About Christian Otto Grötsch

Christian lebt E-Commerce wie kein anderer. Als einer der Gründer, langjähriger Geschäftsführer und jetzt Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats der Digitalagentur dotSource setzt er seit 2006 gemeinsam mit seinem Team visionäre Digitalprojekte um. Dank seiner jahrelangen Erfahrung hat er ein besonders Gespür dafür, welche digitalen Trends kommen, um zu bleiben. Um diese zu teilen, hat er 2007 den Handelskraft Blog ins Leben gerufen, der bis heute auf seine Expertise baut.

Yapital, from promising mobile payment system to failure

Yapital shut down
Yapital’s Homepage

I type “Yapital” in my browser, the homepage is loading and, at first glance, my eyes look upon the following line: “Unfortunately we must inform you that Yapital is going to stop operating its cross-channel payments on the 31.01.2016”.

I still remember the day when Otto launched Yapital, the first European cashless cross-channel payment system. We were all looking forward to it because it was as if we were living through the beginning of a new era for E-Commerce. However, 2 years later, all hopes and expectations have been up in the air. Perhaps it was too early?

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Content is King: Tips for Viral Blog Posts [Infographic]

Picture: © Fotolia.com / Milles Studio
Picture: © Fotolia.com / Milles Studio

Content is king: Attractive digital content is able to develop huge potential and to increase conversion considerably. Colourful, animated, and a little emotional. Sounds simple – and it is indeed.

In order to make your content go viral, you don’t need to rely on mere luck or wave the magic design wand. It’s all about paying attention to some simple but brilliant tricks.

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EU Commission Takes Online Pricing Policy To Task: Is E-Commerce Becoming Fair?

Photo: Media Markt

E-Commerce is a very dynamic matter in principle. By means of customer data and real-time information you can set up individual offers that are tailored specifically to your customers and their demands. Personalised product recommendations, banners, prices, and discounts add up to a unique shopping experience for any customer.

But personalisation tools aren’t used for the sake of pure humanity; of course retailers have their revenues in mind when they invest in search and recommendation engines. This is not necessarily met with enthusiasm on the customers’ part.

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Third Quarter 2015: How are the Biggest Players Doing?

Graphic:Simon Cunningham
Graphic:Simon Cunningham

The quarterly reports of Amazon, Google, Apple, and Microsoft are always eagerly awaited as they mirror the overall mood of a whole industry. Even more important is a glance at revenue, profit, and future focus. A lot has happened over the past weeks: Google has reorganized into “Alphabet”, Microsoft has officially launched Windows 10, and Amazon has started new and buried failed experiments.

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Your Checkout is too Long for Mobile? You’re not Alone, Says ibi Research

Graphic: Maria Elena

Compared to stationary computers the conversion rate of mobile purchases is still lower. One major reason for this is the cumbersome data input. The customers are more likely to feel irritated and simply cancel the buying process. In order to change this, retailers have to react: in many cases they miss out on revenue by annoying their mobile customers with multistage checkouts.

Further numbers from the ibi Research survey “Success Factor Checkout Optimisation” reinforce this impression: despite the increasing use of mobile devices, nearly half of the retailers aren’t prepared at all. 44 percent of retailers optimise their online shops for tablet users and 42 percent for smartphone users. 33 percent are still planning their mobile optimisation.

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Want Successful Content? Then You Should Text for Women

Photo: Garry Knight

Globally successful brands like Coca Cola and Apple, both belonging to the kings of branding, have understood one thing: you don’t need to colour your products pink in order to address women. Their products and brand communication convince everyone because they’re simply good.

This motto also applies to content. It may sound paradoxical, but in order to convince women of your products you have think your content more female without it being what might be considered typically female right away. To employ more women in Content Marketing would be a first step; currently only one third of Content Professionals are female.

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E-Commerce for all senses: dotSource realizes parfumidee.ch with Magento

Screen: parfumidee.ch

Up-to-date, user-friendly, and high in performance – Geschenkidee.ch GbmH had reached out to us with those requirements for their online shop parfumidee.ch. After the shop had reached its growth limits with its previous settings, Geschenkidee.ch GmbH was now looking for professional replacement and development.

Geschenkidee.ch GmbH is Switzerland’s largest online supplier of gifts, home accessories, and lifestyle products and fully owned subsidiary of media company Ringier. Alongside well-known brands, such as Dior and Jil Sander, parfumidee.ch even offers products that are difficult to get hold of in Switzerland. These also include brands like Shiseido, Vera Wang, Bobbi Brown, and Nars.

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Ryan Stewart: Dear SEOs, get another job!

seo-dead Graphic: India7 Network

Is SEO dead? Yes and no. In principle SEO will exist in varying forms as long as there’s Google search. However, nowadays there is so little left of its former variety that it’s pretty fair to speak of a whole new discipline.

Ryan Stewart from Webris even goes a step further and advises SEO experts to give up their field. He has already done so and approaches the area of online marketing in a more holistic way now. He explains the new rule of the game:

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The End of Fashion Bloggers? Women Trust Everyday People more than Celebrities

A well-known person shows a brand product to the camera and all of a sudden the product becomes a bestseller? Those times are over. Over the past ten years, ordinary women who became popular on Youtube or through blogposts gained more and more influence and companies also realised this. They started to pay bloggers to endorse them. A new form of advertising was born.

Now even the confidence in bloggers shakes. According to research from SheKnows Media, women are increasingly weary of those well-known faces. Authentic opinions expressed in customer reviews or on social media are becoming popular. 86 percent of the interviewed women rather trust in opinions and recommendations from everyday people.

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Stephan Schambach’s Third Strike: The Mobile Retail Platform NewStore is live

Screen: NewStore.com

NewStore, Stephan Schambach’s third e-commerce platform, is live. After e-commerce monolith Intershop and SaaS solution Demandware, the digitalisation of brick and mortar retail is the next item on the serial entrepreneur’s agenda. Mobile-first, of course:

» NewStore provides the only mobile retail platform that promotes conversion, boosts engagement, unifies offline and online, and modernizes fulfillment.

Working as a Demandware Link Partner and in conjunction with existing ecommerce platforms, NewStore allows brands to deliver a mobile-first retail experience designed around how consumers want to buy today — anywhere, anytime, with single touch simplicity. «

The video hints at the direction NewStore takes:

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