Smart Supermarkets: How the Retail Industry Benefits from Shopping Cart Scanning, Dynamic Pricing and AI as the Boss [5 Reading Tips]

Artificial Intelligence in Retail
Source: Pexels/Gratisography

Artificial intelligence is the digital business trend par excellence. That’s what you hear. That’s what you read. That’s what they say. The »Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies« published by the US research firm Gartner confirms this year after year. But what happens next? Either the hype fizzles out and the technologies disappear again – or they reach what Gartner calls »Plateau of Productivity«. They become normal, they become part of everyday life.

At the moment, it looks like artificial intelligence has come to stay – after all, AI can already look back on almost 70 years of development. For companies, this means one thing in particular: they have to think data – available in large amounts – intelligently, using intelligent technologies that are also available.

To put it differently: we are at a turning point where we have to decide which existing technologies we make good use of and develop profitably. In this regard, supermarkets are an exciting field of experimentation – and every single banana can potentially be an exciting data set.

(13 vote(s), average: 4.69 out of 5)

Sustainability as a Business Strategy [5 Reading Tips]

environmental protection, digitisation, sustainability, business strategy
Photo by Alena Koval from Pexels

Climate change, the Greta effect and »Fridays for Future« have recently put sustainability and environmental protection at the top of the political and economic agenda. Living and working sustainably as well as being environmentally friendly in both private and professional life thus turns from a nice-to-have into a must-have for a safe future.

With this future in mind, new technologies and the digitisation of processes and activities are being developed and implemented very rapidly today. However, the costs of this exponential growth – although invisible – are becoming higher and higher.

So how do you simultaneously deal with the challenges of digitisation on the one hand and the challenges of environmental protection on the other hand? What is required so that companies integrate a sustainable way of thinking into their (digital) DNA?

(4 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

The moon landing and digitisation: What the 50th anniversary means for digital business [5 reading tips]

Mondlandung und Digitalisierung historisches Foto
Source: Pixabay

A few days ago we all looked into the sky. There was a partial lunar eclipse on 16 June, then a strawberry moon in July. The moon landing was just 50 years ago! That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap… Well you know the rest.

Since then, the internet has been bubbling with moon content. We’re taking this as an opportunity to use the reading tips today to make content recs and, just this once, to refer to videos and podcasts. We also want to draw connections between space travel and digitisation.

(10 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

B2B influencer marketing: How manufacturers inspire retailers and service providers [5 reading tips]

B2B-Influencer-Marketing Bild
Source: Pexels

Influencers aren’t always pets. Or models. Even disheveled craftsmen in guild clothing or corporate bosses with critical opinions can have a great effect as brand ambassadors as long as their appearance on Facebook, Instagram or Youtube is embedded in a clever B2B marketing strategy.

B2B (business-to-business) is a huge area because it’s about nothing less than that manufacturers aren’t selling a product directly to an end customer, but first to a retailer or service provider who then processes it or markets it. How can successful B2B Influencer Marketing look?

(12 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

Digital Transformation: Challenges for Marketing, Sales, and IT [Updated White Paper]

Source: dotSource

15 terabytes of mobile video traffic is generated and US$20,928 is sent over PayPal worldwide in 10 seconds. Our lives are rapidly being digitised.

Cutting-edge technology (like smart thermostats, virtual assistants, and personalised services) are available to consumers. This results in new and increasing customer expectations that companies must meet in the context of digital transformation.
The processes and roles in digital commerce should change to respond to these new circumstances. Not only is a new mentality needed, but new positions and methods as well. They need a great ability to change as well as agility and team spirit to achieve business success in the digital era.

In our updated white paper »Digital Transformation Challenges for Marketing, Sales, and IT« we provide a comprehensive and pragmatic overview of the current state of digitisation. Then we show which success factors of digital transformation companies should use to win the digital race.

(12 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

Supply chain management 4.0 – The future of the fully automatic ordering process

Supply Chain Management 4.0
Source: pexels

Summer’s within reach. After you do a quick check of an outdoor furniture store during lunch, you decide to order a simple hammock chair for home. Choosing the right colour and size is not a problem either. That same evening, your smartphone rings and a car with that new piece of jewellery is on your own doorstep. But how’s that possible?

IoT, business intelligence, self-driving cars, big data – This multitude of buzzwords is shaping our future. They all are smartly connected to produce supply chain management 4.0 and take customer satisfaction to a new level.

(14 vote(s), average: 4.71 out of 5)

dotSource awarded »Agency of the Year« 2019

Agency of the Year 2019 Award
Source: dotSource GmbH

Wow! On Tuesday we were awarded the 2019 E-commerce Germany Award in the »Best Agency« category. We can now call ourselves »Agency of the Year«. We’re so unbelievably excited that even some happy tears were shed and we couldn’t be prouder.

Even if it seems trite and sounds like an award phrase, we owe this award to our satisfied clients, great partners, and last but not least 250 tirelessly digital employees. Being Agency of the Year is nothing short of an exorbitantly great community effort. Oh, yes!

(12 vote(s), average: 4.67 out of 5)

Smart Cities and E-Government? Germany is still in its infancy [5 reading tips]

smart city, city, building, technology Source:

Our cities are getting digital. There is public Wi-Fi and apps that not only provide real-time local information about parking options, but also provide local information such as events, news, or rental offers. But a smart city can do much more than just surf the web. At least theoretically.

But how developed are “smart cities” in Germany? Are digital offerings already known and when yes, have they prevailed? Where’s the biggest potential?

(7 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

Digital Transformation: Hot Air vs. Best Practice

Source: pexels

Digital is better! In fact, in 1995 the band Tocotronic’s debut album made that claim with their album name. Kind of ironic, considering that at the time, cell phones were as big and heavy as bricks. Just a few years later, Boris found his way to the internet. “Am I already in it or what?” He asked naively, pointing the way to the digital future. Then the dotcom era, during which network pioneers were sure that digitisation would go quickly.

But that couldn’t be further from what happened because technical innovations were geared towards an exponential growth of computing power through computer chips. It was only a matter of time before we could only remember the analogue, grey past. Unfortunately, it’s often said that in desperate times, reality doesn’t keep up with our visions. In the broad spectrum of digital transformation, for example, you move between a lot of hot air and not enough visionary best practices.

(6 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)

Artificial Intelligence: Why understanding is a must [5 reading tips]

abbildung hände roboter inspiration

Algorithms are determining our everyday lives and are appearing in more and more areas. They are at the heart of any artificial intelligence that businesses are increasingly benefiting from, to offer personalised and satisfying shopping experiences. However, according to a survey for the Bertelsmann Stiftung, more than half of Germans have little knowledge of this mathematical formula or its fields of application and are therefore afraid of it. That is worrying, to say the least.

(4 vote(s), average: 5.00 out of 5)