The effects of digitalisation in the form of big data, e-commerce cloud computing and social media have been felt by companies for some time now. “Digital transformation” is now on the agenda of conservative branches. Entire business models, value creation processes and industries are being put to the test, or at least are being challenged to actively deal with digitalisation.
But what is actually happening right now? Why is digital transformation so extensive and what challenges does it bring with it?> Our new whitepaper “Digital Transformation: Herausforderungen des digitalen Wandels für Marketing, Sales und IT” introduces the most important topics currently being discussed in B2B and B2C with up-to-date figures.
Topics include: the challenges relating to processes and roles in digital trade, the smartphone as a catalyst of change, and the new customer type which is used to independently informing themselves online. Technologies and system architecture for a digital experience are also addressed.
The whitepaper can be downloaded free of charge from our homepage:
This whitepaper is currently only available in German. The English language edition will be released shortly, so stay tuned!