Avoiding Loss of Value: How Online Retailers Reduce Overstock [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 22. August 202222. August 2022 | by Birthe Struffmann Source: Unsplash/CHUTTERSNAP At the moment, the retail industry is struggling on many fronts at the same time. While some companies are unable to meet consumer demand due to a lack of raw materials and logistical problems, others are stuck with their goods. Higher prices and increasingly negative shopping experiences caused by delivery delays have curbed consumers’ desire to buy. By selling remaining stock and returned items on B2B auction platforms, you can attract new customer groups and prevent your goods from becoming shelf warmers. Continue (5 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B B2C Consumer Goods E-Commerce Reading Tips of the Week Retail
Buy Now, Pay Later: How the Right Payment Method Increases the Willingness to Buy in B2B and B2C [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 15. August 202215. August 2022 | by Birthe Struffmann Source: Pexels/Ivan Samkov 20 per cent of all online orders are cancelled if the preferred payment method is not offered. This is true for both B2B and B2C customers. Employees who make purchases for a company want the same payment experience as they do when shopping online in their private lives. Purchasing on account with »buy now, pay later« is becoming increasingly popular. It offers customers financial flexibility and automates the processing of payment transactions for companies. Continue (2 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B B2C Brand Experience E-Commerce Reading Tips of the Week
Increasing Sales with Conversational Commerce: Why Selling Through Messengers Is Worthwhile [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 8. August 20229. August 2022 | by Birthe Struffmann Source: Unsplash/Adem AY What do adidas, BECK’S, Hellmann’s and Wish have in common? They all use conversational marketing to get close to their target audience via messenger services, to present products and to accompany customers in the purchasing process. In Asia and Latin America, it is already common practice to make purchases via chat apps and pay directly in messengers. With an investment from Salesforce Ventures, the start-up Charles now wants to take advantage of this trend and expand into the European market. Continue (2 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B B2C Brand Experience CRM, Sales & Service Digital Marketing Reading Tips of the Week
Content Marketing: How to Convert Users into Customers with High-Quality Content [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 1. August 20228. August 2022 | by Birthe Struffmann Source: Pexels/Antoni Shkraba Consumers today take notice of companies, brands and products primarily through their digital presence. They browse blogs for inspiration, google everyday services and search for gift ideas, recipes or travel destinations while on the go. In order to attract and retain new customers, high-quality digital content is more important than ever before. It is important to present your company in an entertaining and informative way – over and over again. After all, competition for users’ attention is fierce. Continue (3 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B B2C Content Management Digital Marketing E-Commerce Reading Tips of the Week
Strategy Consulting for Digital Business: Developing Visionary Ideas with Digital Consulting [Best Practice] Posted on 27. July 202227. July 2022 | by Birthe Struffmann Download the new »Digital Consulting Best Practices« publication for free now! Ever shorter innovation cycles, new competitors in the market, constantly changing customer needs – to be and remain successful in times of digital change, you must never stop reinventing yourself. This means that companies must constantly reassess and adapt their strategic approach. Ideally, you have experienced partners by your side who know all the pitfalls of digital business. Our new »Digital Consulting Best Practices« publication shows how important and diverse such consulting services are. Continue (3 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B Digital Consulting E-Commerce Publications
PIM Systems: How to Improve Product Experience Across All Channels [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 25. July 202225. July 2022 | by Birthe Struffmann Source: Unsplash/Igor Miske The world is digitalising at an impressive pace. All age groups regularly use technical devices to communicate, stay up to date and shop online. Last year, almost three quarters of Internet users aged 16 to 74 made purchases online. By integrating a PIM solution that fits your company’s needs, you can offer potential customers an impressive product experience that goes far beyond the presentation on product detail pages – on all available channels. Continue (2 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B B2C PIM/MDM/DAM Reading Tips of the Week
Targeting Without Cookies: How to Reach Your Target Audience at the Right Moment [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 18. July 202218. July 2022 | by Birthe Struffmann Source: Unsplash/CA Creative Once consumers have searched for a product online, it follows them on all devices and channels for the next few weeks. It is not uncommon for users to feel annoyed by this. Marketers who place ads on the right websites not only comply with the latest data protection regulations, but also reach potential customers in the right place. Contextual targeting is the name of the solution, which does not rely on the personal data of website visitors, but on the content of the accessed website. This method paves the way to the right target audience – completely without cookies. Continue (3 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B B2C Brand Experience Data-Driven Business Digital Marketing Reading Tips of the Week
PIM Systems: Why Well-Maintained Product Data Has Long Been a Must-Have [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 11. July 202211. July 2022 | by Birthe Struffmann Source: Pexels/Olya Kobruseva At the heart of every purchasing process is always a product or service. Nevertheless, additional services and communication through various channels have long been more than just a nice-to-have for customers. With increasing digitalisation and additional customer touchpoints, expectations regarding the presentation of products and services are rising as well. Up-to-date, comprehensive and engaging product information is simply part of this. Not only does the right product information management (PIM) system make it possible to individually distribute content for different channels, but it also facilitates the storage of data and thus reduces the administrative workload for all employees. Continue (2 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B B2C Brand Experience Design & Usability PIM/MDM/DAM Reading Tips of the Week
Marketing for FMCG: Why Digital Is the Fastest Way to Reach Your Target Audience [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 4. July 20224. July 2022 | by Birthe Struffmann Source: Pexels/Artem Beliaikin Every day, people consume fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG). These include food with a short shelf life, newspapers, hygiene products and detergents. In other words: the demand for FMCG is high – and the market is extremely competitive. There is hardly any other industry where brand preference plays such a big role. Once customers are satisfied with a product or brand, they also trust it in the long term. Established brands benefit from this. Newcomers, however, have a hard time. Continue (2 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2C CRM, Sales & Service Data-Driven Business Digital Marketing E-Commerce Marketing Automation Reading Tips of the Week Retail
German Packaging Act Pays off in the Long Term – For Companies and the Environment [5 Reading Tips] Posted on 27. June 202227. June 2022 | by Birthe Struffmann Source: Unsplash/Agenlaku Indonesia Yay, another change in the law! Who is supposed to navigate through the jungle of provisions, ordinances and exemptions? The Price Indication Ordinance is now followed by an amendment to the German Packaging Act (VerpackG2). This tightens the legal framework for packaging licencing in order to respond to the growth in e-commerce, to-go consumption and the associated increase in packaging consumption. The amendment will take effect on 1 July 2022 and regulate the take-back and recycling of packaging put into circulation by companies. This is intended to improve recycling rates and ensure an efficient circular economy. So far, so good. But which packaging is covered by this amendment and which companies must take action now? Continue (3 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)Loading... Categories B2B B2C Consumer Goods E-Commerce Industry Media & Publishing Pharmacy & Healthcare Reading Tips of the Week Retail Wholesale