All E-Commerce Whitepapers We Published in 2014

2014 was a productive year for us. Apart from the annual Trend Book, a total of seven white papers on e-commerce and online marketing topics were published. They are all exclusively designed for manufacturers, shipping traders and publishers, and can be requested on our home page free of charge.

E-Commerce Whitepapers

Digitale TransformationDigitalization is advancing at a rapid pace, but the societal and economic consequences have been difficult to determine so far. »”Digital Transformation: Challenges for Marketing, Sales, and IT”« introduces the most important topics currently discussed in B2B and B2C. (Available in English and German)

B2B E-Commerce WhitepaperE-Commerce is still new territory in B2B. However, there is great potential for manufacturers and traders there. Companies, who are already building up their e-commerce competencies will benefit in the long term. In our white paper »”E-Commerce Potential in B2B”« we answer the question, what e-commerce can do for brand manufacturers and industry.

Whitepaper E-Commerce Software auswählenThe updated white paper >»“Selecting E-Commerce Software: Providers and Technologies Compared”« offers a quick overview of the central decision making criteria for selecting a system. We also introduce the most important systems and providers in the mid and enterprise area.

Stay tuned for upcoming English translations of four whitepapers from our online marketing experts!

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