitalprojekte um. Dank seiner jahrelangen Erfahrung hat er ein besonders Gespür dafür, welche digitalen Trends kommen, um zu bleiben. Um diese zu teilen, hat er 2007 den Handelskraft Blog ins Leben gerufen, der bis heute auf seine Expertise baut.

Gartner survey reveals: Hybris is one of the best digital commerce platforms

Grafik:Maria Elena
Graphic:Maria Elena

In a survey by consulting company Gartner with the title “Critical Capabilities for Digital Commerce” the three shop systems: Hybris from SAP, Intershop and Demandware do especially well. Hybris even managed to get first place in all three rated categories. Its capabilities as a multi-channel B2C-, Global B2C- and B2B platform were examined.

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Facebook or YouTube? – You can’t even be sure here anymore!

Grafik:Mike Mozart
Graphic:Mike Mozart

In Social media marketing, you often ask yourself which social network works best for what content. When it comes to video, marketers could rely on YouTube for years: a networked specialised in video, which generates lots of views and lots of clicks if all goes well. But these rosy days could be over soon…couldn’t they?

Because as we all know, you can share videos on Facebook. Everyone who scrolls through their Facebook feed from the comfort of the couch knows it: videos are played automatically, which means that you do what one or another to the end thanks to this auto-play function. What other tricks is Zuckerberg using to grasp the video throne, and does anyone have the slightest chance against Youtube?

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The Mobile Revolution is at the door – finally!

Photo: Karlis Dambrans

There has been a lot of discussion and writing over the past few years on the topic, but it is now just starting to really take off: the internet is becoming mobile. Going online with a smartphone has nothing to do with a lack of better possibilities any more. We are currently at the point where the mobile user experience is changing from a bother to an actual experience.

As soon as mobile really starts to be fun, it accelerates development in this direction further. Up to now, it was more the foundation for it that was developed, in order to facilitate comfortable use and adjusted mobile content.

Now things are really taking off. In light of the impressive growth rates in mobile payment in Germany, this cannot be denied.

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PIM data management in cross-channel is a must!

Graphic: justgrimes
Graphic: justgrimes

The recently published survey by ECC Colgone shows just how well customer react to an efficient cross-channel strategy. But how you do implement it? One helpful example is product information management – PIM. These systems save data centrally and spread it on various channels if needed. But PIM systems can do a lot more.

The lord of the data

Product information is an elementary part of an online shop. A PIM system gives you collective access to all data from all devices which could be relevant for the customer: marketing texts, technical details, or product images. Depending on the channel, the desired data can be pulled and shown to the customer. So for instance, information on whether or not a product is available in a brick-and-mortar store is only promoted on mobile end devices.

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Social media – social status.

Teens are mobile

We just published some thoughts in the difference in internet and TV use with adults from different socio-economic backgrounds, but what about the teens? About ¾ of teens these days (yes, I do feel old) have a smart phone and 91% of these go online with their mobile. We already noted that mobile internet access increases in the lower income bracket, and the situation is similar for teenagers. Nearly all African American youth – those statically most likely to belong to a low income household – access the internet via mobile vs. 91% and 90% of Hispanic and white teens respectively.

91% of Teens Use the Internet on a Mobile DeviceGraphic: pewinternet.org

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Amazon takes off: Patent registration for drone delivery sytem published

Everyone knows that Amazon have been testing a new kind of delivery via drone for a long time, so that they have delivery to customers as quickly as possible. But the patent for Amazon’s drone delivery system has new been published.

The patent gives the first detailed view into this risky venture. Amazon Prime Air customers are supposed to be able to communicate their whereabouts via an app. The drones are supposed to be able to land and take-off with the help of various sensors, e.g. radar, sonar, infrared, as well as a camera.

The drones communicate with each other

The “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles” (UAV) also collect data on the weather and environment. This information is not just used for a UVA’s calculations, but is also passed on to other drones in the area. This system seems to be more complex than anyone has envisioned up to now. There are supposed to be stations with the infrastructure, which supply the drones with electricity so that they can fly to distant locations. I

Kommunikationsnetzwerk von Amazon Prime Air
Amazon Prime Air communication network
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Class matters

Photo: Luca Rossato

We’re happy talking about age, and gender commerce constantly rears its ugly head, but class – class is a dirty word. People are looking at the social and economic impacts of e-commerce, but not of the impact of consumers’ socio-economic situation in the first world – I’m not talking about the digital gap – and their interactions with e-commerce.

Predictably, the internet is gaining popularity as an information source in Germany, especially with young people, but 70% of those questioned in a long-term study by TNS Infratest watch TV daily.

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New professional development course in digital commerce: get your certificate in e-commerce management

How do we work in a digital world? What companies and industries will survive? What professions are required in an increasingly digitalised value chain?

The ice is getting thin for companies who haven’t started asking themselves these questions yet. Digital services in both B2B and B2C are becoming standard and customers just expect them.

But it takes a lot of effort to create the corresponding business processes or even just to build-up the know-how required – at least without professional support.

We train the digital experts of tomorrow

For this reason, we created the Digital Business School in cooperation with the Steinbeis Technology Group. The DBS offers a professional development and a degree programme, which qualifies professionals from IT, marketing, and sales to work in digital commerce.

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#Mobilegeddon – yeah right: The Handelskraft Highlights of March/April

March and April left us with some surprising winners if you look at the number of views per article. Out netfind with a supposed Apple developer ranting about the new MacBook, was the most successful article. We must have hit a nerve with that one.

Our review of the ECC Forum 2015 was popular on Twitter with the most impressions and retweets.


Otherwise, articles on shop systems and software providers led the pack. It didn’t seem to matter if there were about Adobe, Intershop, Shopware or Oxid.

The top ten articles in March and April

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