Unique Selling Proposition as a Conversion Booster Posted on 9. December 2014 | by Christian Otto Grötsch Graphic: Cars10s PhoToes Visitors to online shops are multifaceted and all users have different levels of knowledge, especially when it comes to service. One customer may have no problems in the shop, while another breaks-off their purchase because they can’t find their way around. This is exactly what needs to be avoided. The break-off rate can be lowered by up to 20 percent by a “unique selling proposition” (USP). USPs in the shop Providers, who are cheaper than everyone else, should advertise this strongly on their homepage. The layout plays an important role, especially when it comes to price. Shops which are predominately characterised by their cheap prices have to adjust their layout according. The break-off rate can be lowered by up to 20 percent though less white space and a standard web font. E-Commerce companies whose UPSs lie in consulting and expertise need more than just strong headlines. Product tests, pictured details, and specialised information support their expert character. Why should I buy here? If you look at the fact that 74 percent of online shoppers view detailed product descriptions as a positive sign, it is worth investing in good texts. Customer reviews help! If the USP is unclear, a glance at the customer review can often be helpful. If there are no customer reviews, internet research with the keyword >>shop domain reviews<< or >>shop domain customer opinion<< can help. Normally up to two points stand out from different customer opinions and reviews. Some may sing praises about how quickly the products arrived or how unusual the assortment is. There you already have your USP. In our whitepaper “5 Conversion Booster – Conversion Rate Optimierung leicht gemacht” contains more practical tips and to dos for a good internet search – exclusive for manufacturers, those in shipping trade and publishing. Available in German only. Download now. Share now (No Ratings Yet) Loading... Categories E-Commerce