Gartner: The Top 10 Technology Trends for 2023

Gartner Tech Trends 2023
Source: Unsplash/Maximalfocus

The market research institute Gartner has presented the top 10 technology trends for 2023. This year’s focus: defence against cybercrime and the right way to utilise artificial intelligence (AI) for a company’s success. How companies can successfully make data-driven decisions and how industry cloud platforms can help improve scalability is the subject of today’s Handelskraft article.

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»Artificial Intelligence« – 25 Use Cases to Succeed with AI [New White Paper]

Artificial Intelligence White Paper
Download the »Artificial Intelligence« white paper for free now!

Research on this topic was conducted decades ago, but it is only today that everyone is talking about it: artificial intelligence (AI). But what is AI – and what is it not?

» Artificial intelligence seeks to make computers do the sorts of things minds can do. «

Margaret Ann Boden

This definition of AI by the famous neuroscientist, who has been conducting research in Oxford since the 1970s, is taken from her book »Artificial Intelligence: A Very Short Introduction« and sounds rather simple. However, it basically hits the nail on the head: AI is a collective term for the wide field that seeks to enable machines to achieve human intelligence levels. This requires targeted training. In our new white paper, we show you how diverse AI projects are. After all, information processing and decision-making processes of living beings are extremely complex.

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AI in E-Commerce: More Sales Through Better Customer Experiences? [5 Reading Tips]

AI E-Commerce
Source: Pexels/Tara Winstead

Shopping has to be easy, fast and convenient. Especially online. For a significant proportion of consumers, however, shopping is still more of a chore. The majority of Germans are already satisfied when the products they order arrive at their homes; only about 17 per cent of them expect the online shops they choose to provide satisfying or even enjoyable shopping experiences.

The problem here is that the image of online shops as conveyed by advertising does not always correspond to reality. Fancy interfaces of e-commerce vendors are often deceptive and lead to around 52 per cent of consumers being disappointed by the actual service of the shops. E-commerce vendors should see these dissatisfactions as an opportunity to exceed the expectations of their customers with reasonable measures.

Artificial intelligence can help improve shopping experiences in e-commerce and boost sales. But how exactly?

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Adobe Commerce Entry Solutions: Successful Online Shop in Record Time and Without Risk [5 Reading Tips]

Adobe Entry Solutions Reading Tips
Source: Unsplash/Tim Mossholder

With the digitalisation of business models, the saying »The last shall be first« is no longer valid. And if we are completely honest, it was only created to comfort those who are not at the forefront.

However, when it comes to digitalising your business and meeting customer demands, excuses do not count. It is first come, first served.

What I actually want to say is that the sooner your products and services are visible online, the sooner you can reach potential customers and drive your business forward.

To this end, Adobe offers solutions, especially for e-commerce newcomers, that make it possible to launch online shops as a minimum viable product (MVP) in just a few weeks.

(13 vote(s), average: 4.38 out of 5)

Handelskraft Trend Book 2021 – The Manifesto for Digital Freedom Out Now!

Handelskraft Trend Book 2021 Manifesto for Digital Freedom
Download the Handelskraft Trend Book 2021 »Digital Freedom« for free now!

Today is the day we celebrate digital freedom. The brand new Handelskraft Trend Book 2021 »Digital Freedom« is now available for free download – exclusively for retailers, manufacturers and publishers. Do you want to know what it is all about and how you can benefit from it? This article tells you everything you need to know.

(12 vote(s), average: 4.67 out of 5)

Machine Learning: Which Approach Suits My Company? [5 Reading Tips]

Machine Learning
Source: Unsplash/Kevin Ku

In many areas of life, we encounter artificial intelligence (AI) almost every day. Over the last few years, its presence and impact on our daily lives has steadily increased – and there is no end in sight to this development. One branch of AI is called machine learning. It describes the artificial generation of knowledge from experience. This enables systems to build algorithms and recognise new connections. It is therefore logical that companies can benefit from this, especially in the digital age. In today’s reading tips of the week, we explain which disciplines exist within this branch of AI, what concrete advantages machine learning offers and how it differs from deep learning, another term in the buzzword jungle.

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Google Analytics v4 Is Here. More Privacy-Friendly Thanks to AI? [5 Reading Tips]

Google Analytics v4
Source: Pexels/Goumbik

Google has released a new version of its analytics tool: Google Analytics v4. Thanks to artificial intelligence, it can be used in a more privacy-friendly way and compensate for the absence of cookies in the future. In addition, web and app merge in cross-device tracking. The new version has been online since the 14th of October. Do you want to know how good it really is and what other features the new version has to offer? Find out more in our reading tips of the week.

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Smart Supermarkets: How the Retail Industry Benefits from Shopping Cart Scanning, Dynamic Pricing and AI as the Boss [5 Reading Tips]

Artificial Intelligence in Retail
Source: Pexels/Gratisography

Artificial intelligence is the digital business trend par excellence. That’s what you hear. That’s what you read. That’s what they say. The »Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies« published by the US research firm Gartner confirms this year after year. But what happens next? Either the hype fizzles out and the technologies disappear again – or they reach what Gartner calls »Plateau of Productivity«. They become normal, they become part of everyday life.

At the moment, it looks like artificial intelligence has come to stay – after all, AI can already look back on almost 70 years of development. For companies, this means one thing in particular: they have to think data – available in large amounts – intelligently, using intelligent technologies that are also available.

To put it differently: we are at a turning point where we have to decide which existing technologies we make good use of and develop profitably. In this regard, supermarkets are an exciting field of experimentation – and every single banana can potentially be an exciting data set.

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Digital Business Compass: Handelskraft 2020 »Digital Intellect« Now Available for Download!

Digital Business Compass Handelskraft 2020 »Digital Intellect« Release Cover
Download the Handelskraft Trend Book 2020 »Digital Intellect« for free now!

Trends are no longer what they once were. There is no »For real?«, no wow effect, no shock. A solution, a service or a mindset does not necessarily have to be something completely new in order to have the potential to become a trend.

Just take a look at long-time favourites: personalisation, big data (the buzzword of the year), TV relics such as live shopping or terms that have been around for a long time, for example international and cross-channel commerce. None of these things are inventions of the year 2020. Nevertheless, it is worth taking (at least) a second look to recognise new potential. Our brand new Handelskraft Trend Book 2020 »Digital Intellect«, which is now available for free download exclusively for retailers, manufacturers and publishers, shows just how worthwhile this is.

(9 vote(s), average: 4.56 out of 5)

Gazing into the Post-Pandemic Crystal Ball: What’s the »New Normal« in Work & Business? [5 Reading Tips]

Post-Pandemic Crystal Ball
Source: Pixabay

It is already clear now that there will be changes and innovations in everyday working life in the future. Flexible working hours, working from home and switching to digital business models are options that many companies had already integrated into their business before COVID-19. However, these innovations will be less of an option and more of a prerequisite in the future of modern companies.

It is thus recommended to think about the future today and to deal with the question of what the everyday working life will look like after the pandemic and what this means for employees. To take a look into the future, the IT service provider Tata Consultancy Services has recently proposed a number of central theses that define an outlook for the times to come.

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